Pet Peeves (Fitness related)



  • focusedonfitness2015
    2 pet the gym... The nasty *kitten* guys (and gals) who do not clean their machine after using it. I dont want your sweat or germs all over me...but thanks. (I clean before and after I use them) And....jerks who use 2-3 different machines at a time and if you even dare venture into "borrowing" one of their said machines while they rest, they tell you, "Oh, I'm not done there. Give me a few minutes." Really...because I pay my membership dues here too and you're not the boss of me.
  • fitzman84
    fitzman84 Posts: 40 Member
    People that stand in front of the dumbbell rack and perform their curls, lateral raises, or some other exercise. Get you dumbbells and go find an empty space!

    And curling in the squat rack
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    While out running, people who walk 2 abreast blocking the entire sidewalk, and make no effort to move over when I approach. Really?
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    People who are not dieting, telling me I should take a break from it and live a little. They say you have lost a bunch of weight already and you don't want to get too skinny because that looks sickly. I am sorry but taking breaks got me in the mess I am in to begin with and I don't want to live a little, I want to live a lot and for a long time.
  • PinkPupper
    PinkPupper Posts: 47 Member
    When people think animal products are good for them.
    I'm torn between laughing in their face and shaking my head due to their ignorance.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I workout from home, so not to many pet peeves about the gym, though it does suck when the dog climbs on top of me when I'm doing floor exercises. One of my biggest non-gym pet peeves is when people ask why I still workout, because "how much more weight do you want to lose?" I hate having to explain that just because I lost the weight, doesn't mean I will magically stay fit.
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    People, alright specifically chicks wearing an entire face of makeup at 5:30am.. with their hair done....I'm a sweaty mess at the gym...that get up suggests they have no intention of actually doing why be there at all?

    Yes, I'm aware I'm a jerk.