Chocolate, cheese or wine?
This is just for fun. It generated a suprisingly lively conversation at work, so I'll ask you: If a genie appeared to you and said you could have all the wishes you wanted, but in return you had to give up one of these forEVER! Chocolate Cheese Wine Which one would you give up?
Would you happen to be Scottish?
I have been so mega stressed the last few years and haven't been able to take a vacation. But I have now signed up to go to Scotland for a week next summer. Ooh - I wonder if haggas (sp?) is in the food database. If you're from Scotland, give me a shoutout and tell me what to absolutely not miss! And what is your favorite…
Warning - DO judge this one by it's cover!!!
I'm not much for reality TV but I recognized Jillian Michael's from BL and bought her "30 Day Shred" DVD. I thought if this was stuff out of shape people could do on a prgram it must be a cinch (you know, now that I've been working out for weeks). HAH! When she says "shred", she sooooooo means it! I couldn't even do it…
Being in the minority?
I'm about to move from an area where I have a LOT of support for healthy eating and fitness, and to an area where there is not anywhere near the type of support I currently have. Do you live in an environment where there is little emphasis on fitness and where foods are mostly (WONDERFUL but unhealthy) fried comfort foods?…
Burning bridges (but not bras)...
I have gone down a couple pant sizes and even though I have plateaud about 5lbs higher than my goal, I debated and debated but finally took all the larger clothes to the Goodwill. When I asked on here, I got about 50-50 response for ditching or saving them "just in case". I decided it would be like burning the bridge. If…
God Bless the Avocado
I never had avocado until I was over 40. And now I look at with an adoring "where have you been all my life" glint in my eye. I definitely have a "thing" for avocado! Several months ago I posted a question looking for avocado recipes and have since tried several of MFP recommendations. My favorite way to have it: half an…
Cheesy sweet filling goop?
I probably shouldn't be asking this on a public site with people who will hate me for putting the idea in their head, but I have a craving for one of those pastries that has the cheesy, sweet filling. I thought maybe I'd try to make it myself and see if I could make a lower calorie version, but am not even sure what to…
Aloe Juice, anyone?
Just wondered if anyone out there has any recipes that use aloe juice? I was told it was a super nutritional thing to add to my diet - just not sure how!?
How long were you sad when...
... you lost a pet? I hadn't had a pet in years and last year I adopted a spunky little grey kitten, but it turned out he had a genetic problem and only lived about 5 months. It's been over a year since I lost him, but when I went online to look at kitty pictures and just think about trying again, it brought back a rush of…
So what's your favorite position?
OOOhhhhhhh.... made you look!!!:wink: I really love YOGA and want to do it more at home, so my question is for other yoga-addicts? What pose: - do you like best? - do you like least? - do you find the easiest? - do you find the hardest?
Now I have guilt...
Man, I've been sooo good - for over 5 months, I have been a total Nazi about healthy food, and out of the blue today, I ordered a big, greasy, cheesy burger. Ahhhh. (at least I said no bacon!) But - and I say this to encourage people who think they REALLY want some awful gob of fat-food - it's nooottt wooorrrth iiiitttttt!…
Can't live without it!!!!!
So, I decided to fork over a few bucks and have a nutrition expert make some suggestions for me. She started right in on sugars, fats, etc, and had me cutting out foods here and there, gradually. But when she got to cheese... no way, Jose! I pushed back so hard that she just gave me limits but didn't make me cut it out all…
To keep or not to keep - that is the question...
Hey all - a while back I had put on about 40 pounds over a couple of years, and I have been working hard over another couple of years to get it back off (still not quite there). Here is my question: When I go down a clothes size, I'll go get a few items in the "new" size. People around me always say, "well, don't get rid…
Anyone know how to cook with Aloe Juice?
My nutritionist suggested I add Aloe extract or Aloe Juice to my diet - said it was great for me. I went and got a bottle of it at Trader Joe's 2 weeks ago, and I'm still staring at it. Anyone have any suggestions about how to use it?
OK - my cuz just called and said she remembered I was pretty gone for Hugh Jackman. She said I should go see the movie "Australia". I haven't yet because I'm in the last few (hairy) weeks of classes. Any HJ fans seen it yet? Should I bring a bib?
Ow OW OW - any ideas?
I had this great mango and red pepper salsa over the weekend - no problem. But tonight when I reheated the leftovers and had it, I got these very painful spots in several places all over my tongue. OW! My roomie says it must be an allergy, but it didn't do that the first time. Anyone know a quick remedy for the painful…
I couldn't believe there aren't a lot of threads about turkey-day yet. These 2 looming "national eating events" (Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanakuh) are reeeally going to test my discipline and resolve to stay with the daily calories. Anyway - the question... I recently bought a small rotissiere and was wondering if it…
Eating with cholesterol in mind?
OK - my doc said that 278 with high LDL and low HDL was not so good, and gave me 2 months to improve it through lifestyle before trying drugs. I reeeeeaaalllly want to stay off those. I've had a few good tips already from some MFP friends, but I want to know all I can. When you want to lower cholestoral (naturally), what…
Question for weight room veterans...?
Is there a difference between using the weight machines (like Nautilus, etc) verses using free weights? At my gym, for the most part, I only see fellas over in the free weight area, so I've jokingly dubbed it "the boys side". But seriously, is there more to be gained for me trying some free weights? I do worry a little…
A target "size"?
OK fess up... do you have a target size? Or is there a particular thing you want to wear that will prove to yourself that "you made it"??
Weigh meat before or after cooking?
I'm making a recipe with 4 oz of chicken. Do I weigh it before or after cooking? (Someone once told me that a 1" steak was about 4 oz for a piece the size of a credit card - don't know if that works for chicken). PS - recipe is yummy and easy - marinate 1 hour (in fridge) with sesame oil, balsmic vinegar, ginger and soy…
Potassium question.
I'm not supposed to have Vitamin K for several weeks (because it would work against a blood thinner I'm taking). I have one mamma of a foot cramp and want to take a potassium supplement to help that. Does anyone know if Vitamin K is the same thing as Potassium?
How do YOU "spice up" your running?
I love running - have been running since I was a teen. It always makes me feel great, and I find it sorta "zen-like" to just be out there doing it. But, sometimes it can start to feel same-o same-o, when you've memorized every crack in the sidewalk. Do any of you have any ideas for how to put some variety into my running?…
How do you keep friends from being fattening?
I'm starting to dread the fact that every time I eat out with friends for a meal, I go over my daily calories - and usually quite a lot. I joked with them last time that they were fattening! When I eat at home, I do pretty good. What if, when I know I'm having dinner out with friends, I eat nothing else the rest of the…
How does MILK have sugar and sodium in it?
I went from whole down to 2% and have finally gone down to fat free skim, but just a CUP of that still uses up a full third of my "sugar" allowance every day. How does milk have sugar and sodium in it? Are they added?
What to do with an avocado??
Hey, I've never done anything with a freah avocado before, but my landlord just came back from the farmer's market and gave me what he says is the "perfect avocado". Since it's ripe and ready for use, can anyone suggest a use for it?? On a scale of 1 to 10 as a cook, I probably don't rate higher than 3.
Whaddaya think... situps or crunches?
I've heard people say that both are better. The military still uses situps. My personal trainer prefers crunches? Anyone?
Why no "extra calories" for reps???
So I got a bench and dumbells and a list of good arm free weight exersices. I spent about 45 minutes doing reps..... and when I went to add it to the exercise log (and win back enough calories for some goodies) it was nothing doing. Anyone know why it doesn't count for calories? I thought someone said weightlifting helped…
Coumadin Diet?
I bet I get about zero answers for this but it can't hurt to try. I went on Coumadin (blood thinner) just last week and wondered if anyone can recommend a good website for what diet is good for that. I know you are supposed to avoid a lot of Vitamin K, but I hoped there would be a site specific to Coumadin interactions?…