My coworkers do this diet and i can't help but laugh



  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    1pjah7 wrote: »
    Even after seeing that, they still either do crazy diets or outright starve themselves. I don't understand it. I really don't.

    Because it is much easier to blame the "diet" for their weight loss failure than to accept their own accountability and or/responsibility for their eating decisions and bad choices.

    Lawd why can't I like this post seriously!! I've tried to help so many people lose weight and I've ended up just quitting because people don't take responsibility for their own damn faults. YOU got fat, no one else forced food into you. YOU take the blame. Then YOU take steps to fix it. It's not a hard concept yet so many people can't seem to grasp it! :neutral_face::disappointed:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Sometimes it's just hard to keep it all in. I just don't understand people sometimes...but ya know what. Enough about me. What do you all think? Overview and then link

    "The Omni Drops program includes consumption of the drops, Omni IV liquid vitamins, Nite Lite and the recommended menu. The first 2 days of the Omni Drops program consists of eating very high calorie foods that contain high fat and sugar contents. This is called "loading". This is the time to eat every bad food you've always dreamed of eating! The more you gain during these 2 days, the better - this will set your body up for a great "dropping" period. Don't worry though, you will lose it all in the following 48 hours. Eat cakes, cookies, ice cream, fried foods, pizza, cheese, etc. - these are all acceptable foods. You can even drink all the alcohol you want during this time! It is important that you load properly as this is a very critical part of the diet. People that chose not to load properly have found that the rest of the unwanted weight does not drop as easily as those people who took the time to load. You want to eat all day with a constant feeling of being "full". You will also need to drink 3/4 to 1 gallon of water in addition to eating all the food - don't forget this! You will also need to be taking the Omni drops 3 times a day, 10 drops at a time. Do not begin loading if you have not started taking the Omni drops! "

    Sounds like the diet is working for someone. :)

  • Losingthedamnweight
    So OP, how are your co workers getting on?

    The usual vicious cycle on repeat. They starve for a couple weeks lose maybe 15 lbs (and get moody as hell because they're starving. Who wouldn't be?) and then relax and eat whatever they want. Then the weight comes back and they go through a month of complaining how fat they are then they do it all over again.

    I try to not be pushy or judgmental with them. I've tried to slip it into conversation "yeah i've lost X amount of weight eating whatever i want. Its really easy with this app on my phone". Then they're like "yeah yeah. I doubt its that simple"