Freelee the Banana Girl...SMH



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Want to blow ya mind? Deer eat squirrels and chicks when they are low on calcium.

    I am now struggling to get that visual out of my head LoL
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    edited October 2014
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    I actually like Freelee a lot...she's found something that works for her. And it not only works for her, it works for thousands of others. It's slightly hypocritical for you to be saying to watch out for her based on her dietary choices. It's basically you saying she's wrong and you know better than she does. Which seems to be why you'r putting her down.

    She clearly states in many of her videos that she is not a medical professional, just that she's done a lot of research and tells things like they are based on her own experiences. If those videos help someone find what works for them, that's awesome!

    I've definitely learned several things from her, 801010, and the HCRV lifestyle...was going all out 100% in that direction for me, no...but did it have a lot of positive takeaways for my life and health...heck yes.

    Just think about how you go about your heavy handed judgement...there is nothing wrong with someone touting a system that works for them...and her lifestyle certainly leaves nothing out nutritionally.

    I'm not even saying just her dietary choices (which again are scary if she's saying protein is bad/evil)...
    She and her boyfriend accuse everyone of being wrong because they choose not to follow their diet...and that certain foods (like protein or animal based foods) are all toxic and this is why we're all fat.
    Anyone with such all or nothing judgement weirds me out.

    Seriously. They body shame people all the time, and I remember reading a screencap of his Instagram on tumblr where he was saying that cooking oil is pure fat, and you will gain pure fat from it. And he also body shamed someone in that post.

    They are the last people I would turn to for a positive and insightful experience regarding their dietary choices. The only raw vegan I like is the woman who runs "Raw. Vegan. Not Gross." on Youtube. I'm not a raw vegan (or a vegan at all), but I've actually incorporated her recipes into my life because she's such a non-judgmental (incorporates technically non-raw ingredients sometimes), explains the nutritional benefits of ingredients she's using, and doesn't seem fake. Not like the two of them.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    edited October 2014
    Touting an all natural diet - fine, you go on with your bad selves.
    Saying chemo is bad - say it if you want.
    Periods are bad and toxic and not neccessary - if you need to say it, say it.

    But then don't pretend that your fake tittys were medically necessary. Nope. Fake breasts have NEVER been medically necessary. Get a f*cking grip. I don't see the correlation of buying only organic food BECAUSE PESTICIDES when you have 4lbs of silicone surgically put into your body.

    She did a thing about her abortion back in the day. Someone asked if she regretted it - and Durian Rider chimed in with "OF COURSE SHE DOESNT REGRET IT LOOK AT HER BODY IT WOULD HAVE BEEN RUINED WITH GETTING FAT AND PREGNANT".

    Not wanting to open up a whole other can of worms or anything...but touting animals emotions and feelings then removing your own baby... (foetus, whatever you want to call it and regardless of your opinion on abortion, it seems vastly hypocritical to me to be such a militant vegan and then go through with a termination)

    They are less about helping the planet and more about helping themselves and how they look.

    It's the narrow-minded, hypocritical, militant way they project themselves that makes me JUST CAN'T EVEN.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Yeah, Freelee and Harley grate on my nerves. I don't mind the other raw foodie videos.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm not even as annoyed with their diet practices...I am not here to I believe it's optimal? No-but I'm also not putting videos on YouTube insisting that it is and that others are ridiculous or stupid for not doing exactly what I I?
  • kati_nicole
    kati_nicole Posts: 7 Member
    I'm definitely not annoyed with her dieting practices, that isn't my business. I'm angry at the fact that not only does she push it on others, she forces it on others and shames them when they do not follow her advice. Trisha Paytas, one of the youtubers I follow, was singled out by Freelee. I think at this point she is just looking for attention and will say the most controversial things in order to be seen by the public. The best thing we can do about this persistent little problem is to ignore it.

    We can't help ignorant people.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm definitely not annoyed with her dieting practices, that isn't my business. I'm angry at the fact that not only does she push it on others, she forces it on others and shames them when they do not follow her advice. Trisha Paytas, one of the youtubers I follow, was singled out by Freelee. I think at this point she is just looking for attention and will say the most controversial things in order to be seen by the public. The best thing we can do about this persistent little problem is to ignore it.

    We can't help ignorant people.

    She also disses Cassey Ho...AT LENGTH-she has an entire episode dedicated to it...Cassey is in better shape than she is and her diet is a bit more balanced...
    Excluding protein to me is a huge red flag.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    I thought she had some useful information until I saw her thigh gap video. That's when I realized that she doesn't actually know what she's talking about and I couldn't take her seriously. At best, if you're into veganism or healthy smoothies or things of that nature, you can get some good ideas/recipes from her channel, but I definitely wouldn't pay attention to her beyond that.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I thought she had some useful information until I saw her thigh gap video. That's when I realized that she doesn't actually know what she's talking about and I couldn't take her seriously. At best, if you're into veganism or healthy smoothies or things of that nature, you can get some good ideas/recipes from her channel, but I definitely wouldn't pay attention to her beyond that.

    Yeppp. Especially with the volumes of food she encourages sometimes. It almost seems like a form of heavily regulated binge eating at some points.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    I thought she had some useful information until I saw her thigh gap video. That's when I realized that she doesn't actually know what she's talking about and I couldn't take her seriously. At best, if you're into veganism or healthy smoothies or things of that nature, you can get some good ideas/recipes from her channel, but I definitely wouldn't pay attention to her beyond that.

    Yeppp. Especially with the volumes of food she encourages sometimes. It almost seems like a form of heavily regulated binge eating at some points.

    I actually got the same sense. I've seen her brag about eating 3-4,000 calories a day and I've watched a video of hers where she ate ~1,200 cals worth of pasta in one sitting.

    I dunno, she has a history of eating disorders and it's not uncommon for people who recover from mental illness or addictions to transfer the focus of their obsession from one thing to another. I can't analyze her thru the computer screen or whatever but that's what it all looks like to me.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Want to blow ya mind? Deer eat squirrels and chicks when they are low on calcium.

    I am now struggling to get that visual out of my head LoL

    I worked on an animal game a while back, we had a bank of videos showing that and other WTF aspects of animal behavior.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I thought she had some useful information until I saw her thigh gap video. That's when I realized that she doesn't actually know what she's talking about and I couldn't take her seriously. At best, if you're into veganism or healthy smoothies or things of that nature, you can get some good ideas/recipes from her channel, but I definitely wouldn't pay attention to her beyond that.

    Yeppp. Especially with the volumes of food she encourages sometimes. It almost seems like a form of heavily regulated binge eating at some points.

    I actually got the same sense. I've seen her brag about eating 3-4,000 calories a day and I've watched a video of hers where she ate ~1,200 cals worth of pasta in one sitting.

    I dunno, she has a history of eating disorders and it's not uncommon for people who recover from mental illness or addictions to transfer the focus of their obsession from one thing to another. I can't analyze her thru the computer screen or whatever but that's what it all looks like to me.

    She does admit to a history of bulimia...I don't know-it's just a turn off that she's so FIGURE/BODY focused...she's not even really focusing on having a HEALTHY body...just being thin....
    Cassey may be thin but at least she's in sick shape...This lady just seems like she's off the deep end-and her boyfriend is creepy.
  • thefatveganchef
    thefatveganchef Posts: 89 Member
    Do not think she represents all vegans. Most vegans are more sensible and eat and promote a more balanced meal. She is extreme, like the WBC and ISIS.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    what exactly about veganism and heavy restriction is sensible?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    What exactly about comparing a vegan to a terrorist organization is sensible?
  • thefatveganchef
    thefatveganchef Posts: 89 Member
    Meaning she is very extreme and dosn't represent true christians or musilms.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Do not think she represents all vegans. Most vegans are more sensible and eat and promote a more balanced meal. She is extreme, like the WBC and ISIS.

    I don't think anything negative about vegans-I believe it is a difficult lifestyle/diet to follow, but nothing negative about's her attitude of superiority and her negative opinion of others that pisses me off.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Meaning she is very extreme and dosn't represent true christians or musilms.

    Can we not?
    This isn't a political or religious debate.
  • thefatveganchef
    thefatveganchef Posts: 89 Member
    I as a vegan do not feel restricted at all. In fact as a vegan it has given me the courage to eat more foods than as a meat eater. I am 1000% less restricted. Instead of eating the same old hamburger day in or day out I have expanded my pallet. I never would have dared try Ethiopian, or Thai, or even tofu as a omnivore. Just because I do not eat meat does not restrict my choices, especially these days with companies making so many analogues.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Ha! No true vegan fallacy.