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Why are most mfp users against holistic nutrition?



  • johnwelk
    johnwelk Posts: 396 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    I'm 2 months into a holistic nutrition program and I can't help but question some of the things I'm learning. I've been on mfp for several years and I've learned quite a bit on here, but a lot of the information on mfp contradicts the information I'm learning in school. People think everything from a holistic standpoint is "woo" or BS. Even if I provide some scientific evidence, most people still disagree with any information I provide. It's upsetting since I'm a firm believer in using nutrition and lifestyle as a way to improve health and manage some chronic health conditions. The teachers in my school truly believe that leaky gut syndrome and candida overgrowth are REAL problems, even the one's who've practiced allopathic medicine and have years of education behind then. I go on mfp and it's the complete opposite of everything I'm learning. Am I being scammed?

    @TenderBlender667 holistic nutrition is accepted by most using MFP I expect but most do not post on MFP. Most with a medical background and/or leaky gut, candida, etc related health issues know they can be real health issues. Keep learning your way forward but keep asking your good questions and questioning all sources and in time you can better sort out the difference between facts and personal opinions not supported by research.

    ?? How would you know this if they don't post??

    Great question! Damn, I mad I missed it. I got caught up with rest of his nonsense.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I don't personally drink the poptarts-all-day kool-aid (nor do I believe anyone enjoying any long term success does) Food IS our fuel, it's literally the only way our bodies receive the vitamins and minerals and macros they need to fight disease and thrive. I can't think of a single credible person on this site that would disagree that cake < broccoli in terms of HEALTH, but common sense would have us all strike a balance that allows us the freedom to include foods we love to eat because they taste good, with foods we love to eat because they have health benefits. You don't have to be one way or the other. Persons on either side of this argument are equally obnoxious and I personally like to hang out in the calories have context middle ground.

    A diet of nothing but broccoli could possibly more detrimental to your health than a diet of nothing but cake.
    In terms of HEALTH, context of the entire diet is important, no single food item.

    Plus, just because it's cake doesn't mean there's nothing good in it. There are calories and then the three macros. Depending on the cake, (a lot have fruit in them for example), then there are going to be quite a few micros as well. So it can contribute positively to an overall diet just as much as broccoli.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
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