What changed, besides weight, after losing a lot of weight?



  • summerhaze71
    summerhaze71 Posts: 1,204 Member
    justaboat wrote: »
    It seems that the more weight I lose, the more depressed I get :/ (is this just me or do others feel this way?)

    I wonder if some of that is due to hormone changes as our body attempts to regulate itself?

    Sometimes I look in the mirror and although I am 30 lbs down, I don't see a huge difference. I still see the problem areas and although they don't look to be getting any smaller, my clothes are too big, so I know they are shrinking. I just can't see it yet.
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    My confidence is what has changed the most!! I also have a lot more energy.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I have more confidence, I feel better about myself, I feel more attractive, I feel like I can pick out a piece of clothing and actually have a chance of looking good in it (and it's not plus-sized), and....

    I was able to get pregnant. When I was Obese, my period/ovulation was pretty much non-existent, and what I did get was completely untrackable.

    I got to my first major goal (155 lbs) and we started trying as soon as I reached it. Got pregnant first time trying. My weight has been holding back my family plans for far too long.

    Bonus is that I've gained a little more than half of what I did with my first child. At 32 weeks in my first pregnancy I was up 35 lbs (gained 45 total), at 32 weeks this time, I'm sitting at 16.6 lbs gained. The difference is staggering. I can't even imagine what pregnancy would be like for me if I still had all the weight on me.
  • d3gus
    d3gus Posts: 97 Member
    Ninkyou congratulations on your pregnancy and its wonderful that you are looking ahead to having a baby and being fitter and stronger to deal with everything.

    Me, I have lost 31lb so far, around another 70 to go! I do find that i have more energy now, but still have that mini me sitting on my shoulder telling me that i am still fat, look crap in clothes and are not worthy! I am waiting for the day that that will go away :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I got a big confidence boost, and I am a little energizer bunny now. I am out most nights doing an activity of some sort or another. Of his third habit Covey asks, "What one thing could you do (you aren’t doing now) that if you did on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference on your personal life?" I've known for years it was losing weight. It is only now that I have experienced continued success.

    I have experienced the benefits I expected (increased stamina, greater mobility, higher esteem, no medications), and a few more besides (exercise is fun!). Yesterday out of the blue I got all social, chatting up everyone I met.

    Hubby hasn't changed much as I have gone through this transformation, though he happily tags along with the healthier eating, and our marriage is fine. He liked me big, he likes me now. The change has not modified the power dynamics of our relationship.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited November 2014
    lemon629 wrote: »
    bstoudt369 wrote: »
    Aleishia22 wrote: »
    Am I going to lose friends because I'm not the " funny fat one" anymore?

    If you do, they weren't really friends to start with and you are probably better off without them.

    I agree 100%.

    Plus, honestly, I think most of the time when people say hurtful things in a "joking" manner, they are not joking, they are telling the truth in a way they think they can get away with.

    I did not lose friends when I lost weight, but some of my friendships did have to adjust a bit.

    One of my friends lost over 100 pounds and lost quite a few friends in the process. No longer being the fat one can really alter the dynamics of superficial friendships.

    I think you should start looking for more friends who can be more supportive. And if you don't lose your old friends, wonderful, you just have more friends than you did before.

    I have a friend couple... the husband's friends all told him when he got married that they were going to dump him when he has a baby. And they did :(
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I stopped thinking about what I eat all the time and started concentrating on the rest of my life.
  • eaviram
    Really great thread. Inspiring. I can relate to many of the comments. Since I've been both I feel bad for overweight people because I know first hand how painful it can be both physically and in other ways. I think I can see the pain on their bodies and faces. I wish it was easier to lose but congrats to so many people on this thread that are doing it. For all these reasons I'm very motivated to never go back to heavy.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    edited November 2014
    Aleishia22 wrote: »
    I'm in the process of losing weight and I already have friends telling me that they're not going to hang out with me anymore when I reach my goal because "I'll be too hot". They say it jokingly but I'm nervous that it may be true. Did anyone experience that? Am I going to lose friends because I'm not the " funny fat one" anymore?

    I've only lost 25 of the 70 pounds I'd like to lose, but I've experienced the loss of at least one friend. The advice that "they were superficial, you don't need them, you're better off" only works in the long run.

    I'm looking at it as the opportunity to practice self care. My closest friend in this city ignored my texts, unfriended me on facebook and apparently just rolls her eyes when my name is brought up. (Some background: we started losing weight together in August, she dropped out a few weeks later and is continuing to gain.) Rationally, I get why she did it. But it hurts more than you would expect.

    There was a time that I would have buried my sorrows in alcohol, potato chips, and ice cream. Now, I'm exercising more and watching more comedies. This is how I want to cope with my heartaches from now on.

    To the OP: I feel more energetic and healthier, plus I notice that there's muscle under this flab. I don't feel sexy, confident, pretty, any of that yet. I trust it will come. My depression was better until my friend "dumped" me, but now I feel back at square one. I cook more, but I've always loved cooking.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    I no longer have 38FF boobs to carry about!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited November 2014
    Ftw37 wrote: »

    Now, I am just a background character--one of the crowd. I have disappeared. It's kind of weird, since I am still trying to get rid of the defensive chip on the shoulder I had when I was fat. I am now part of that "normal-sized-person" club that everyone else always was a member of.

    People sit next to me on the bus and subway without a second thought. I am not obviously judged for every public meal I eat.

    It's weird.

    Yes to all of this, I can relate very well. It is weird. It's also odd as a thirtysomething woman to suddenly be touched so much by random women and girls, whether I know them or not. I was obese even as a teen and while I've always had female friends we didn't touch or hug really. Now I'll just be in a public place, shopping in a store, or at a casual party and women will touch my skin, hair, face, clothing or whatever...hug me and so on. I never realized until now how they kept their distance before and to be honest it's a bit unsettling to suddenly feel like I have less personal space.

    The same is true when shopping in stores. In the past, being a woman at 270-300+ I was given SUCH a wider berth (no pun intended). Now I always feel like people are in my space, and it seems difficult to "own my space" in a way I have never experienced. I'm not small at 5'8" and on the higher end of a healthy weight - but it seems that with me being relatively "normal" most people are like "oh it's just some lady I'll share her tiny bench seat on the bus or stand six inches from her in this line".

    So weird.

    I also feel like before I was noticed a lot for being "the big girl with confidence/style" and now I'm just seen as an average person. I do still get compliments a lot, but I realize now that being a plus-sized fairly fashionable woman I was getting somewhat backhanded compliments near-daily for being that way "DESPITE" my size...kind of crazy.

  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    Exercise is now a priority because it's fun. Being out in the forest hiking is one of my favorite ways to spend time. I'm willing to try things I wouldn't have considered before. Night hiking with headlamps with a group or with my husband is something I didn't know was a possibility before. Now I want to try kayaking. I did a color run in the summer and I'm doing a Santa run (walking it) this weekend. Exercise has become fun and joining hiking groups has given me an outlet to exercise with like minded people who would rather be outdoors and active than sit at home after work. I feel strong and healthy. I can walk up steep hills without trouble, which makes me feel confident and athletic. Looking leaner in clothes is an ego boost. My thyroid medication had to be reduced after losing over 65 pounds. Shopping at sports stores is now interesting to me.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    i also love exercising and i'm not afraid to try new physical things because i'm not so afraid of failing now.

    THIS! I have learned to be fine with looking foolish while trying and failing at things, because I've learned that some failure is necessary while pushing yourself, and I've also learned that success does come with persistence.

    I had let a whole lot of life pass time by while sitting things out because I "knew" I couldn't do things...

    So I am more of a participant in the active parts of life, and less of a passive observer.
  • StrongHealthyPowerful
    StrongHealthyPowerful Posts: 98 Member
    edited November 2014
    A weird thing that changed for me is I had to change how I interacted with men. I had always been bigger, and I was also always pretty flirty. It never really seemed to matter who I flirted with, because no one ever took me seriously. I was always just the funny fat girl. Once I lost weight however, I definitely fumbled around for a while trying to find the best manner to use, due to more than one awkward situation where my behavior was misinterpreted. I had a couple people ask me out who I wished hadn’t (always uncomfortable, made worse if you don’t have a lot of experience turning people down), and inadvertently hurt a female friend’s feelings because of how I acted towards her crush. It was rather surprising and took a lot of getting used to. I guess that I had gotten so used to being overlooked and once people started paying attention (not just due to my weight loss but also the huge boost in confidence that came with it), I didn’t know how to act!

    I’ve figured it out though, and I feel like I’ve found a good balance between being my naturally friendly self, and not giving the wrong impression.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I stand out in a crowd still just not for the same reason I use to
    ummm I love myself most of the time now
    I voice my strong opinions with a lot more confidence and just really do not care what other people think of me

  • sukid88
    sukid88 Posts: 18 Member
    I have lost 46 pounds so far and since I'm short it makes a big difference. I'm 5'2, started at 172 and am currently 125 (looking to get down to 115).

    I am a lot more confident. I have noticed that guys are nicer and hit on me more, people compliment me, people are just overall nicer to me...which I think is due to my confidence level increasing. I used to be a shy because I was embarrassed of my weight, but now that I know I look better I am more willing to get out there because I don't care what people have to say anymore.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    LOL. Findings that you can gain a lot of it back if you aren't careful.
  • FortWildernessLoopy
    I don't feel as self conscious. I've lost 100lbs, still have 70 to go, but now I don't dread leaving the house and feeling all the pointing and staring (which, yes, I got quite a bit of). It was at the point I wouldn't even go to family functions because of all the judging and 'suggestions' of how others would live my life and lose weight. Anyway, now I look forward to taking long walks and going to the beach with my hubby. Riding my bike is a pleasure, now and I started wearing make-up and doing stuff with my hair because at my heaviest, I just figured, "why bother?". Wow, this all sounds like doom and gloom, but honestly that's how I felt and now I feel better!
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