Let's talk about...the Paleo Diet



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Everyone is NOT different. We are all the same species. "Everyone is different," is nothing more than an excuse.
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    So individual genetic make up plays no role whatsoever? There's a whole field of research down the pan, then.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    You know, wasn't the lifespan of a caveman something ridiculously low like 30 years old?

    I'm not sure I want to follow that diet...

    I know this is a mistake, I should have learned my lesson earlier today on the other Paleo thread...

    Yes, the lifespan was 30ys HOWEVER, scientists have found very little evidence of heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses associated with being unhealthy. The general consensus among scientists is that they simply died early due to a lack of common over the counter medications to prevent infections or provide proper hygiene. Things like that.

    Right, but you forgot to copy the rest of the Wikipedia quote: "and because the average lifespan was shorter than the age of common-onset of these conditions."
    In other words, they died well before any possible negative effects of their diet could develop ! :bigsmile:

    Here is the complete paragraph:
    (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolithic#Diet_and_nutrition )

    " It is also unlikely that Paleolithic hunter-gatherers were affected by modern diseases of affluence and extended life such as Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease, because they ate mostly lean meats and plants and frequently engaged in intense physical activity [99][100], and because the average lifespan was shorter than the age of common-onset of these conditions."

    Please, please let me HOW you can tell this from human skeletal remains?!?!
    (I would love to know so I can make a new career from this!)

    Yes, we can tell a certain amount from the bones but we cannot see whether the people had "Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease" this is not visible in the skeletal record, and therefore no definite conclusion can be drawn, only assumptions made.

    The "live till 30 years" is a fallacy and something that is annoying "out-there" in the public domain but not some standard for the Palaeolithic era, also given that the Palaeolithic period lasted from 2.6 million years ago to 10'000 years BC!!!! It is crazy to make such absurd generalisations. Personally, I think that modern humans want to feel superior from their ancestors, and one way we can do that is by seemingly living longer. It is a joke, we all have a genetic potential for age that has been ingrained in us as a species, living longer has been possible due to modern technologies, however we ourselves have not changed in this regard.

    I agree with you, it would seem very difficult to tell from skeletal records if the human had diabetes, etc.
    On the other hand: I am no scientist, but I do know that bones reveal quite a bit, since they are a living tissue that is affected by diet and way of life.

    By the way, please note that the above words in my previous post were quoted from the wikipedia article, where they don't assure but state "It is also unlikely..." when they talk about especulation that the Paleo men were not affected by diabetes, etc based on their diet, etc.

    In any case, my main point was not regarding the diseases of Paleo men.

    My main point is that we can't possibly use the Paleo men's diet as a guide for modern men's diet.
    Because they had much shorter average life than modern humans, and most cardiovascular and related diseases develop at later stages of life. Ok, maybe they did not live only 30 years, but I am pretty sure we can tell from skeletal remains their average lifespan, and I would bet good money that modern humans live at least twice longer than they did. It was rough and dangerous to live in that time ! :wink:

    To re-iterate my main point:
    Why are we even interested on what the Paleo men ate?
    Why do we think their diet is any better than the diet of men before or after?
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    You know, wasn't the lifespan of a caveman something ridiculously low like 30 years old?

    I'm not sure I want to follow that diet...

    And with this, he must have been doing well... uh, wait... he's not around anymore!

    Just to add something else. Mr. Paleolithic diet caveman would not have eaten meat from a butchers that had been hung for you and the nice bits presented to you. He'd have eaten unhung meat, possibly slightly rotting, and originally it would have been raw... not RARE, but RAW! He'd have eaten all the lovely offal-ey bits too that make people squeamish and are now not recommended (such as nervous tissue-brain, eyes, nerves etc) to be consumed due to nasty diseases like CJD (which is a nasty prion not a virus or a bacteria... just a nasty bit of chemically DNA type stuff that turns your brain in to a spongiform!)

    He wasn't a fussy eater. Poisonous plants and all. How else did we figure out what was OK to eat and what wasn't!? ;) Also, as pointed out in OPs post... the type of vegetation available was different to what we had now and surely as part of the paleolithic diet, a huge amount of energy was involved in terms of for foraging, killing etc. Which is what should really match with the modern EQUIVALENT of a paleo STYLE diet?
  • katema62
    katema62 Posts: 15
    Lots of interesting information....I believe we have evolved into a society based in cultural foods and location being a factor of what we adapt to for nutrition. When some of the Asian cultures came over after the Vietnam---they had a difficult adapting to dairy but now in the second generation of the influx...the younger generation seem to have adapted to dairy.

    Many Americans get their daily fiber from some type of wheat by product. Also, I think in general cutting carbs from all that is wheat/gluten/whole grains can have a negative effect on the release of serotonin especially in woman who are dieting during their menses. My friends who have gone on completely raw or carb free diets talk about how grouchy, constipated they become.

    The release of serotonin due to the assimilation of whole grains /lugumes into our diet has become almost innate in our society...very hard to give that lifestyle up completely.
  • Isolt
    Isolt Posts: 70
    And with this, he must have been doing well... uh, wait... he's not around anymore!

    Isn't he? What are we then......cat fish?

    This famous 'paleolithic man' of the diet fame isn't a separate bleeding species, he's homo sapiens who lived during the paleolithic era.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So individual genetic make up plays no role whatsoever? There's a whole field of research down the pan, then.
    Individual genetic makeup has absolutely nothing to do with basic human physiology. It's like comparing gasoline engine cars. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors (individual genetic makeup) but they all have the same engine and drive system to operate them. Humans are the same way, we come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, some of us have more or less hair, some have slightly different muscle insertion points, different eye colors, etc, but we all have the same internal organs that all perform the same functions in the same way. While some people do in fact have genetic abnormalities that may change the way a certain system works, it's irrelevant for the other 99.99% of the human population.

    The weight loss industry has pretty much conditioned everyone to believe that they fit into that 0.01% exception range, in order to sell them on whatever money making scheme diet that's out there.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Lots of interesting information....I believe we have evolved into a society based in cultural foods and location being a factor of what we adapt to for nutrition. When some of the Asian cultures came over after the Vietnam---they had a difficult adapting to dairy but now in the second generation of the influx...the younger generation seem to have adapted to dairy.

    Many Americans get their daily fiber from some type of wheat by product. Also, I think in general cutting carbs from all that is wheat/gluten/whole grains can have a negative effect on the release of serotonin especially in woman who are dieting during their menses. My friends who have gone on completely raw or carb free diets talk about how grouchy, constipated they become.

    The release of serotonin due to the assimilation of whole grains /lugumes into our diet has become almost innate in our society...very hard to give that lifestyle up completely.

    Loads and loads of fiber in different fruits and veggies...simply do your research on fiber in fruits and veggies and choose ones that have more fiber in them (i.e. avocados, greens, figs, carrots) - easy peasy lemon squeezy

    I actually found the opposite effect in regards to my "menses" - before I would have horrible PMS (my husband would literally run and hide) and major cramps the first few days...since cutting out the bulk of grains and dairy from my diet the past few months - no PMS and NO CRAMPS....amazeballs....

    And lets make this clear - Paleo isn't about LOW-CARB - it is just that many people who eat this lifestyle have a tendancy to have lower carb intake then when eating items made with grains...

    The purpose of Paleo is not to squelch your carbs - it just happens...I am plenty satisfied with what I eat on a daily basis and sometimes have to force myself to eat so my body can have fuel...I average about 60-80 carbs a day right now - simply because of the food choices I make - I eat meat, lots of veggies and nuts and some fruit - the fruit I do choose and like just happen to be lower carb ones - like blueberries and strawberries...I could choose to make other food choice stay completly within the "realm" of a Paleo lifestyle and be eating 150+ carbs a day...which just may happen when summer gets here and I can have a ton of fresh berries and fruits that i go pick myself (rather then bland stuff they have on the grocery shelves now)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Most folks turn to the paleo or primal diet if they have issues like IBS or other gut issues. Removing grains and legumes seems to help.
    Some remove dairy if they are not seeing much weight loss success.
    A lot of paleo or primals also stay low carb. Others don't and include more starchy carbs like sweet potatoes.
    Any diet will help you lose weight, the trick is choosing the one you can maintain for life.

    And some other folks turn to Paleo / Primal when we have major inflammation issues such as Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and such.

    Seems that the science I have read backs up what most everyone says is merely antcedotal evidence. It is mighty funny then that removing the grains, legumes and dairy has cleared up my swelling, joint aches and pains and I can move freely do get some exercise.

    I have no more acne, digestive issues, etc..............I am living pain and medication free for the first time in years.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Paleo woman.


    Ancient Greek woman.


    Pass the wine, bread and cheese, please. :laugh:
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Most folks turn to the paleo or primal diet if they have issues like IBS or other gut issues. Removing grains and legumes seems to help.
    Some remove dairy if they are not seeing much weight loss success.
    A lot of paleo or primals also stay low carb. Others don't and include more starchy carbs like sweet potatoes.
    Any diet will help you lose weight, the trick is choosing the one you can maintain for life.

    And some other folks turn to Paleo / Primal when we have major inflammation issues such as Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and such.

    Seems that the science I have read backs up what most everyone says is merely antcedotal evidence. It is mighty funny then that removing the grains, legumes and dairy has cleared up my swelling, joint aches and pains and I can move freely do get some exercise.

    I have no more acne, digestive issues, etc..............I am living pain and medication free for the first time in years.


    YOU may have a sensitivity (or allergy) to grain. This does not, in any way, imply that the majority of the population would benefit from eliminating it.

    By that rationale, nobody should eat peanuts, shellfish, etc.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Paleo woman.


    Ancient Greek woman.


    Pass the wine, bread and cheese, please. :laugh:
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member

    I think you are underestimating the role of genetics in obesity. I found quite an interesting article with Stephen O'Rahilly, Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, who specialises in this area, which includes this quote:

    “Before O’Rahilly began publishing his findings, a lot of scientists considered humans exempt from biology,” says Rudolph Leibel, head of the division of molecular genetics at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. “Now we can no longer get around the presence of genes as a regulator of body weight.”

    O'Rahilly himself says:

    "Anyone with an ounce of scientific nous couldn’t go away from a talk I give about the genetics of obesity and say I don’t believe that genes have anything to do with being obese – it would just be ridiculous having seen what the data look like. I am emphatically not saying that approaches towards reducing portion size and improving the quality and quantity of food we eat aren’t important – of course those things are crucial – but I want people to see that there is another side to this issue."

    I'm not a scientist, I haven't looked into his work. Maybe you are, and might wish to do so. My personal anecdote about coming from 3 (known) generations of obese people would be pooh-poohed, but would appear to be based in some kind of wider truth. Obesity can be biologically inherited, just as being ectomorphic can- my OH hasn't gained a pound in 20 years. He'd be the first to admit that he eats huge meals and junk food, does little exercise and is a beer drinker. He looks anorexic, he's underweight for his height. What would you put that down to? If I said that was due to his individual genetic make up, would that be an "excuse"? If he just ate more and exercised less, he'd put weight on in a flash? Or is it only an excuse when fat people say it? Because fat is "bad" and needs excusing, but skinny is OK, whichever way it's achieved?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    That ties into where I said "different shapes and sizes." None of that changes the way the body functions. You burn more calories than you take in, weight decreases, you take in more calories than you burn, weight increases. You match intake with burn, weight maintains. Individual set points vary, but the concept doesn't change.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I tried eating Paleo but my wooly mammoth got eaten by a saber tooth tiger and now I have nothing to ride on to the grocery store.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Most folks turn to the paleo or primal diet if they have issues like IBS or other gut issues. Removing grains and legumes seems to help.
    Some remove dairy if they are not seeing much weight loss success.
    A lot of paleo or primals also stay low carb. Others don't and include more starchy carbs like sweet potatoes.
    Any diet will help you lose weight, the trick is choosing the one you can maintain for life.

    And some other folks turn to Paleo / Primal when we have major inflammation issues such as Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and such.

    Seems that the science I have read backs up what most everyone says is merely antcedotal evidence. It is mighty funny then that removing the grains, legumes and dairy has cleared up my swelling, joint aches and pains and I can move freely do get some exercise.

    I have no more acne, digestive issues, etc..............I am living pain and medication free for the first time in years.


    YOU may have a sensitivity (or allergy) to grain. This does not, in any way, imply that the majority of the population would benefit from eliminating it.

    By that rationale, nobody should eat peanuts, shellfish, etc.

    I am not saying that everyone or the majority of the population should benefit from eliminating grains. I am stating HOW I AM DOING.

    I could care less what you or anyone else eats. Knock yourself out on the processed foods. Personally I still believe that processed foods are detrimental to EVERYONE'S health, but if you feel good about eating that crap, then like I said, knock yourself out.

    Leave me alone about what I choose to eat. If I choose to eat protein, fat and vegetables, then leave me alone. If many others want to do thte same, leave them alone also.

    These forums are set up to get people arguing and such and you will not get me going, I am tired of arguing and debating. It is stupid for you all to set up these forums just to poke fun at those of us that choose to EAT CLEAN.

    You don't see Paleo lifestyle people creating forums just to bash those of you eating your processed crap.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I tried eating Paleo but my wooly mammoth got eaten by a saber tooth tiger and now I have nothing to ride on to the grocery store.

    These are the unproducrive, ignorant comments I am talking about that is just goading an argument.

    If you have nothing productive to say, then why say anything at all. I swear some people get their rocks off on saying ignorant stuff.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I tried eating Paleo but my wooly mammoth got eaten by a saber tooth tiger and now I have nothing to ride on to the grocery store.

    These are the unproducrive, ignorant comments I am talking about that is just goading an argument.

    If you have nothing productive to say, then why say anything at all. I swear some people get their rocks off on saying ignorant stuff.

    Or maybe they like using humor to illustrate their opinions. For instance, one might say that the lack of carbs makes some people a little grumpier than they need to be. But I won't say that, because I don't want to get yelled at for it. :cry:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I tried eating Paleo but my wooly mammoth got eaten by a saber tooth tiger and now I have nothing to ride on to the grocery store.

    These are the unproducrive, ignorant comments I am talking about that is just goading an argument.

    If you have nothing productive to say, then why say anything at all. I swear some people get their rocks off on saying ignorant stuff.

    Or maybe they like using humor to illustrate their opinions. For instance, one might say that the lack of carbs makes some people a little grumpier than they need to be. But I won't say that, because I don't want to get yelled at for it. :cry:

    I am not grumpy in the least. I do not like ignorance.

    I don't go around making fun of others, I don't get pleasure from doing so.

    I prefer to treat others as I want to be treated, so I don't delve myself into ignorance.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I tried eating Paleo but my wooly mammoth got eaten by a saber tooth tiger and now I have nothing to ride on to the grocery store.

    These are the unproducrive, ignorant comments I am talking about that is just goading an argument.

    If you have nothing productive to say, then why say anything at all. I swear some people get their rocks off on saying ignorant stuff.

    Awww c'mon... I'm just joking around :tongue:

    While I will fully accept your "unproductive" critique :bigsmile: , I don't think the "ignorant" fits. Do you really think that I believe owning a wooly mammoth is part of a paleo diet? Would any reasonable person be misinformed because of my post?

    I don't think there is anything wrong with a paleo diet if it works for you. I just thought the idea or someone taking it so far that they somehow own extinct/prehistoric animals to be pretty funny. Sorry you didn't!