dennydifferent Member


  • Here's my n=1 experience. I was on a ketogenic low carb diet for months (sub 20g cho a day), and I did short cardio and heavy weights twice a week. No problem, for a long time. Then I started developing various symptoms which I explained away- cold hands and feet, constipation, dark circles under my eyes...then the weight…
  • I think it does go away eventually. Or a least, it lessens. I'm still quite paranoid about food, but getting better. The reason I think it gets better is that when I started losing weight, I would measure and weigh myself obsessively. I'm talking multiple times a day. If I didn't lose 2lb a week I would panic. That has now…
  • Yes. Vegetarian for 15 years, vegan for a couple of those years. Began to cheat occasionally towards the end there though! Darn pepperoni pizzas. Obese throughout those 15 years, yup, even as a vegan. I was just a B12 deficient, obese vegan.
  • I was in such a groove- no hunger, steady weight loss, great energy, for over a month. Then I went away for a week to Jordan. I did my best, but had to eat carbs a couple times. Darn airline meals! Anyway, that threw me totally. TOTALLY. For two weeks I've struggled with sweet cravings and hunger. I actually had my stomach…
  • At the moment I am obsessed with pork shoulder. There's Jamie Oliver recipe where you roast it for 6 hours; the fat is crispy on top and then meltingly soft underneath. I'm having it for the third time tonight. It lasts me a few days so despite being £6 or £7 a throw it's pretty good value too.
  • But I've been eating this way for months and I'm STILL super-thirsty! I try to eat more high fat than high protein, too (macros around 60/35 fat/protein, although I don't measure). I feel much better eating fatty meat than lean. Anyway, I put my thirst down to ketosis, and given I've been at this more or less consistently…
  • Just curious- does anyone here limit their fruit intake to when it would be in season? Also, how about seeking out older seeds, I mean less modified fruits? More traditional varieties? I suspect this is, if you'll forgive the pun, fruitless, but there are still such things as wild strawberries. They're a lot less sweet…
  • Great advice, I think I shall take it! Just a pain finding the stuff, I end up at an expensive deli quite often. Will try the farmers' market today.
  • I'm planning on getting one that says v2.0
  • OMG that cat is so cute! Cute cat! Distracted by cute cat! My answer to your question isn't very helpful, but since I've been compelled to post (because of cute cat!) I'll tell you: I don't use MFP to track food. Occasionally, like once every 6 weeks, I track a day to check I'm not going way off my carb count, but mostly I…
  • After eating bread on a flight last week (gimme a break, it was silly o'clock in the morning, I was hungry and there was no other food source for another 6 hours) I honestly thought I was getting sick. The gas was just constant, like I'd switched a faucet. Awful. Darned airline. On the way out I'd carefully packed boiled…
  • Taubes spent 5 years researching GCBC. Getting through those studies may take you some time!
  • I've found the only way I cope is simply to not participate in the forums outside of these groups. It's sad, but I was just driving myself crazy reading all those awful threads full of mean people who think they know it all. Remember that supposedly Chinese saying about waiting by the river and watching the bodies of your…
  • Low carb can mess with your electrolyte levels at the start, which can (rarely) cause arrhythmia. This may be a particularly serious problem for you. For those without heart abnormalities, drinking meat broth everyday, or adding sea salt to the diet, is recommended, as it is usually caused by your kidneys flushing out…
  • tigersword, I think you are underestimating the role of genetics in obesity. I found quite an interesting article with Stephen O'Rahilly, Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, who specialises in this area, which includes this quote: “Before O’Rahilly began publishing his findings, a lot of scientists considered humans exempt…
  • So individual genetic make up plays no role whatsoever? There's a whole field of research down the pan, then.
  • I saw the thread. I do think the term "paleo" is a handicap, it encourages people to point out the evidence that early humans did eat grain, and insects, and yada yada lol cavemen. But really, ANYTHING other than starving yourself and overtraining is a fad diet according to the main forums. Ignore. Ignore ignore ignore.…
  • Alzheimer's is often asymptomatic for years. If you have it, it's likely you developed it way before going low carb.
  • I've not had this problem, oddly. Most people want to know what I'm doing and have gone on to try it for themselves- 3 people so far in my workplace, 2 family members, and more who've made small changes like switching out margarine for butter, that kind of thing. My difficulty is that I work (broadly) in a health policy…
  • There's a keto group on MFP you might like to join. In my case I started on more like Atkins and it developed into a more Primal keto diet, so I was using sweeteners and shakes and stuff at the start. Anyway, I started keto at around 275lb. I lost 3lb-4lb a week pretty much consistently for around 2 months (except if I…
  • I agree with grinch, that statement about gaining muscle etc is absurd. The only reason I know of that people warn about exercise at the beginning of a ketogenically low carb diet (e.g. Atkins induction) is that it can affect endurance. It certainly did for me. I just couldn't work out, even if I wanted to. This (if you…
  • I agree with jadedone. A number of people have said I look "normal" now and asked if I really need to lose anymore. They don't believe me when I say I'm still obese! I too have had people argue with me about that. It's nice to know that I look good, but I want to fit into nice clothes! I will keep losing until that happens!
  • Wonderful stuff, that's one hell of a weight loss story. Congratulations. Did you follow Atkins to the letter, go through the carb ladder etc? What's your maintenance level? I'm quite scared of the whole maintenance part, not really sure what to do when I get there.
  • There's actually an atheist group- go to groups and search. Needs more members by the look of it, I don't believe there's only four on the whole of MFP! :)
  • I found the opposite. When I cut the carbs I craved from my diet, after a few days of strong cravings I found I didn't want them anymore, at all. I can live quite happily without them now and have done for months. That was how I stopped bingeing, by not eating the foods that made me binge. Cravings don't necessarily…
  • No, they are not nuts. I remember this from QI and I've now Googled it. They seem to be in a category of their own. "This "nut" is really a thick-shelled seed. Harvesting can be tricky because the outer part of the shell can cause dermatitis in some people due to the poison oak allergen it contains. If that doesn't…
  • Legumes, I believe. In any event, not true nuts.
  • The fat freaked me out when I first started too. As I read more and more about it I just was convinced that it was nonsense. I feel so much better eating high fat, and the studies back this up. Took me a good month or so to get comfortable with eating this way though, I still thought a heart attack was around the corner.…
  • Hi, First I advise you to go to groups and search for low carb and join one of them, you should get lots of help there. Anecdotally, people report that low carb products like Atkins bars/shakes etc stall them. These should be first to go if you're eating them, even the induction friendly ones. If you don't have a lot to…
  • When I started at under 20g carbs a day, I lost at around 4lb a week, for a couple months, on more than 1800kcal a day. I've since stopped counting both calories and carbs, just sticking to a largely Primal diet with, I'd guess, less than 50g carbs a day. Weight loss is variable, but roughly around 2lb a week.