Do Artificial Sweeteners Hinder Weight Loss? What Are Healthy Alternatives that Satisfy?



  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Personally, I say use artificial sweeteners if they work for you. If your body functions better without them, don't use them.

    They don't work for me. I used them for years and thought they didn't give me any problems. I decided to stop using them and noticed a dramatic difference in my stomach not feeling bloated/gassy right off the bat. The change was unreal.

    Over time, I've noticed my cravings for sweet things have completely subsided. I went from using splenda in hot tea, to using regular sugar, to not feeling like I need that sugar in tea at all. I really don't have moments where I crave or even remotely feel like I need sugar. I used to see candy bars and feel like I just HAD to have one. I still look at red velvet cake with love but that's a taste thing since it's my favorite cake and not a craving thing lol.

    I still eat them from time to time because it's hard to avoid unless you make a diligent effort (i.e. I go have a starbucks drink every now and then, I accept I'm eating artificial sweeteners most likely). But for the most part, I avoid them and it's worked out very well. But the less I eat artificial sweeteners, the better I feel.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    No... /THREAD
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    edited October 2014
    I didn't used to think they did but then I gave up most diet pop. A couple of months ago I just decided to cut way back on diet pop. Not really sure why, I had tried before, but this time I was successful. I do still have one on occasion :) That said, my weight averaged 133 but since giving it up my weight now averages 129. I haven't changed anything in regards to food, I still eat the same and my exercise level remains pretty much the same. The only thing I changed was not drinking a ton of pop every single day. My personal experience is that yes, it can hinder weight loss. People don't have to give it up but like everything else, just drink it in moderation :D
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    There's been studies on artificial sweeteners causing diabetes. Try stevia instead.

    Can you please link us to one?
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    There's been studies on artificial sweeteners causing diabetes. Try stevia instead.

    Can you please link us to one?

    This is one. /thread.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,084 Member
    Many sweetners still have carbs look on the nutritional list on the pack, my point is if you want carbs eat fruit or veg and get the fibre and the nutrients as well, yes people don't eat sweetners for the nutritional value they want their food to be sweet .... But your still gonna get the insulin it worth it really?

    If I want fibre and fruit/veg nutrients, I eat fruit and veg. Every day, in fact.

    But I also drink Pepsi Max sometimes and yes, is totally worth it. Keeps my calories under the limit the way full sugar soft drinks would not ( not that there is anything wrong with them either, if people can fit them in)
    I like Pepsi Max as a mixer too - brandy and carrots doesn't quite do the trick B)

    And, yes,I know alcohol isn't nutritionally beneficial either - but, you know what, I can manage all these things in sensible moderation. :)

  • tanek747
    tanek747 Posts: 37 Member
    edited October 2014
    An interesting link on the topic:

    You can take things either way maybe no one has conclusively proved harmful, but equally there's no conclusive proof they're safe either. Quite a number of studies of concern though. And when lots of money is at stake for artificial sweetener producers my gut feeling is caution and be very critical of blanket safety claims.

    Personal experience is I feel better, taste and appreciate sweetness better and have greatly reduced cravings since I stopped using artificial sweeteners. I'm not going back to diet sodas. For example without them I can thoroughly enjoy teas without added sweetness now.