Weight training advice
I don't know alot about weight training as I only recently started weight training, so any input on people with experience would be good. I've lost weight, scale weight, almost 21lbs now, and lost 3in overall from both my waist and neck, (my hips and thighs have stayed the same), during the last few months of starting…
Have I worked this out right?
I'm 4ft 10in, 21 years old and 104.2lbs My measurements: waist: 25.5in hips: 30in thighs: 19in I would like to get down to 98lbs then possibly work on maintaining but I'm trying to figure out what my tdee roughly is(I know it's all about trial and error really but would just like an input). Workouts go like this: Monday:…
Breakfast ideas/recipes? Clean eating:)
I love my breakfast, I'll have a chopped up banana, greek yoghurt, dried fruit and a teaspoon of honey on top but I would like a few more ideas if I ever get bored of this one. I'm back into clean eating and I have a massive sweet tooth but just fruit doesn't keep my hunger at bay until lunchtime anymore.
Not a newbie, but need advice
Don't really know how to start this lol! Urm I've been a member of emtwl for quite some time now, and I've researched it quite a fair bit. Basically, I have a history with anorexia, purging and now binging. I have been in recovery for purging type anorexia for almost two years, and I have gained alot of weight since I…
Something we all know, but seem to forget
Binges make us feel worthless, failures, we feel hopeless and think what's the point? There is a point though, our health is the point, we're the point, we're worth it. Instead of saying I'll start again tomorrow, start afresh now. Forgive yourself because we all make mistakes, we are human after all. We make mistakes to…
Binging out of hunger
I have been struggling with binge eating for the past 2-3 months, and I've hit an all time low:( I don't comfort eat, I binge eat because I'm genuinely hungry. My calorie intake isn't low (1600-1900) but I am hungry all the time, I don't eat junk food unless I'm binging so I think I shouldn't feel as hungry as I do. I'm…
Brisk walk count as exercise?
I'm taking a break from running due to back problems, and I love walking, I walk 4-5 hours a week regardless, but I'm wondering does a brisk walk count towards my workout hours or do I still need to do more?
Foundation advice
Over the years, I have spent alot of money trying to find a foundation suitable for my needs, and still nothing has been even nearly close. So I'm wondering if someone could give me advice, before I go and buy one today. I have dry/really sensitive skin. I have a few scars on my face so I'd need great coverage. The skin…
HIIT training success?
I'm almost at my goal weight now, I have lost 6.4lbs in the last twelve weeks(lol it's not alot for some but when you're petite it's a big deal!), I have 9.4lbs to goal but if I maintain my weight but lose inches, I'll definitely be more than happy with that. I'm short so every single pound really shows, but I don't feel I…
Where to go from here?
I have a history with anorexia and purging type anorexia, I am in recovery for it. In the last month-two months, I have started binging. I binge on anything I can get my hands on, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, strawberries, bananas, pears, veg, bread, cereal. It's not about weight loss because even though I am binging I am…
Quick question?
I'm not new to this group, I've been a part of this group for a while, and I have also tried the reset. I say tried because I gave up because mentally I just couldn't deal with it. I think I'm ready to try again, I just have a quick question, I don't eat alot of meat (I used to be vegetarian) and I know protein's important…
Advice on setting up my calories(12lbs to goal)
I'm 4ft 10" and I currently weigh 102.8lbs, I have 12lbs left to lose. I walk everyday 30-60 minutes a day, depending on how busy I am. Last week, I had two low days(roughly 670 calories each day) then four binge days(3,000 calories each day at least), I still managed to lose 2lbs last week despite the really bad binge…
New, in need of support.
Hi, I really hope I don't offend anyone by being here but I would really like some help. I have only recently started binging, as in I had my first ever binge six days ago and since my first binge, I have had four more binge days. The rapid weight gain in those days isn't why I'm worrying though, it's the fact I go from…
I want to lose weight the healthy way but don't know how to
I have purging type anorexia, I was diagnosed with anorexia when I was six years old and I was diagnosed with purging type anorexia when I was sixteen. I have been in and out of hospital all my life, I am currently in recovery again. I know losing weight isn't advised, and everyone says I don't need it, but I don't feel…
Activity level help?
What really counts as exercise? I keep changing my workout routine based on my work schedule, but I'm thinking of keeping my workouts to the weekend as I can fit them in and longer. During the week, I was only working out 20-30 minutes a day but my joints were becoming sore so I stopped. I'm thinking about working out 3…
Weight loss/inch loss help, confused:/
This is such a dumb question but I really need to ask it to be sure, I want to lose inches from my hips, thighs and bum, do I need to lose weight to lose inches? Do I need to eat in deficit? I workout 2-3 hours a week, do I need to workout more? My waist is small, but the rest isn't. What do I need to know? Any advice or…
I'm wondering if this could actually work for me?
I have never tried to lose weight, I have never been on a diet, I'm not 'overweight' but I weigh more than I would look to. I have a history with anorexia, I'm still in recovery but I have gained 29lbs since starting recovery again last year. I'm alot better than I used to be, I mean I don't fast anymore but I know the…
My past/motivational talk?
Hi I'm tasha, I'm twenty and I'm recovering from purging type anorexia(think most of you know that about me now though, I openly talk about it lol). I was first diagnosed when I was six, I have spent my life in and out of hospital and I never really had a chance to experience 'normal' life. I started purging when I was…
UK Inexpensive protein breakfast ideas
What are some inexpensive high protein breakfast ideas? I don't like eggs and I'm eating beef and chicken for lunch and dinner, I don't really like fish that much and most yoghurts I can't eat. At the moment I'm eating porridge and I love it but it's so high in carbs, I'd like to reduce the carbs and up the protein, help?
Paediatric first aid questions help!
I passed the course but I still have to answer the questions, I have spent all afternoon on them and I have answered most of the them but there are a few I'm stuck on and I have looked through my book and on google but I can't find the answer I'm looking for so I would like some help if anyone has taken the course. 13) How…
Bodyweight training vs weight training, differences?
I'm posting this as I'm curious what works best and if there is alot of difference between training with weights and bodyweight training. I have just started running again, I started weight training about two weeks ago, but I have also started bodyweight training recently. I enjoy weight training but I enjoy bodyweight…
High protein sweet recipe/snack
Hi, I'm looking for a recipe or simple snack that is high in protein, lowish in carbs but sweet. At the moment my snacks are fruit, and while fruit is good for you, there's just too many carbs. I'm trying to lower my carbs and up the protein because I think it's the reason behind why I feel faint alot of the time, but I…
Lowering carbs, upping protein help advice
I'm trying to reduce my carb intake and up my protein and good fats intake, but how do I do this while keeping a diet I know I can sustain? Coming from a disordered eating background(in recovery from anorexia)I find it hard to be told what to eat because in my mind, it's my ed telling me I shouldn't eat this or that and…
Advice on whether this is right or wrong?
I'm sure this is probably posted alot but I can't find the thread so yeah. I work in childcare so most of the time I'm rushed off my feet because lately we've been really busy, but a)my work hours are changing(10 hour shift 4 days a week to 7.30 hour shift 4 days a week) and b)it's going to quieten down rather alot as alot…
Binge eating recovery and losing weight, advice needed:)
I didn't really know where to post this so I figured as it was to do with losing weight too, here was the best option. My friend rang me this morning crying, she's just started in recovery for binge eating and her dietician has her on 2,000 calories. She wants to lose weight, but she really doesn't need to. She's 4ft 10.5"…
Advice on clean eating?
Hi I'm not new to clean eating as I used to when I was suffering with anorexia, but I'm in recovery and have been properly for almost four months now. My daily diet isn't what it used to be, ie fresh fruit and veg, as I've started feeling okay with introducing new foods into my diet, but I prefer eating clean as I believe…
Cardio advice
I know it's important to not do too much cardio, but I was wondering if running everyday for short periods of time would actually harm my body or muscles? I'm asking because I'm in recovery for purging type anorexia, and the main times I'm likely to purge are first thing in the morning, after breakfast and after dinner.…
New to lifting, got a few questions
Hi, I know I have heard about people losing inches from strength training and eating more but I guess I don't really understand how it is possible whilst eating more, can anyone shed some insight into that? I'm in recovery from purging type anorexia and I know the number on a scale doesn't define you. It doesn't mean your…
My ex boyfriend ughh vent!
My ex is a big fat jerk! I'm angry and upset I don't even know ughh he said if I didn't look like I do he wouldn't have ever been with me, he cheated on me though so what does that say! I'm angry he said that, he should've wanted to be with me regardless I mean no one ever stays the same do they and everyone said I could…
Advice on weight training program?
I think I'm ready to face the gym now(confidence issues have been holding me back), but I would like advice and would also like to ask a few questions as you guys are the expects in my book:) I'm 5ft and 99lbs. I last recorded my measurements nine days ago, and they are as follows: my arms are 10”, my waist is 26”, my hips…