Why am i turning into a vegetarian?

The healthier I eat and become, I find myself naturally eating less meat. At this point, the only meat I usually have is fish and chicken. It works out because it allows me to eat more with way less calories and a lot cheaper for the most part. Anyone else feel like this?


  • buzz3d269
    buzz3d269 Posts: 87 Member
    Yep, this is starting to happen to me too lol. Doesn't help that when I eat out at a restaurant, most of the healthier options are the chicken or the fish dishes!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Am sorry to hear it.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Starting to happen to me, too. Yesterday I realized that I haven't ate meat 3 days in a row. And even if eat it's only small amounts of turkey or chicken. I actually feel a lot better. It bugs me out, though because I've always loved meat.
  • ohmephisto
    ohmephisto Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I've noticed this with myself as well. It's definitely cheaper, plus the food I make is easier to store safely since I don't have a freezer.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Yup! I'm really enjoying experimenting with veggie dishes :-) I went out to eat last night and had a cajun veggie burger instead of a meat burger and it was delicious (sadly wasn't much fewer calories, oh well! yolo!)
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Definitely cheaper if you are eating healthier to eat more veg than meat. It's mainly a cost choice for me!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The healthier I eat and become, I find myself naturally eating less meat. At this point, the only meat I usually have is fish and chicken. It works out because it allows me to eat more with way less calories and a lot cheaper for the most part. Anyone else feel like this?

    nope! i rarely have a lunch or tea that doesnt involve meat.. i likes my protein!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    When I started here I went a little bit like that thinking quantity over quality.

    I have since learned that protein really is the key to a lot of things and one of them being satiety. It will also help preserve your lean muscle mass whilst you putting your body into a calorie deficit.

    Meat features highly in my diary though there are vegetarian sources of protein they are generally not as low calorie/high in protein.

    If I did it all again I would prioritise protein in my meal plans. Just because you feel less hungry, the weight loss is easier.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    When I started here I went a little bit like that thinking quantity over quality.

    I have since learned that protein really is the key to a lot of things and one of them being satiety. It will also help preserve your lean muscle mass whilst you putting your body into a calorie deficit.

    Meat features highly in my diary though there are vegetarian sources of protein they are generally not as low calorie/high in protein.

    If I did it all again I would prioritise protein in my meal plans. Just because you feel less hungry, the weight loss is easier.

    ^^ Yup this!

    If anything I'd say my carb consumption is less. I love my meat, fills me up for longer. Love my veg and fruit, bulks out a meal to fill me up even more....carbs, tasty and good for energy but not so filling to me. So I'd say they are the ones I cut down since starting. Cut down not out mind you ;)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I actually went the other way. Prior to joining MFP I was a vegetarian. When I started strength training and keeping an eye on my protein I eventually decided to re-introduce fish.
  • MachiavelliNZ
    MachiavelliNZ Posts: 36 Member
    I eat as much meat as I need to fit my macros. Definitely not turning vegetarian here!
  • thinkpositive92
    thinkpositive92 Posts: 111 Member
    safer to reffer to yourself to "plant based" rather than vegetarian. vegetarians usually have a moral standpoint, yours is dietary.... plant based is what you are leaning towards, meaning you treat protien sources from animal muscle meats as more of a condiment, or sparingly.

    I am "plant based" and eat as little traditional meat as possible for reasons of my own.
    oh and fyi.... if you're eating chicken and fish, you're not turning into a vegetarian, be careful with your terminology..... if you chose to eat only fish that may make you a pescatarian, please learn about dietary preferences to include proper terminolgy, it is a good thing to be knowledgable about on this site.

    ...........popping popcorn...................

    ^ You needa chill! :cookie:

    And I totally agree OP! Definitely less work in the kitchen eating more veg :relieved:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    oh and fyi.... if you're eating chicken and fish, you're not turning into a vegetarian, be careful with your terminology..... if you chose to eat only fish that may make you a pescatarian, please learn about dietary preferences to include proper terminolgy, it is a good thing to be knowledgable about on this site.

    ...........popping popcorn...................

    ^ You needa chill! :cookie:

    And I totally agree OP! Definitely less work in the kitchen eating more veg :relieved:

    nope- it's a totally correct statement. Saying you eat fish and chicken and you start calling yourself a vegetarian is just flat out incorrect.

    If you are eating meat- you aren't a vegetarian- you don't need a label for "I only eat meat once in a while" it just makes you a person who only eats meat once in a while. not a vegetarian.

    Secondly- HELL NO. I love meat way to much to ever give it up. I try to aim for at least 2 meals a day that are meat based.
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    I've done the opposite. I've increased the amount of meat I eat since I started to watch what I eat. I have increased the vegetables that I eat to try and get some plant based protein (plus the other health benefits such as vitamins, etc) but I've noticed that I stay fuller for much longer if I eat lean meats (chicken, fish) as my source of protein.
  • Chaidell
    Chaidell Posts: 121 Member
    I've slowly been cutting meat out as well. Last year I travelled southeast asia and they just do not have the same health standards as we have in the US, so over the year I ended up cutting out a lot of meat. I try to get some meat in at least every other day, because if I don't then I don't end up getting the protein I need.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    vegetarians usually have a moral standpoint, yours is dietary....
    This is not necessarily true -- different people have different reasons for being vegetarians. Morality doesn't have to play into it at all. The only thing "vegetarian" means is "does not eat meat."

  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Hmm nope. For me that would be a great loss. A meal without meat may as well be an empty plate. Meat meat meat :)
  • loving the semantics over what is and isnt a vegetarian when all the woman was trying to do was make a clever point that she has noticeably increased her veggie intake while lowering her meat consumption.... Elitists seem to weasel their way into every aspect of internet life.

    I think its a fairly natural progression to consume more veggis when there is a conscious effort to eat clean. Good for you!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    svpracer wrote: »
    loving the semantics over what is and isnt a vegetarian when all the woman was trying to do was make a clever point that she has noticeably increased her veggie intake while lowering her meat consumption.... Elitists seem to weasel their way into every aspect of internet life.

    I think its a fairly natural progression to consume more veggis when there is a conscious effort to eat clean. Good for you!

    Exactly. OP said becoming more of a vegetarian.
    It must get tiring hanging up on that cross all the time...
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    of course "more" of a vegetarian means....

    OP is an omnivore.