I'm 19 and have never had a boyfriend :(



  • trenzalours
    trenzalours Posts: 60
    edited November 2014
    You won't be happy with someone else until you can be happy with yourself.

    And once you're happy with yourself, you will gain confidence and that will open up doors in your life, be it love, career or other things.

    Don't panic, life isn't a race.

    This is the best advice. Don't be discouraged because you've never had a boyfriend. Learn to love yourself for everything you can be. Have fun being single and eventually love will come your way in the least likely of places.

    I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was 17 but it was all online for 7 months. We met on a forum based site that was kind of a troll message board. We hated each other and would avoid each other on MSN all the time. Then we started talking more and more until one day on Skype I told him I loved him. We met in person when I was 18 years old and I moved to Florida for college and to be with him. We've been together for 6 years and it will be 7 in February.

    Don't go looking for love because I truly do believe that it will find you when you're ready and when whoever is right for you is ready. Love yourself and love the woman you're becoming You might even realize you don't need a man in your life at all! It all depends on your spirit and what kind of woman you are and who you might become.

  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Boyfriends are overrated. I haven't had one in almost 3 years and have never been happier :smiley:
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    Am 20 and doesn't and won't have one and am still breathing !!
    Don't make your life dependent on such trivialities you are a girl be yourself, have a dream and get in your life don't rush things ...
  • svconway01
    svconway01 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm sure you'll find the right one someday....after all, you look just like Taylor!
  • HollandWife
    The best advice I can give you is to enjoy being you and go out and have fun with your friends! Going out with friends is honestly the best way to meet men. You could try POF or whatever and that might work, but in my experience, it's going out and gaining life experience is what gets you to where you want to be. Not just with men, but with yourself.People keep saying "enjoy being single". It's true and although it may not feel like it right now, you WILL meet someone worthy of you and that you want to be with all of the time. But don't rush it, babe. When you rush it, that's when you meet the losers. And remember, you may have to kiss a few frogs before you kiss a prince. It's all part of life.

    Go out and have fun with your friends. Try things out of your comfort zone, sing karaoke, get drunk, dance, play drinking games, volunteer, train for a 5k, take fitness classes. You will get there. And he will be great, but don't go out with the intention of finding him. He will find you.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    #1: All these daydreams you've had about cuddling by the fire and long walks and romantic dinners make up about 1% of the reality of a serious relationship. So when I say you're not missing much, I mean it. You're not missing as much as you think you are. No relationship is 1000 times better than a bad one.
    #2: That said, finding your best friend in an SO is wonderful and worth waiting for.
    #3: While you're waiting, find clubs, join a rec sports team, get on MeetUps and find people with similar interests. Go to museums, craft fairs, gun shows, volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, do whatever you're into. *HAVE FUN* while you're waiting.

    Really, 19 isn't that old. I'm sure you're tired of hearing that, but in 15 years, you'll see that it's true. And you'll wonder why you were in such a hurry. You have all kinds of time. Build your life, chase your dreams. The boyfriend situation will work it's way in there somewhere.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    It wasn't until I was 21 that I had my first boyfriend.
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 20 and I've never had a boyfriend either :(
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I'm the second person my husband has ever been with. His first was his late wife, and not until his mid 20's. I've had enough crappy relationships just in my early 20's for both of us. I wish I could say that I've only ever had two relationships where I truly loved the person and felt it reciprocated fully.

    When he came into my life we were both in so much pain, he had recently lost his wife, and I was in an abusive marriage. Neither one of us were looking for someone. It just happened.

    You can't search for it. It will find you.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    You should go out and date a few jerks so when a quality guy comes around you can appreciate him more.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    I've decided for now, I'm good with being single. I've done the boyfriend thing and it was nothing but drama. Maybe one day I'll be open to dating again but for now....I'm enjoying being single. When it comes to you, you're 19, enjoy life and in time the right guy will come along.
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Don't worry I am 23 years old and I have never had boyfriend or even my first kiss yet. I am not even upset that my 20 years old sister has got a boyfriend. Anyway you got to love yourself before you can love someone else so don't worry.
  • that_tall_girl
    that_tall_girl Posts: 95 Member
    Try not to let it discourage you too much. You're still quite young and you have lots to experience. I didn't have my first relationship until I was 26. I didn't even date before that. I've now been in a relationship with a wonderful guy for almost four years. The good guys are worth waiting for. I would still encourage you to try to get out there and meet people, but keep it casual. Don't go diving into anything right away. I met my guy on OK Cupid - they are out there, but it takes some digging.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    edited November 2014
    dont worry it will happen then youll look at that man one day and think why the hell did i want this so bad.
  • scarletpride16
    I am in a similar position actually! 20 years old and have never had a girlfriend... But I try to live my life and enjoy my friends and family and try not to think about it too much and hope that one day it will work out for me!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My ex gf had her first kiss, first date, first bf with me. She was 23 at the time and is now turning 24. Shes smart (a teacher) gorgeous, athletic, super in shape, and everything amazing. I only broke up with her because she was a bit clingy and would text me 200 times a day. Ok, I've lost my point lol... Oh yes, my point was.... You can be everything awesome and not have that special someone yet. When the time is right, they just come along. Go out, have fun, and just let life happen.

    Other point. When you find him DO NOT TEXT him 200 times a day.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I've been married twice and "involved" several times.... I have been on my own now for a while and, guess what, I am finally happy being by myself! I had to do a look of self-inquiry about WHY I wanted a relationship.... After all the questioning, I realized I didn't want one after all. Hugs, Dear!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    When is your deadline?

    She appears to want to find one BEFORE the semester of college begins. However I think it would be GREAT if she focused on herself in her free time off of Kohl's with YAYOG or a membership at a local club if she can afford it and then hit the ground running when college starts again for her.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Volunteer work is a great way to meet people. So is taking a class through your cities' recreation department.

    Focus on meeting as many new people as possible and making friendships, love interests will come in time. :)

    If you want to cuddle, perhaps foster an animal? Animal hugs are probably even better than people hugs. :P

    I didn't date until college. I survived!
  • megantischner
    megantischner Posts: 85 Member
    I was 21 when I had my first bf (didn't last long!) and then didn't really date again until I was 24.
    I did find a great guy (we're now married, 3 years!) via online dating (OKCupid) - but it took a lot of time and patience to find the serious guys while weeding out all the creepy guys just looking to hook up.
    You will find someone, it just may take time!
    In the meantime, why not try making more friends? You can try http://www.meetup.com/ to find people (including guys!) with similar interests.