What are the "good for you" foods that you detest?



  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    Most of them...LOL...

    OK, not really. Most healthy foods (except seafood) I like, but not as much as unhealthy food. I'm doing "OK" but could do better.

    Standalone raw veggies and unseasoned cooked veggies (that aren't "in" something) are a challenge. I love peas, but they're about the only one I can do cooked with no butter or salt - most others I need SOMETHING to add flavor. OTOH, ...raw veggies almost seem like more effort to eat than they're worth. (that sounds horrible doesn't it?) Green beans, broccoli, carrots I like if there's a little salt or butter on them or as part of a larger dish. I like cooked tomatoes, but can only eat them raw if they're diced and in a salsa or something like that. Celery I can tolerate, but it takes a lot of chewing for so little satisfaction...It's not that I *dislike* them, its just that they seem like "nothing" as far as satisfying a hunger or craving. Spinach I can tolerate in wedding soup, spinach dip, (and on Freschetta thin crust spinach and garlic pizza...but that's pizza!)

    Except peas - I could eat pounds of peas if I had them.

    Salads are OK if I have dressing - I've found those "spritzer" bottles do the trick - good coverage without using a lot, and it tastes good. I can't feel full on just a salad though no matter how much I eat.

    Although I will occasionally eat some fish, I generally detest seafood.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    Bell peppers & reduced fat cottage cheese

    I've found most reduced-fat foods are OK, but cottage cheese just seems watery. Even the 2%. The fat-free cottage cheese is nasty. However, there is only a 30 calorie difference between 2% and "whole" cottage cheese so go for the good stuff.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    lima beans:sick:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    avocados and spinach :sick:
  • AngelaAndrews
    soooo many haha. all salads, seafood, beans, nuts, eggs, yogurt, milk, rice (and all the multigrain rice substitutes like couscous), peanut butter and all breads except french bread and white bagels
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    I really detest: avocados (they're waxy.. yuck!), beets, bleu cheese, and the consistency of jello. I'm eating jello though, but I don't like the texture
    I definitely agree with you on the consistency of Jell-o. Most of the time I can't even eat it because it makes me gag! Probably cuz that was the only thing I could eat when I had my gallbladder out.
  • Hoodlum91
    Hoodlum91 Posts: 1 Member
    logged in wrong pls delete