urbanmasala Member


  • Happy Day 7 to you, too, Taylor! I'm still hanging in there with the cleanse and I'm enjoying the experience. It's so much easier for me this time around. I'm actually amazed that I haven't had any major cooked food cravings. I haven't even bothered trying to log my food since most of what I'm eating would require me to…
  • Great job, Taylor! You're dong very well, girl and eating deliciously. Glad you got your energy back. How did dinner go? My Day 4 went well. I'm still on track. I had mango and cashews again for breakfast, a delicious juice cocktail for lunch (fresh pineapple and orange with fresh Thai coconut water and a twist of lime).…
  • My Day 3 went much better. I ate more calories, though I'm not sure how many, but I feel really good and my energy is high. Had my usual alkalized water and the same smoothie for breakfast. Had mangoes and cashews for lunch and Tomato & Avocado Bruschetta with Lime Pickled Onions on raw vegan Onion & Sun-Dried Tomato Flax…
  • Good for you, Taylor! I'm going to try to do the 32 oz. water tomorrow morning. I have to remind myself to do that. Only problem is, the more water I drink, the less I want to eat. As for calories, nuts easily help me get in calories. I just didn't feel much like eating yesterday. Day 2 didn't go that great for me. I did…
  • Yes, I am on the journey with you and committed to the full 10 days. Girl, there is no way that I can chug that much water first thing in the morning or any other time. lol But I do start my mornings out with 20 oz. of water with the juice of a whole lemon or lime in it to help alkalize my system. I also drink lemon/lime…
  • I'm excited to be a participant. I started my day with 20 oz. of lime water to help alkalize my system, had a raspberry-ginger raw protein smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch. I'll be blogging about the entire experience on RawCurious, complete with meals and some recipes. Challenging, but rewarding and I'm…
  • I hear you. I have a few instructional DVDs and I prepare quite a bit of raw food for friends, family and a couple of clients. I'm sure you'll get a lot out of them.
  • Yes, i saw the $25 fee, too. Haven't decided whether I'll pay the fee or not, but I am definitely doing the cleanse. I have several very good books on cleansing, juicing, green smoothies and raw food, etc. and since I eat quite a bit of raw food already, I feel pretty comfortable in my ability to do the cleanse with or…
  • Hey, Angie! *waving* Glad you started this group. Thanks for letting me know about it. I was going to do this anyway and blog about it each of the 10 days, including meals, recipes, etc. I'm looking forward to travel this journey with you guys as it should definitely help me with accountability. I did a 7-day raw food…
  • I started with 152 pounds to lose; now I only have 69 more to get to goal. It can be done and you can do it! Just hang in there, be patient and stick with it. ;-)
  • Interesting piece. Thanks for sharing.
  • I'm still using the RunKeeper app.
  • Good for you, Taylor! Congratulations! I just stated C25K last week and have already switched programs. I'm now doing The Beginning Runner's 13-Week walk-to-run plan, so I'm basically starting over, but it's cool. I did W1D1 today. I like it so far. I used it years ago when I first started running and it worked well for me…
  • Since you guys seem to have taken the ball and run with it, I'm game for whatever you want to do. Just let me know what you need/want from me. To be quite honest, I'm not really feelin' this particular challenge, but it sounds like you guys are off to a great start.
  • Hello, everyone! My name is Lynne. I joined MFP in June 2011, but didn't really become seriously active until October. I've had pretty decent weight loss success so far, but I have hit a plateau and I am becoming increasingly disappointed each week the scale doesn't budge, especially since I put forth more effort this past…
  • My legs are spent after all this extra bike riding this week. I'm sooooo glad this BL challenge is over. Hopefully, I can still make it through my walk tomorrow. Heck, I might just be done for the week. Oh, and just so you guys know, I may be leaving the ranch this week, unless we win the challenge. I did the best I could.…
  • Fri, Feb 24th Mileage: Completed an 11.50 mile bike ride for a total of 49.61 miles so far this week. Recap: Mon - 15.27 Tue - 11.43 Wed - 11.41 Thu - 0.00 Fri - 11.50 Tomorrow's ride is planned for 15 miles. Just posted an 11.50 mi bike ride with RunKeeper. Check it out here:…
  • I just looked up iPhone arm band holders on Amazon and they all seem to have pretty decent ratings. Which one do you use? I'm going to get one, but a recommendation would be good. Thanks.
  • Wed, Feb 22nd Mileage: Completed an 11.41 mile bike ride for a total of 38.11 miles so far this week. Recap: Mon - 15.27 Tue - 11.43 Wed - 11.41 Just posted an 11.43 mi bike ride with RunKeeper. Check it out here: http://runkeeper.com/user/urbanmasala/activity/71971523
  • Oh, I didn't know we could each count our running/walking miles, too. I thought we were to include only our miles for our specific functions, i.e., the person doing the biking only count biking miles. Some let me know, because If can include ALL miles we do, I can add my walking miles to help build things up. Wait... I…
  • Tue, Feb 21st Mileage: Completed an 11.43 mile bike ride for a total of 26.70 miles so far this week. Recap: Mon - 15.27 Tue - 11.43 Just posted an 11.43 mi bike ride with RunKeeper. Check it out here: http://runkeeper.com/user/urbanmasala/activity/71749573
  • Tue, Feb 21st Mileage: Completed an 11.43 mile bike ride for a total of 26.70 miles so far this week. Recap: Mon - 15.27 Tue - 11.43 Just posted an 11.43 mi bike ride with RunKeeper. Check it out here: http://runkeeper.com/user/urbanmasala/activity/71749573
  • Funny you should ask this question now. Just this morning I set myself a goal of burning at least 3,500 per week. Haven't quite decided exactly how I'll work that out on a per day basis, but I'll figure it out tonight and set a schedule. Good question, chica! ;-)
  • Cool! I'm in for biking, but I doubt that everyone is as well conditioned as you, Sarah. I know I don't ride quite that fast. Mon, Feb 20th Mileage: Completed a 15.27 mile bike ride for a total of 15.27 miles so far this week. Recap: Mon - 15.27 Just posted a 15.27 mi walk with RunKeeper. Check it out here:…
  • Hmmm, sounds as if we may have a real dilemma here, as the elliptical and running are not going to happen for me. The Bad News: As I said in my message Sarah, I have no access to an elliptical machine. As for running, I cannot at this time, as I do not want to re-injure my back and my doctor would have a cow! I only just…
  • Jason, these recipes look and sound fabulously delicious! They definitely sound like winners to me! I had no idea you are such a foodie. Hmmmm, I might have to feature you and some of your recipes on my site some time. ;-)
  • Okay, I just finished reading the new episode and I see what's going on now. To make things easier for you guys, feel free to vote me off. No worries. I feel there may be some people on our team who might need the extra motivation and support from the team more than I do. I was losing consistently before and I feel…
  • Hi CharityI I checked out your blog. Very nice! I saved it to my favourites. I'll be visiting to check on your progress, lady. There are my blogs: The Art of Balance (my weight loss and fitness blog) - http://balance.urbanmasala.net/ RawCurious (my food and healthy recipes blog) - http://rawcurious.net RawCurious on…
  • After seeing her recipe for Fried Butter Balls and all the other crazy mess she cooks up, I can't help but understand why so many folks are raggin' Paula Deen so hard. Why would ANYbody ever want to eat balls of butter? And fried at that! Why???? *smh* I watched her interview on Good Morning American with Al Roker and it…
  • I love my Excalibur! Don't have a Vitamix blender yet, but it's definitely my next purchase. Also, couldn't live with my digital scale and and food processor.