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Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member
    So jftomorrow, after a rather foodie weekend...

    Back on track with the logging
    Give the best energy of the day to the woodwork project
    Short hilly bike ride
    Mend the printer!
    Find time to relax without feeling guilty
    Find the 20 minutes for sewing

    Check back in after!

  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Results from jft.
    1. Only have 1 serving of sweets overnight at work --- haven't eaten it yet. 7 more hours.
    2. Drink 40 FL oz water --- yup!
    3. Eat salad --- yup!!
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    Sunday's goals:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :) 9
    2. Meet my calorie goal :smile:
    3. Keep carbs under 20g :smile:
    4. Record everything I eat and drink :# forgot to log all my water. Boo!
    5. Do one other physical activity today :)<3 Great hike!
    6. Continue prep for interviews :)
    7. Do something for me :(
    8. Do something special for my hubby o:)

    Monday's goals:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Meet my calorie goal
    3. Keep carbs under 20 g
    4. Record everything I eat and drink
    5. Meet new step goal
    6. Practice and record presentation
    7. Prep for interviews
    8. Do something to de-stress!

    I really enjoyed our hike yesterday, but am definitely feeling it in my joints today! :p No pain, no gain, right?
    Have a really busy, stress-filled day today, so I am hoping I can complete all my goals today...
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member

    I feel like my goals are so redudant... how do you change em up?

    I have some goals that I keep daily, just to make sure I don't lose sight of them. Then I include a couple others that will help be more productive or help me be a better person. They don't always have to be food and exercise related.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @joan6630 Thank you! It's good to be back!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Ok, so I've got back into the habit of logging. Now I need to get back into the habit of actually eating less rather than just faithfully logging all the unhealthy food! :)

    Likely to spend the evening at focus groups tonight, which is always a dangerous situation as I get free food (takeaway + snacks) and alcohol... which brings out the cavewoman in me (eat all the food!!!) However I must resist temptation on this occasion - I don't have the option of exercising to compensate for over eating while I'm still in post-op recovery!

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks outside meals except fruit
    - Keep alcohol to a minimum, if do have alcohol have diet G&T and alternate alcohol with water
    - Choose a healthier option from the menus (NOT pizza, NOT anything with chips)

    - Take time for a break after hospital appointment
    - Don't put pressure on self to work too many hours today.... but when working, focus on the task at hand and don't faff
    - Don't get irritated / upset by work politics today; there are bigger things to worry about and there is no point worrying about things you can't control
    - Spend some time on the internet looking for punch bags to hit instead of boss

    (That last one is a joke)

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Who was it who suggested zoodles?

    I've just bought a spiralizer that arrives tomorrow!
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Jft, monday:
    1. Try cooking something.. anything... I don't know how to do anything. Bought a book titled How to Boil Water. XD
    2. Call and find a chiropractor
    3. Make the phone calls I've had to but have delayed
    4. Eat only 2 additional servings of sweets today :)
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    1. Be under calorie goal
    2. Do yoga after work
    3. Drink plenty of water
    4. Have a positive attitude
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning! Back to the rigors of the work week! I seem to do so much better during the week though! Baby watching tonight so doesn't leave a lot of time, well, for pretty much anything.

    Just for today: Monday

    Water 8 glasses
    Pack lunch
    Afternoon walk maybe?
    Be productive, slacker

    Hi @joan6630 So happy you got to spend time with your grandsons!!! How did the scavenger hunt go?

  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    dph118 wrote: »

    I am so jealous! I really miss our garden. We had a 3000 square foot garden when we were in the States, but can't have one here in Germany. I really do miss my fresh produce and all the canning I used to do. :neutral:

    My garden is only 100 square feet, but I get a LOT of my food out of it.

    I'm not feeling much gardening enthusiasm this year...but I do like to eat, so I am slowly getting things together. I had little peas poking through the soil today. :)

    I need to decide what I'm doing about a garden this year. Last year I ended up doing a few plants in buckets because we had just moved and I wanted to figure out drainage and sunlight. This year I've been busy when the weather is nice and still haven't gotten a bed in. I would want it to set for a bit after digging it up before planting anything, which is still feasible schedule wise but isn't likely with all that is still going on. So, it will probably be buckets again. Which is better than nothing but it was so hard to keep them from drying out last summer.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    edited April 2017
    So I weighed myself this morning after a week of mindless eating. How can it be that I am UP almost 5 pounds! I am hoping it is just water weight, but it is still so discouraging. So .... time to really get going, and stick with it! You guys have inspired me as to how well you are all doing ... so I am stealing some of your goals!

    So JFT, Monday, April 10
    1. log all food, no matter what
    2. carry water bottle with me at all times to remember to drink water
    3. try and keep carbs less than 75
    4. try and keep sugar grams within MFP guidelines
    5. Keep calories below or near 1300
    6. did not get to the gym this morning, so either go to Zumba tonite, or get out for a walk. But do something, no matter how tired I feel
    7. put all the toys away from the past week (yes, toys still all over the place!).
    8. Try and find recipes that are low carb. Try something new this week
    9. Water Water Water!!!!!
    10. start at least cutting out chemo hats
    11. try and find a pattern for baby quilt for great niece
    12. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning
    13. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable!!

    I was really hoping to be below 200 lbs, but I am now 5 pounds from this. But.... I can do it... I know I can! Just have to keep going, and break these awful habits, one at a time!

    Next sunday is Easter Sunday, but it is also our 40th wedding anniversary! We are also getting ready to exhibit at a show in chicago, so it is a busy week this week, and especially next week. But we are also torn .... we have a mentally ill daughter .. who has no one in her life except for us. My husband wants me to make reservations at a nice restaurant to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary (we are going to try and plan a small trip later in May). I am torn. If we do this, our daughter will have no place to go on Easter Sunday, yet, as my husband says, it is our 40th wedding anniversary. So have to figure out what to do, so she is not alone, and we can still celebrate.

    Good to be back on here, and back to healthy eating/exercising. Lots to catch up on!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    dph118 wrote: »

    I am so jealous! I really miss our garden. We had a 3000 square foot garden when we were in the States, but can't have one here in Germany. I really do miss my fresh produce and all the canning I used to do. :neutral:

    My garden is only 100 square feet, but I get a LOT of my food out of it.

    I'm not feeling much gardening enthusiasm this year...but I do like to eat, so I am slowly getting things together. I had little peas poking through the soil today. :)

    I need to decide what I'm doing about a garden this year. Last year I ended up doing a few plants in buckets because we had just moved and I wanted to figure out drainage and sunlight. This year I've been busy when the weather is nice and still haven't gotten a bed in. I would want it to set for a bit after digging it up before planting anything, which is still feasible schedule wise but isn't likely with all that is still going on. So, it will probably be buckets again. Which is better than nothing but it was so hard to keep them from drying out last summer.

    I would love to plant a garden, and have been looking into square foot gardening. But our problem is that the deer eat everything that I plant. But ... maybe if I can figure out a cover or something to put over it????
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I thought the kids running about being generally noisy would ruin it but I thought I'd try it anyway...

    The dog farted.

    And because it's all deep breathing I full on inhaled that *kitten*!
    I was very nearly sick!

    So yeah, if you think you're having a bad day!
    Just remember someone inhaled dog fart this morning.

    This is so funny -- not really!! We do not have a dog, but our son has a dog. The boys tease how bad this dog smells! I was sitting on the floor playing with the kids last visit and the dog did this in front of me. Everyone thought it was funny ... except me! But good for you trying to mediate with little ones running around!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    - Don't get irritated / upset by work politics today; there are bigger things to worry about and there is no point worrying about things you can't control
    - Spend some time on the internet looking for punch bags to hit instead of boss

    (That last one is a joke)

    Happy Monday everyone!

    So many days I sure wish I had a punch bag!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    i saw this on FB, and oh so true! If I keep doing what I am doing, I'll never get where I want to be. Have to do what is hard - like watching the carbs, watching the sugar, drinking more water, exercising.

    Live like a thin person does.

  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I'm back in "good ole PA" after spending a week with relatives in Detroit, Michigan. We had a wonderful time; I really watched my diet, and only gained a half a pound, then "pigged out" yesterday eating all the goodies that my sister-in-law sent home with me---go figure! Now it's back to reality.
    Just for today:
    Drink 24 oz of water.
    Stay within the calorie limits--1350.
    Office clutter---30"
    Practice for Good Friday service.
    Walk for 30"---it's really nice today.
    Good luck with your goals today.
  • HonduranHaze
    HonduranHaze Posts: 17 Member
    I love this thread! This journey is so much about daily accountability and goals. How encouraging!

    My goals for today:
    60 minutes of exercise
    Log all food and Stay within my calories-1200
    Drink 72 oz of water
    Apply for 3 jobs

  • dwntwn5
    dwntwn5 Posts: 69 Member
    edited April 2017

    The dog farted.

    And because it's all deep breathing I full on inhaled that *kitten*!
    I was very nearly sick!

    So yeah, if you think you're having a bad day!
    Just remember someone inhaled dog fart this morning.

    @Bex953172 You should mention to your dog that it was national dog fart awareness day in the US this past Saturday. Your pup was a couple days late... Really, it's a thing. Not a serious thing, but a thing, all the same. :# And, I'm sorry for the timing. Couldn't be worse!