


  • whitehorse67
    whitehorse67 Posts: 101 Member
    I am trying to quit now.....I have tried it all, Chantix and the patch. They did not work for me. However, i will never tell anyone that those things don't work because sooo many people have had success from them. Just personally, I have to do it by simply cutting down, limiting how many I have in a day and filing my mind with other things.

    It's just a matter of making up your mind and being ready...similar to losing weight and getting back into shape.

    I was a 2 pack a day smoker a year ago, now, I am a little less than a pack a day. My goal is to be smoke free by the new year.

    As far as the cravings.....well, they will be there. When we change out lifestyle and eat healthier, those really really good and tasty foods that blow the diet to hell are still calling for us right? We resist......I know that once I stop for good, I can resist those cravings too!..
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    FatFreeFrolicking, I get the impression you are not and have never been a smoker, so shhh...
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    FatFreeFrolicking, I get the impression you are not and have never been a smoker, so shhh...

    Is smoking some elitist club where only people that do it can discuss how to quit it? Get real. Most of us here have dealt with struggles before. I didn't lose 70 pounds just by herpderpin my way through the past almost 2 years. I know what it takes to push myself out of my comfort zone to break bad habits.

    Smoking is one of the hardest habits but it has to be taken care of with your own intrinsic motivation and it has to be done as soon as possible.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    FatFreeFrolicking, I get the impression you are not and have never been a smoker, so shhh...

    You're right and thank the Lord for that.

    I'm curious though… since when must you be a smoker to comment on a thread about smoking? Is it some sort of new rule?

    I didn't think so. So kindly "shhh" yourself.
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    Smokers want advice from non-smokers like obese people want advice from an anorexic. Saying that because you smoke you are going to get lung cancer doesn't work or else no one would smoke. OP is not asking 'what are the risks of smoking', she is specifically asking for 'former smokers, or the ones who are in quitting process right now'
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I've been in the battle of quitting on and off since last year I have restarted several times but I have now been off smokes cold turkey now for idk like a month. And I find myself this time that I crave less food than when I smoked. But that might just be me.

    But several of the many other times I quick for awhile I used nicorette gum and e-cigs. Those helped a bit especially e-cigs because I found out more and more that I really like the hand jesture more then the actual nicotene. But everyones different. But when I do get a food craving or a cig craving I just ignore it and do busy work like cleaning or going online or exercise. My husband tends to chew his finger nails but I don't advise that lol
    But I haven't craved a cig since this last time I quit, and I've lost weight since I have.
    Good luck with your weight loss and quitting an awful habit.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    __drmerc__ wrote: »
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    FatFreeFrolicking, I get the impression you are not and have never been a smoker, so shhh...

    Is smoking some elitist club where only people that do it can discuss how to quit it? Get real. Most of us here have dealt with struggles before. I didn't lose 70 pounds just by herpderpin my way through the past almost 2 years. I know what it takes to push myself out of my comfort zone to break bad habits.

    Smoking is one of the hardest habits but it has to be taken care of with your own intrinsic motivation and it has to be done as soon as possible.

    No one wants ignorant opinions and would rather talk to someone with experience

    Is the smoker the ignorant one or the non smoker? Should I refuse health advice from someone who smokes? Should I refuse fitness advice from someone who can't bench as much as me? Should I "shhh" someone who hurts my feelings by telling me that I am training wrong?

    Ignorance doesn't always correspond with lack of experience. Someone can be quite educated on something without actually doing it, buddy.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    Smokers want advice from non-smokers like obese people want advice from an anorexic. Saying that because you smoke you are going to get lung cancer doesn't work or else no one would smoke. OP is not asking 'what are the risks of smoking', she is specifically asking for 'former smokers, or the ones who are in quitting process right now'

    I wasn't talking to the OP. In case you missed that :)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    FatFreeFrolicking, I get the impression you are not and have never been a smoker, so shhh...

    I've been one, and I completely agree with her.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    Smokers want advice from non-smokers like obese people want advice from an anorexic. Saying that because you smoke you are going to get lung cancer doesn't work or else no one would smoke. OP is not asking 'what are the risks of smoking', she is specifically asking for 'former smokers, or the ones who are in quitting process right now'

    I wasn't talking to the OP. In case you missed that :)

    They don't seem to understand that.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    Smokers want advice from non-smokers like obese people want advice from an anorexic. Saying that because you smoke you are going to get lung cancer doesn't work or else no one would smoke. OP is not asking 'what are the risks of smoking', she is specifically asking for 'former smokers, or the ones who are in quitting process right now'

    I have to agree with FatFreeFrolicking, whether she's ever smoked or not. Smoking in order to avoid food cravings seems ludicrous to me.

    The statistical chances of doing yourself harm through smoking are much higher than the statistical chances of doing yourself harm through having cravings, and those cravings can be controlled through other means. Just logically, it makes no sense.
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    FatFreeFrolicking, I get the impression you are not and have never been a smoker, so shhh...

    You're right and thank the Lord for that.

    I'm curious though… since when must you be a smoker to comment on a thread about smoking? Is it some sort of new rule?

    I didn't think so. So kindly "shhh" yourself.

    Do you often walk into AA meetings and yell at the people in there about the risk of cirrhosis of the liver? Your holy than thou attitude is pretentious and not appreciated.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    __drmerc__ wrote: »
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    FatFreeFrolicking, I get the impression you are not and have never been a smoker, so shhh...

    Is smoking some elitist club where only people that do it can discuss how to quit it? Get real. Most of us here have dealt with struggles before. I didn't lose 70 pounds just by herpderpin my way through the past almost 2 years. I know what it takes to push myself out of my comfort zone to break bad habits.

    Smoking is one of the hardest habits but it has to be taken care of with your own intrinsic motivation and it has to be done as soon as possible.

    No one wants ignorant opinions and would rather talk to someone with experience

    Says the guy who posts some of the most ignorant things on MFP.

    I don't need to be a smoker or former smoker to post a comment on a thread about smoking. I actually have an education in public health and nursing which makes my comments 10,000x more "experienced." In fact, I just presented at a public health conference today about tobacco smoking.

  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    edited November 2014
    It's been almost a year since my last cigarette (mid-January). I did use the e-cigs for a while (low-dose, went from 9mg down to 0mg), and now I'm done with those too. I still get cravings, but let's face it, cigarettes smell like *kitten*, they make you smell like *kitten*, they make you feel like *kitten*, and they turn your body to *kitten*.

    There are so many reasons not to smoke that it is nearly insane to continue to do so. It's hard to quit, but nothing worth doing is easy, right? G'luck! :mrgreen:

    edit: smoked for ~8 years, 0.5-1.0 ppd
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    I smoke off and on, generally 1/3 of a pack a day when I am smoking.
    I've never had trouble breathing or any trouble with exercise at all.
    When I'm taking smoking breaks I don't gain wait at all if i keep up my regular food and exercise routine.
    The cravings never really go away, which is why I still smoke......

    Okay, I understand how some of you could be upset at the idea of someone smoking so they don't gain weight, I would be too. However, I do not see where she said that... she said the cravings never really go away which is why I still smoke, I believe she is referring to the smoking cravings, OP asked if you ever get over the craving to smoke. She is saying she still smokes because the craving to smoke for her is so strong.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    So i started smoking a year ago. I remember my first few days as a smoker, i was thinking "hey this is making me less hungry!", also foolishly thinking that I can always stop. Then it became heavy, I am going through a pack a day now. The reasons to quit are obvious, but my biggest one is not health, or the money i'll save, or to bring my taste buds back to life. It's that, ironically, i find girls who smoke unattractive, and the habit is very repulsive.
    So, former smokers, or the ones who are in quitting process right now, i have a few questions for you: do the cigarette cravings EVER go away and what can I possibly do to not gain weight from metabolism that slows down and increased appetite?
    I already work out and watch my calories, but I'm scared that once i stop i'll just give in and eat.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    Admittedly, I haven't read many of the other folks' responses (beyond the real dramatic ones between non-smoker and people chiding her... keep it up, btw), but here goes. I smoked for 11-12 years, sometimes casually, sometimes two packs a day. I don't think smoking helps your metabolism unless you're smoking like a beast, so I'd quit worrying about gaining back. I mean, supposedly, you're tracking your calories in and out on this site, so the cigs won't matter anyway. It's like the supposed metabolism boost you get from eating spicy food or lemon juice or whatever... negligible.

    For me, the cravings become much less severe, but never go away. When I drink, especially heavy drinking mode, I want cigarettes. It's cool, just don't do it (or ease waaaaaay back). In my experience, I went from a pack a day to about five a day with almost no problem. Most of the issue is mental (not denying that there are physically addictive properties, but you are essentially detoxed after 3-4 days of not smoking, so from there, it's totally mental / habitual).

    I, personally and according to some research, think that weening yourself off (via e-cigs, vaps, patches, gum, etc.) is going to reduce your likelihood of success. For myself, Alan Carr's The Easy Way to Quit Smoking was seriously f@cking magic. I wouldn't even say it's brilliantly written or that the guy is some genius, it just works. It's very repetitive and goes over and over and over the pros and cons of smoking vs. not smoking. I highly recommend it and I'm sure you can pick up a used copy on amazon or for pretty darn cheap. Maybe your local library even has it.

    Best of luck to you, but the biggest thing is: IT AIN'T HARD! Really, give it a goddamn shot like you mean it, chew some gum or go for a fun when the cravings get bad, try not smoking for 3-4 days (to "detox") and I promise you can do it. My biggest fear was that I would be missing out on something like fun or enjoyment when I stopped... but life goes on. Give it a shot, OP. You got this one!
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    LeenaJean wrote: »
    Smokers want advice from non-smokers like obese people want advice from an anorexic. Saying that because you smoke you are going to get lung cancer doesn't work or else no one would smoke. OP is not asking 'what are the risks of smoking', she is specifically asking for 'former smokers, or the ones who are in quitting process right now'

    I have to agree with FatFreeFrolicking, whether she's ever smoked or not. Smoking in order to avoid food cravings seems ludicrous to me.

    The statistical chances of doing yourself harm through smoking are much higher than the statistical chances of doing yourself harm through having cravings, and those cravings can be controlled through other means. Just logically, it makes no sense.

    I disagree. If you non-smokers think smoking is poison or unhealthy, why wouldn't it curb your appetite? I mean, cigs used to curb my hunger the same way diet soda does - it makes my stomach ache and, therefore, I have no appetite.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I stopped smoking when I brought my baby son home - he was never going to grow up thinking smoking is "normal". No cravings, no weight gain. As my "baby son" is now 23, and can make his own mind up, I smoke a cigar once in a blue moon and it's not a trigger at all.
    Not everyone finds stopping difficult. I know some people do so not trying to dismiss their experience but until you try you won't know how hard or easy it will be for you.

    My sister never did find the reason to quit. She's now a housebound invalid at age 61 who should be on permanent oxygen but won't because then she would have to stop smoking. Sits in one room all day and all night, unable to breathe lying down, rotting from the feet up due to compromised circulation. Unlikely to make her 62nd birthday.

    So OP - suggest you stop thinking about it and do it.