Need Ideas for my overweight Daughter



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Please remember that teenage girls are impressionable and anything negative you say, can stay with them for life. Lead by example here. Provide the healthier choices in snacks without making a big deal about it. Encourage her to go to the gym with you, walk, hike or take a class together, by telling her you want to have quality mother daughter time.
    I know my daughter is almost 15 and every little thing leaves them sensitive, but if I phrase it "This is important to me", she's all in!
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    goalpeace wrote: »
    She is larger than I ever was. Could be the genes on her other side affecting her worse than me.

    Way to teach her how to be accountable for her own health and fitness.

    I don't understand this comment. Are you under the impression I told my Daughter this? If so, I would never. I am only stating my observations here.

    Anyway, thank you all for your support. I have more confidence and although I know none of you, it is very helpful to hear this advice. It is not only hard for her to discuss, but myself as well. I will continue to support and lead by example. This is the only reason why I forced myself up this a.m. for my workout because I wanted to sleep in! I want my Daughter to see me work hard and transform. I'm eliminating junk food from the house. We have a lifetime as far as I'm concerned.

    My short term goal is to walk twice a week, sign her up for a athletic hobby she enjoys, and work on healthy options.

    Also would like to sign us up to do a 5K walk together. Now that would be fun and rewarding.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    When I was in middle school I wore the largest size pants you could buy at stores like Express...13 or whatever. My mom never pushed me about my weight. I figured it out on my own in high school when I saw the scale. It's so hard in middle school to deal with weight issues on top of everything else that is going on. Just don't let her binge eat. You buy the food, you can make that rule.
  • robinm58
    I love the idea that two of you tried to work together. I would say use this approach again. Let your daughter know that she is beautiful the way she is and instead of the goal being to lose weight have the goal be aimed at health. Trust me when you do it this way the weight will drop off naturally. I do not think the focus should be weight at her age it should be just being healthy. This way it can more of a lifestyle vs. you setting her up for yo-yo dieting. Once she has agree to team up with you for this healthy lifestyle challenge. How about the two of you do an art project (dream board) and right down what healthy goals you want to accomplish. These should be her goals so they may not look the way you want them to look. Find out what activities your daughter likes. Maybe dance is her thing? If so try Zumba, kickboxing, basketball, etc. Anything that will peak her interest. Just be careful about what you say. I know you mean no harm because you love her but she is probably experiencing pressure at school and needs some extra special support when she comes home.
  • Annahasababy
    Annahasababy Posts: 60 Member
    Unfortunately your best intentions are probably making it worse. I suggest when you get her counseling TO ALSO get counseling to see your role in this and to let go of some control issues.

    So sorry to say it.