I need more 'natural' protein



  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    edited November 2014
    EvanKeel wrote: »
    ahoier wrote: »
    Dairy is some of the BEST form of protein you can consume...it is the easiest form of protein for your body to digest, and utilize so I've heard...

    That being said, nothing wrong with pasteurized egg whites (think egg beaters), cottage cheese, greek yogurt (stick to plain...and add blueberries, etc.....to the Mix yourself to monitor the sugar), KEFIR is another good one...it may be found next to the yogurt, or even in the "milk case" at your local grocer...it's basically a yogurt-ized (lol?) smoothie lol. It's got the consistency of yogurt, but you can drink it by the glass.....easy. I get the strawberry kind...it's also very rich in probiotics which will aide in digesting all of this protein you are consuming.

    I don't know wat 50% comes out to be for you...but in the fitness world, I have heard of people eating 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight......

    Also, don't forget the produce department...you'll be amazed at how much protein you can find over there!
    Sweet Potatoes
    Nuts, Seeds, of all kinds!

    The chart is a little silly.

    Let's say I'm trying to 150g of protein in a day. That's slightly lower than the OP, but not a lot.

    Yes, 100g of chicken breast has 23g of protein. I don't know how they're getting the numbers for Broccoli, which has 4.17 grams of protein for 148g serving (if we believe the usda database).

    Simple math was never my strong suit. Feel free to double check me

    Now...I could reach that protein goal by eating about 23oz of chicken breast (or about 1.44 lbs). That's not that much chicken spread throughout the day.


    You could eat 11.79 pounds of Broccoli for an equivalent amount of protein. My colon would hate me, but egad man.

    Silly chart is silly.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Eating that much protein will get very old very fast, deplete your food budget and result in farts that will kill a number of small animals.

    That being said, a plate beans with a mountain of ground pork and a glass of skim milk would be a decent meal that would fit your goals without completely breaking your wallet.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I'm not even past page one on comments yet and Godwin's Law is in effect. That's a new record.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Slacker16 wrote: »
    Eating that much protein will get very old very fast, deplete your food budget and result in farts that will kill a number of small animals.

    That being said, a plate beans with a mountain of ground pork and a glass of skim milk would be a decent meal that would fit your goals without completely breaking your wallet.

    That sounds so delicious.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Get a new trainer.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I think 188g of protein is going to do strange/unpleasant things to your digestive system. I just figured 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass (which I estimated from the military body fat calculator and looking at photos to estimate online). For most people it's going to come out at 80-110g.

    Sources of protein I like include fat-free greek yogurt (you can stir it into soups that would normally be cream-based, which is nice now the weather's cooler), chicken, fresh fish, tinned fish, beans and lentils (I always have a container of cooked beans in the fridge, you can add them to loads of things, and they have tons of fiber too. I use them instead of potatoes to thicken soups), nuts and seeds have a lot of fat but they do have protein as well and fiber so they are a nice addition to things, also lots of vegetables have protein in. If you want to avoid protein smoothies etc (I do as well from personal preference), it's possible to get a good whack just by adding a protein source at every meal, and adding in other stuff like beans to make it more interesting.

    If you increase protein, make sure you get plenty of fiber or you'll end up bunged-up.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    EvanKeel wrote: »
    jaquelynny wrote: »
    __drmerc__ wrote: »
    jaquelynny wrote: »
    greek yogurt (try mixed with tbsp natural pb or pb2), cottage cheese, tuna on celery, hard boiled eggs, jerky
    there is a recipe for protein pancakes (egg white, cottage cheese, oatmeal) very good

    Are you trolling the OP? Cottage cheese, jerky, greek yogurt and pb2 are all highly processed foods

    i have no time for that BS- you forum natzis are weird sometimes picking apart answers, i didn't only say those things-she said she didnt want shakes, those are other options. take eit easy

    It was kind of a valid question given the OPs post...
    because I'm trying to stay away from processed foods.

    By giving her foods that seem to directly oppose her desire to stay away from processed foods, it comes across as a little baiting.

    Now if you want to get into a discussion about why she cares so much about processed foods, that would be fair, but there are other ways to do that.

    except most whey is just dehydrated whey from milk- it's completely "natural" and something I believe if you are motivated to do enough on your own- you can.

    But I would just drink full milk.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JTick wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Ground beef blended into milk?

    Is this what people eat in the USA?

    Yes. I pour it into an eagle shaped glass. 'Merica.

    my effing hero. Seriously.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    edited November 2014
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Ground beef blended into milk?

    Not ground beef. Steak (over hard).

    And don't forget the jellybeans (your finest - raw).

  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    edited November 2014
    JoRocka wrote: »
    EvanKeel wrote: »
    jaquelynny wrote: »
    __drmerc__ wrote: »
    jaquelynny wrote: »
    greek yogurt (try mixed with tbsp natural pb or pb2), cottage cheese, tuna on celery, hard boiled eggs, jerky
    there is a recipe for protein pancakes (egg white, cottage cheese, oatmeal) very good

    Are you trolling the OP? Cottage cheese, jerky, greek yogurt and pb2 are all highly processed foods

    i have no time for that BS- you forum natzis are weird sometimes picking apart answers, i didn't only say those things-she said she didnt want shakes, those are other options. take eit easy

    It was kind of a valid question given the OPs post...
    because I'm trying to stay away from processed foods.

    By giving her foods that seem to directly oppose her desire to stay away from processed foods, it comes across as a little baiting.

    Now if you want to get into a discussion about why she cares so much about processed foods, that would be fair, but there are other ways to do that.

    except most whey is just dehydrated whey from milk- it's completely "natural" and something I believe if you are motivated to do enough on your own- you can.

    But I would just drink full milk.

    I don't disagree, but its naturalness doesn't negate the fact that it's still processed. My overall point was that the semantics and use of avoiding "processed foods" was completely side-stepped as a topic of conversation.

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Ground beef blended into milk?

    Not ground beef. Steak (over hard).

    And don't forget the jellybeans (your finest - raw).


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member

    I'm upping my protein intake to 50% - and I'm really struggling (Carbs at 30% and Fats at 20%).

    I do not want to take protein shakes, because I'm trying to stay away from processed foods.

    Any high protein meals / snacks you can suggest?

    Meat. Meat ALL the time.

    Want some meat with that tea?
    Want some meat with that cookie?
    Oh look at my toothpaste made from pate.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    edited November 2014
    Oh look at my toothpaste made from pate.

    bahahahahaaa that cracked me up thanks :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    no problem. I make it myself. It's artisanally crafted, and small batch. ;)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    My Personal Trainer has suggested this because I'm an 'endomorph' - so 50% protein is what I'm going to try and it's bloody hard.

    If it's bloody hard, it's not going to work long enough to lose the weight. Trainer or not, the best way to do weight loss is to follow the easiest way for you that would still keep you at a deficit even if it's not too popular with your trainer or other people.

    I have lost nearly 100 pounds so far with about 40-80 gram of protein daily. If you tell someone on here that you are eating 40 grams of protein, somehow at the end of the conversation you will end up a blob of fat and bones and no muscle.

    Now if I did eat as much protein as I should be having I would have quit a long time ago because I don't like meat, can eat poultry only occasionally, allergic to egg whites so I can only have them occasionally, and the only seafood I'll put in my mouth is fish and even that I'm not a big fan..

    Long story short: do what you would stick to, not what is bloody hard and you will get there. If you can manage enough protein without suffering that's great! If not, that's still great. 50% is an overkill anyway.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Long story short: do what you would stick to, not what is bloody hard and you will get there. If you can manage enough protein without suffering that's great! If not, that's still great. 50% is an overkill anyway.


    The actual medical research on protein suggests that all the fad diets have the goals set far too high. Your body does not need massive quantities of protein. It needs an adequate amount to keep you healthy, that is all!

    Any personal trainer throwing around words like "endomorph" doesn't know his @$$ from his elbow.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Find a local provider of raw milk, and drink it raw or "process" it yourself into kefir. You can read up on how to make your own kefir all over the internet, and buy some grains raised in raw milk. Just did myself, (purchased on ebay) though I'm lazier and am feeding them store bought whole milk instead. On day 4 since their arrival and my tablespoon of kefir grains is working on turning a cup of whole milk to kefir. Hoping I don't kill them and can raise them to provide me with a quart of kefir a day. So much cheaper than the store bought kefir and has beneficial yeasts etc that are not in the store bought mixes. Between the 2 of us and 5 dogs, a quart a day will get used. Its high in protein and the grains process the lactose for you, so even my somewhat lactose intolerant system can have all I want.

  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I also would like to be able to eat the protein without going to a lot of processed stuff. Yes, I do eat the Greek yogurt and the occasional protein bar (with chocolate more than nuts). I really don't like the whey powder because it tastes downright awful. Also, I have to watch the sugar alcohol in some of the protein bars because it does give me stomach problems. I do eat chicken and pork (not all the time, but when Mom cooks it a certain way, WOW), but not all the time.
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    Hippies and Nazi's in one thread. That put a little sunshine in my cloudy day.