Why am i turning into a vegetarian?



  • Yes, me too. I don't eat beef very often anymore unless it's a big juicy steak on my long run days when I burn a ton of calories. Otherwise, it's difficult to fit into my calorie allotment for the day. Chicken and fish fill me up with less calories.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    not me, haha! Just make sure you are getting enough iron. I take ferrous gluconate because with the measly amount of calories I'm allotted, I can't get enough through food. I have to take supplements for everything really. sigh
  • Screwedntattooed
    Screwedntattooed Posts: 238 Member
    You are getting less awesome.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    oh and fyi.... if you're eating chicken and fish, you're not turning into a vegetarian, be careful with your terminology..... if you chose to eat only fish that may make you a pescatarian, please learn about dietary preferences to include proper terminolgy, it is a good thing to be knowledgable about on this site.

    ...........popping popcorn...................

    ^ You needa chill! :cookie:

    And I totally agree OP! Definitely less work in the kitchen eating more veg :relieved:

    nope- it's a totally correct statement. Saying you eat fish and chicken and you start calling yourself a vegetarian is just flat out incorrect.

    If you are eating meat- you aren't a vegetarian- you don't need a label for "I only eat meat once in a while" it just makes you a person who only eats meat once in a while. not a vegetarian.

    Secondly- HELL NO. I love meat way to much to ever give it up. I try to aim for at least 2 meals a day that are meat based.

    Just to clarify I am pretty sure the OP said "turning into a vegetarian" Meaning that they feel that they are beginning to exclude meat more and more.. So yes they may eat meat now and are not necessarily vegetarian at the moment, they are expressing their concern, or stating that they feel they are BECOMING one.. not that they have already.

  • As someone else above I went from veggie (for 12 years) to being a meat eater (nearly 5 years ago) I was fatter as a vegetarian as my portions were bigger and I wasn't moving. The protein in meat fills me up. I like having a steak with loads of veggies :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    It means they're an omnivore. end of discussion.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I am actually becoming more carnivorous since I actually feel full eating meat... so I guess it's all good, the two of us balance it out!
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I actually started eating more Dead Animal [TM] when I was losing in an effort to keep up the protein, but I've always eaten a lot of veggies anyway. Now that I'm in maintainence I'm reintroducing vegetarian main courses because I really like them.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    edited October 2014
    As I workout, I find that my body actually craves more meat than veggies. Protein helps rebuild my muscles so when I don't give my body the protien I feel like I have to eat SOO much to just feel satisfied and my body aches longer.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    Something similar happened to me. I used to eat several servings of meat each day and now it's more like a serving or less per day (I probably don't eat any meat one or two days a week). I just think a natural result of eating less fast food and more fruit/veggies.
  • jmcnealy
    jmcnealy Posts: 28 Member
    there are a lot of great benefits to eating less meat - doesn't mean you have to not eat it at all, but a lot of vegetarian dishes are super yummy. a lot of people tend to attack vegetarians, but eating less meat can not only have effects for you - lower risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, but also for the environment (have you ever read about how much water is used to raise and transport livestock on a factory farming scale), and the animals themselves.

    Just a thought. Like i said, it doesn't mean you have to be full on vegetarian or vegan, but i think there's nothing wrong with expanding your horizons.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I actually started eating more Dead Animal [TM] when I was losing in an effort to keep up the protein, but I've always eaten a lot of veggies anyway. Now that I'm in maintainence I'm reintroducing vegetarian main courses because I really like them.
    that's pretty much how I roll. I have no issue with vegetarian dishes because they can be extremely delicious- and honestly I don't understand why it has to be a "vegetarian" dish- it's just not a meat dish- which is fine- I make stuff with no meat all the time- I don't call it anything but what it is- cassarole- or potatoe bla- or pasta x- whatever it is. I'm so not fussy about names LOL

  • court_fritch26
    court_fritch26 Posts: 297 Member
    edited October 2014

    I prefer the Ron Swanson diet…meat and whiskey whenever possible!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Why is it every thread the op is attacked... she did not claim to be vegetarian she said she felt she was becoming "like" a vegetarian slowly cutting out the meat. Well I have to say one thing ad you cut down or out your meat take b12 and vit d. B12 is only found in meat and is not created by the body. Vit d bc most people are deficient in this. Meat for some reason helps to assimilate the vit d some how bc if you notice meat eaters ha c e darker tanner looking skin. I have eaten vegetarian primarily for 9 years I am more flexitarian but my hubby is a veg so I eat what he eats. But now I eat meat bc I need it and all those premade veg foods are really not good for you and contained all forms of soy which I have to stay away from now. Good luck on the journey!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Why is it every thread the op is attacked...
    It's a hard world for special snowflakes.

    OP is an omnivore, and only further proving her omnivorous nature. :) Hurt feelings need not apply, it is what it is. There's no legitimate way for the OP to claim being an herbivore.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Why is it every thread the op is attacked...
    There's no legitimate way for the OP to claim being an herbivore.
    Good thing that wasn't the claim then. Strawman fallacy.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    "I'm becoming more vegetarian"
    I'm just using the adult term for it. OP's an omni.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member

    Childish nit picking aside, I too have found I've unintentionally cut down my meat intake this past year. I don't track or plan out macros I just eat what I feel like. And that's been a lot of plant based dishes compared to what I used to consume. That said there are still days where I have nothing but meat for dinner, but on average my meat stores last a lot longer than they used to.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I can go a couple of days without eating meat and hardly notice it. I usually have one serving or less a day. Mostly because it is expensive and I'm on a college student budget. I do keep frozen chicken and salmon and will usually have that for dinner.
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    I am eating more meat since I'm shooting for 100+g of protein per day for satiety and muscle retention while losing weight. If I eat according to my whim I eat much less protein so I have to focus on it. I am also eating more vegetables (I tend toward being a crapcarbarian if I don't watch it).