"Stop losing weight!" Uggggh.



  • dannyXoxo
    dannyXoxo Posts: 60 Member
    I know exactly how you feel.... My family if pretty over weight and ever since I started losing they say I'm getting too thin and muscular and suggest I stop caring about what I eat and such. I don't let it phase me, in fact I see it as motivation to get as fit and healthy as I possibly can just to prove them wrong (and hopefully get them interested in a healthier lifestyle). There will always be ppl who will not understand what your trying to do and assume that what you are doing is either unhealthy or 'pointless' as some of my family has said BUT you just gotta remember why you started exercising and being healthy in the first place regardless of what anyone says. Kudos to you for still sticking it out despite the negative feedback from friends... Once you reach your goals and show them how much more happier and healthier you are I'm sure they'll agree and stand by your decision. Goodluck
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Like everyone else, GREAT JOB! Be proud of what you have accomplished!
    As for the "stop losing weight", I started hearing that after I lost 10 pounds and my BMI was still in the "obese" category! Almost 2 years later I still have people around me complaining about me "losing too much weight" and I'm the healthiest and most fit I've ever been, I've run 2 marathons for pete's sake!
    Do what you have to do, try not to discuss it or talk to them about it if possible and don't give up on your goal, you are doing great!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i agree that its just because they are used to seeing you at a certain weight, anything else your family gets concerned your not eating.
    i have been told not too lose anymore, but i am still overweight. I just tell them that i still have wobbly bits i need to lose.
  • bjmarsh14
    bjmarsh14 Posts: 16
    I am 5'6 and last summer I was 158-160. For our height that is pushing being overweight. It's right at the line anyway. Right now I weigh 136-138 and feel great about myself! Feel free to look at my pictures for reference of how that looks. My boyfriend tells me now that I am too skinny and have lost my butt which it has shrunk but I will never lose it!! I hate that other people are telling me I'm "skinny" I do not like that term at all because when people say you're getting too skinny I think of being actually thin with no muscle (which is not me at all). Just do what makes you happy, HEALTHY and feel good about yourself because they aren't the ones that have to look at your body the way you do everyday.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    First - wow! congratulations on your journey!

    and second - make a game out of it. reward yourself with a non-food reward for every time your family tells you to stop dieting. Or make a bet to yourself ("I bet sis will start with the 'stop dieting' within 143 seconds"). IOW -let it flow over you, ignore them.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'll admit, I used to be one of those people who thought everyone trying to lose weight was going to get too skinny. A large part of this was because I had no idea what a "healthy" weight looked like. I was also really used to what my friends/family looked like before and I was concerned they'd go too far. It was never jealousy, kind of more just a fear of the unknown. Now that I'm going through this process myself I feel that I can relate a lot more to what they went through and I feel bad about the assumptions I had about people losing weight in the past. I'm sure your family just means well and they want you to be healthy, they just don't know what that means. It's good you shared your goal with them and let them know you just want to get to a healthy body weight. Just try to educate them the best you can, and hopefully they'll come around eventually. Once they're used to the new you, they'll probably forget their worries. Just keep doing what makes you happy, it's your body, and you're aiming to live a long healthy life. Nothing wrong with that.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I am 5'7 and 124-125 lbs (maintaining) and still in the normal BMI range. ;)
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I heard this too when I was still 7 pounds away from the top of my healthy BMI range. (I then went through some stuff and gained 10 pounds...still trying to get back there...ugh.) They just care about you and are probably worried that you're losing in an unhealthy manner because they probably don't understand. Just explain to them that you are indeed being healthy about losing weight - for me, I was adamant that I wasn't "losing weight," but instead I was "becoming healthy." That was something my family understood.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I think some family members get in the mode that it is their duty to accept you no matter what, and so they overcorrect and try to stop you. I think them trying to stop you is a misguided attempt to say they accept you how you are and you don't have to lose weight.
  • puppy_amor
    puppy_amor Posts: 42 Member
    I totally relate to where you are coming from. My dad and relatives always say stuff like this to me. "A little bit of excess is normal" is what my dad says. I think that they don't get it because no one in my family is really focused on fitness and being athletic. They all think that losing weight means I am going to become anorexic or something. I have tried to change their focus to my goal of being strong and athletic rather than "skinny" but they never really understand.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Oh man, that was the MOST irritating thing that people said to me! "Girl, you're too skinny! You can skip your workout today!" Or, "Hey, we're having pizza and ice cream! Here's a huge plate! You're so skinny, it's ok if you indulge a bit!"

    And it literally got to me so much, that I actually did begin to skip working out, and I *did* just "indulge, this once, it's ok!" until I gained pretty much ALL of my weight back!

    I am so mad at and disappointed in myself for letting people like this get into my head and ruin all the great progress I had made. I was less than 10 pounds from my goal when I began to "live a little, just have some fun!" and completely did a 180.

    So now I'm back a square one, and my motivation is completely shot. I wish I wouldn't have listened to anyone, and stuck with my schedule, because I felt great when I was working out and eating healthy.

    So seriously, just ignore the haters. And definitely either back up your stance with the facts, or just tell people to butt out. Honestly it's none of their business what you weight, as long as you're being healthy about it, which you clearly are! Great job so far, and good luck on your continued progress!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Yeah I've had a few "don't waste away" comments too.


    I know I don;t have an unrealistic goal and I know I have a healthy relationship with food so I will stop eating at a deficit when I reach my goal.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Just like it probably took your mind some time to come to grips with the fact that you are smaller, your family might need some time too. I have a friend who lost a pretty good chunk of weight and I admit, I thought he was looking too thin and should stop. I didn't say anything because I know he and his wife are very health conscious (he wasn't very overweight to begin with) and I trusted that they had a handle on it. When he finished he was within a healthy weight range for his height but he looked very thin to me. I think it's just because I was used to seeing him before his weight loss and after he was definitely much thinner. My brain took some time to adjust to his new look. Now when I see him (still the same weight) I think he looks great, trim and healthy!

    Let your family know you appreciate their concern but that you are well aware of what the healthy weight guidelines are for your height. If you and your health care provider are happy with what you're doing then let that be your guide but understand your family is just concerned. You don't have to answer to them but some reassurance to those who love you isn't a bad thing. :)
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    I got this comment from a family member a few days ago and I never really understood why it pissed people off until then. I got mad, and didn't really know what to say. I've lost 32 lbs and still have 37 more to go. My goal weight is actually higher than what I should be, but it's that way to give me room to adjust it if I want/need to.

    I think it ticked me off so much because I've worked hard to get here and hearing that implies I'm doing something wrong. I'm ignoring it for now, as should you and keep doing what we're doing. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    You're shorter than me (by 1") and weigh more than I do. I'm working on getting to your sister's weight or even a little less (cuz last time I was at that weight, I still had a bit of belly flab to get rid of). I would just thank them for their advice and then keep doing what you're doing! And congratulations on changing your life and doing the right thing!
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    Just to add - sometimes after/towards the end of a long-sustained weightloss, we tend to look quite gaunt at our new healthy weight until our bodies have the time to even out in maintenance. When I first got to the weight I am now, I got all sorts of comments about looking like a "holocaust victim", but now I don't, because my remaining bodyfat has sort of redistributed, I'm not running in a deficit all the time, etc. I have a friend who got WLS, and lost about 150 pounds, and she is in the "gaunt" stage, but I'm sure she will even out when she reaches her target weight and begins maintaining.
  • mazekah
    mazekah Posts: 52
    Check with your dietician. They are medically equipped to tell you what you should weigh. No one else's business.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Thanks for all those who can relate and your opinions :) They really are helping!

    And to those who weigh less, yes i know that i'm not underweight. Thats why its so annoying!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Dont worry about others it a very big change people will relax eventually :)
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Check with your dietician. They are medically equipped to tell you what you should weigh. No one else's business.

    This is actually a really good suggestion. Ive never been to a dietician. I think im going to look in my insurance booklet right now and find one that accepts it. Thanks!