Why losing weight feels so effortless for me this time around.

elleelise Posts: 33 Member
edited July 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Former binge eater and experienced yo-yo dieter here (but luckily reformed after two hard years of work with an intuitive eating/body image counselor.)

In the past weight loss was such an epic struggle and always ended up in failure after two or three weeks despite being a discliplined and successful woman in all other areas of my life. However upon starting my weight loss journey in April (tracking as of June) I found that a couple of very important intentions and habits are making ALL the difference. I am 1.8 pounds from 15 lost and it makes my goal of 40 feel SO doable.

Here is what I've gleaned this time around. Take it with a grain of salt, or take it to heart if it resonates with you:

1. You gotta love yourself before you ever begin to weigh your food or track your calories. If your intention to lose weight comes from a place of self loathing versus self love, you are setting yourself up for failure and heartache. Yes, even if you are a size 26 and 350 pounds ladies. Negative emotions don't help. We (females) are inundated with a disgusting number of negative body messages on a daily basis, so it is easy to fall into a very unhealthy conversation with ourselves about our bodies. Even in my conditioning class my instructor recently tried to motivate us by saying "Think about how bikini worthy you'll be and push on!" At this point I raised my hand and explained that I am already bikini worthy and ready at a jiggly size 16, as were all the other women in the room. Enjoy life now and don't put it off until you reach a goal weight. Challenge these messages. Grow to appreciate yourself and want to care for yourself first. Took me two years to learn this and for me, it was the most important step, and the most challenging one.

2. Move first, track second. This may go against 99% of people here, but my argument for getting moving first is that restricting your calories doesn't always FEEL good intitially but movement does (at least for me...) Movement and being active boosts your mood and makes you feel strong and accomplished at any stage in your body. When you work out it also has positive ripple effects relating to nutrition, sleep, water intake. Healthy habits trump being in a smaller body except in extreme cases, so focus on habits and health first, weight/physical mass second in my humble opinion.

3. Don't overthink it. Track your food. Weigh what you can. Stick within your daily caloric targets 90-95% of the time. And have it come from a place of self love and compassion, not hatred and punishment. And if you strumble, no biggie. Don't punish yourself or make it mean more than it is.

4. Don't villiainize foods. Cookies are not bad. You are not "good" for eating kale. Being paleo or primal or "clean" isn't the holy grail. Strip these stupid food rules away. If you want a brownie, make it work for your calories. Every food has a place in a well rounded deficit and diet. Guilt has no place in a well rounded diet however.

5. Don't place time constraits on your weight loss journey. Be flexible, be patient and enjoy the journey instead of trying to rush to the finish line. In the past I would always set up specific goals relating to weight or measurements, and this would always contribute to a sense of disappointment and self hatred at "failing." Just don't do it. Plan to be here for a long, long time and find a way to love the process more than the product.

6. Notice if you are in a binge-guilt-restrict-lose weight-binge-guilt-etc... eating pattern. If so, it'll take more than yet another diet program or calorie counting goal to work through. Disordered eating is rampant in our society. I would argue that a huge population of people on these threads have disordered eating and are totally unaware. If you do suffer from negative body image, binge eating disorder, yo-yo dieting addition, obsession with food, the answer won't be weight loss and you should confront those inner deamons and psychological aspects prior to counting calories and trying to get leaner and smaller.

Just my two cents! Hope this helps someone.



  • Pie319
    Pie319 Posts: 129 Member
    Coming from a place of positivity has made this a whole different journey for me. Instead of feeling like I'm depriving myself of glorious treats, I'm instead giving my body the gift of strength and allowing it to function at it's potential. I'm so grateful my body can function like it's supposed to (mostly) so I'm showing it gratitude by taking care of it.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Solid post, especially items 3, 4 and 5. Keep it up and good luck.
  • chandramiller68
    chandramiller68 Posts: 189 Member
    @elleelise Thank you; great post! Wish you the best!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Great post, wishing you continued success.
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    Love this post! I am focusing on ADDING things into my diet this time around as opposed to DEPRIVING myself. Getting to try new foods is exciting, and feel like hitting the jackpot when I find a new food I like. I am looking at weight loss as a side effect of my new lifestyle as opposed to the goal. Way to keep it positive!
  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    Oh. My. Goodness. Someone put it into words!!!! Thank you!!
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Amazing post. Huzzah to you!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    This is true for me as well:
    2. Move first, track second. This may go against 99% of people here, but my argument for getting moving first is that restricting your calories doesn't always FEEL good initially but movement does (at least for me...) Movement and being active boosts your mood and makes you feel strong and accomplished at any stage in your body. When you work out it also has positive ripple effects relating to nutrition, sleep, water intake. Healthy habits trump being in a smaller body except in extreme cases, so focus on habits and health first, weight/physical mass second in my humble opinion.

    Now, am I going to take the afternoon off and go swimming or stay here...?
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Great post :)

    I only slightly disagree number 2. Not because it can't work, but because we see so many people that get angry/frustrated and quit when they focus on exercise first but place their diet on the back burner.
  • moosiemom
    moosiemom Posts: 70 Member
    ^^ I was just about to quote the exact same section.
    Moving certainly makes me feel good. And the more I move, the more I want to move.
    Thanks for a great post.
  • dondotwinks
    dondotwinks Posts: 93 Member
    Spot on!
  • martinytime
    martinytime Posts: 41 Member
    Well said!!!!!!
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    Awesome post. Just about all of these things are what has helped me so much, especially this time around.

    I have "rewards" planned for each 5lb i lose but i start to get impatient with my weight loss. Your post is making me rethink them.
    terar21 wrote: »
    Great post :)

    I only slightly disagree number 2. Not because it can't work, but because we see so many people that get angry/frustrated and quit when they focus on exercise first but place their diet on the back burner.
    I see where you're coming from and in many cases you are right but I think it depends on the way you go about it. I started my current p90x3 regimen knowing that i wasn't going to lose weight doing just that, but after doing it for a month or two I started to feel better and at that point felt confident/good enough to really start looking at my diet/eating habits.
  • SenditToSarah
    SenditToSarah Posts: 49 Member

    Very insightful! Thanks for the wisdom, and congratulations on the healthier, happier you! I know I'm on a pattern but have focused on making the "restrict, lose" portion of my cycle permanent, rather than eradicating the pattern in the first place. How silly! Thank you for your help.
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    This is a wonderful post -another former (hopefully) binge eater
  • kittengirl1983
    kittengirl1983 Posts: 14 Member
    Great post! There is so much more to this journey for me than food.

    Striving so hard to work for #1 !

  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Beautifully said!
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited July 2015
    Former yo yo dieter here for many years and this whole posts puts into words what I try to tell people about losing weight. Amazing :) So cliche to say but it really is a journey to find yourself, not just change how you look on the outside.
  • spatulamom
    spatulamom Posts: 158 Member
    I love this post. (And as someone who finally feels on the right track after YEARS, I'll join the feel-good train. My whole mindset about myself has changed, even if the scale hasn't changed that much - yet.)
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    Something to consider--thanks for the post! So glad things feel easier for you this time!