I am finally under 200 lbs, thank GOD
Through faith in GOD and a little discipline, I went from 302lbs to 198.8 this morning. It took approx. 10 1/2 months. Feeling better and grateful to GOD for giving me the will to stick to this new life style. Now that I am close to me goal of 185lbs it will be getting harder because of focusing issues. Through GOD's…
Back for the third time
Hi everyone, I started in 2012 lost 90lbs, gained it back, 2015 lost 80lbs, gained it back, I am about 212lbs now, lost 90lbs, need to lose 27lbs more. The the dreaded maintain. In my lifetime. I have never been able to maintain. I have good focus for a short amount of time then give up. I am 55 yrs old and can't do this…
Funny things you notice as you lose weight
I can fit in a restaurant booth now. I can stand up and walk right away without stabilizing myself. My chair only yells ouch now, it use to yell for the love of , get out get out. People you know pay more attention to you, like you figured out the world was round. My favorite is, you didn't do this by hard work, whats your…
Kidney stone
I have a kidney stone and I don't have a medical plan at the moment. Has anyone ever heard of Renavive and does it work? Alternative solutions would be helpful also. Thanks
Kidney stones
I have a kidney stone and I don't have a medical plan at the moment. Has anyone ever heard of Renavive and does it work? Alternative solutions would be helpful also. Thanks
I'm Never Hungry
When I sleep. When I'm awake I dream of Pizza and burgers, brisket and sweet potato fries, Ice cream, cake and chocolate (oooh oooh oooh, foodGASM, ahhh). I'm a guy, I wonder what the foodGasm is for all of you hungry women out there?
Where are all the people with the New Years Resolution at
Hi, After six months, Started on Jan 1, 2012 at 340lbs CW 233lbs 107 lbs lost Went from 48 % BF to 29 % BF Jan. lost 29 ibs Feb. lost 15 lbs March lost 19 lbs April 15 May 16 lbs June 13 lbs OK lets see the break throughs, GOOD LUCK everyone.
I have binged 3 times on my weight loss program so far. A 7000 calorie, 6000, calorie and 4500 calorie. I don't know about anyone else but for me I gain several pounds. Its not just water weight. It takes me a week just to get back to weight I was before the binge. Your body wants to store that food. I know science says it…
Hi, For all the people who are over confident with their weight loss and progress in general. Be careful, I have lost over 100 pounds 7 times in my life. Gained it back and more. Confidence is a very good tool along with a good deal of fear. Fear of going back to the life style that got you there. I know that it all most…
Tips for losing weight
This is just my opinion based on a little research and personal experience. 1. Keep track of the food you eat. Sounds easy but most people underestimate their calories by 50%. 2. Don't skip meals. The reason for this is simple, when you skip a meal you are hungrier longer. This will trigger something in your brain that…
Hi, I saw online where they did an experiment with mice and then people. They gave people a lot of options with food and different amounts of protein. Time after time people who didn't get enough protein kept eating until their protein requirement was filled. The people eating enough protein from the start ate less and…
Biggest Loser
Hi, Why don't people give them credit when they lose the weight. They worked their butts off and eat very little. They also workout through pain injury and insult. They get tempted just like the rest of us. I don't get it?
Who started on Jan. 1, 2012 and how is it going?
Hi, Started at 340 lbs Current weight 255 lbs I weigh in once a month, thats why the weight will be different 85 lbs lost so far, still have at least 65 lbs to go I'm doing well but I still binge on occasion, don't really know how to stop that I hope all of you are doing well also, please share your story.
When I binge, I usually don't enjoy what i'm eating and I feel terrible afterwards. My last binge was about 10 days ago. I ate approx. 6000 calories, most if not all I didn't enjoy. For some reason when I binge its not planned so eat anything and most of it I don't really even like. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I went…
Hi, I sweat about 5 times more on my right side than my left. Is this unusual? Does this happen to you and do you know why?
Is there a difference between green tea and flavored teas. Does green tea have more nutritional and healing properties?
Stop Lying
Hello Evereyone, Stop Lying, I have no motivation (You just don't want to exercise) Stop Lying, I hit a plateau, maybe you did or maybe (that dinner, dessert and drink made you gain a little) Stop Lying, I've tried everything and can't lose weight, (try staying at your calorie goal and exercising) Stop Lying, I have a…
Under-Estimating when eating out
When I eat out, I estimate what the calories are to the best of my abilities. Usually the next day I've gained 2 or 3 pounds. I think I underestimate a lot. I actually looked up some of the meals online and i was under by as much as 700 calories for the main course and 400 calories for dessert. I'm pretty good at…
When Does Over Eating Become a Binge?
Hi, For me over-eating becomes a binge when I satisfy my hunger but something possesses me to keep going. I'm not talking an extra couple hundred calories, I'm talking about several thousand calories. My last binge was 50 days ago. I ate between 6500 and 7500 calories that day. It also took me about 5 days of extra…
Hi, I see alot of people hesitating to start a weight loss program because its hard for them to exercise. The only thing I do for cardio is walk. I started out just walking around the block a few times and worked myself up to 3.5 miles a day. I know for most people thats not a workout. This can work for alot of people…
Weigh in today
I weigh in once a month. I did well in my weigh in, very satisfied. I ate all my calories today and now I feel like eating 3 pizza's. I don't know if its because I weighed in today or I'm just craving but its driving me nuts. I had 2 crackers hoping that will hold me over. I hate that feeling of no control. I know tomorrow…
What is your goal
Hi, my goal in April is to Lose at least 16 lbs Walk 85 miles on treadmil at 3.5 or greater and 5 incline or greater Lift at least 3 times a week Drink 100 ounces of water I weigh in officially tomorrow but I will be at 288 or 287 What are your goals?
The Honeymoon Phase of the diet
I call it this for a few reasons, 1. Your not hungry during this time 2. Your exercise is going great and you feel energized 3. You think to yourself, this is to easy 4. Weight is coming off at a good pace 5. Why did I think this was so hard Then you return frm your honeymoon and reality hits. 1. Where did the energy go 2.…
Does anyone else do this
Ever since I started dieting I've been watching the food channel more and more. When I wasn't dieting i watched every now and then but now it can be hours in a day. Anyone else notice this?
This is not a rant, just a question
I understand that there will be plateaus during weight loss. What I don't understand is how there are so many women who haven't lost weight in months. It seems strange to me. I read they are on a disciplined weight loss regimen and they exercise alot. Can anyone explain? I do have plataeus but they pass within a week. It…
High Blood Pressure
Hi, I have had high blood pressure for the past few years. On average 150 over 95. Since I started the weight loss I have lowered it by about 10 on both ends. Last week I started drinking tea, just celestial tea and my blood pressure has taken a nose dive. Today it was 107/69. I think the tea is helping. You may want to…
Any recipes for hibiscus tea without sugar
I here it lowers blood pressure. I haven't purchased any yet and would like to find out if certain brands are better quality? I would appreciate any tips for flavoring the tea also. Thanks
Am I the only one?
Hi, I estimate a lot of what I eat every day. I don't record food, just the calorie estimation. It's been two months, its been working so far. Anyone else do things a little out of the norm?
Did you ever do this?
Hi, Are you ever just to busy to eat all day. Then you wonder why you aren't hungry. Then you say "I guess I can eat a little something now". At that point you realize that you were starving and you start to eat everything. Then you say to yourself, but I wasn't hungry (cr**).
Hi, I started to drink water today. I have to confess I don't drink water at all. I drink diet soda. I'm trying to cut that out. Does anyone have suggestions to flavor the water a little? Thanks