

  • Shakeitoffx
    Shakeitoffx Posts: 11 Member
    I have my elliptical in my house, I usually work out 5 days a week on it, and I always reward myself to a spa bath or nice hot shower. During my work out i have headphones in and usually listen to songs I find motivate me, usually paramore. And I sing just as loud as the music is playing, I find that motivates me a lot :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I hate working out, and like you I live in Canada where it gets balls cold. I also have SAD, and it's quite the b!tch this year. But I'm being proactive. Bought myself a happy light that sits on my desk at work, upped my vitamin D and magnesium intake, found HIIT kickboxing/self defense classes that only last 30 minutes (longest 30 minutes of my life). To be honest, I only took 1 class and wrote everything down, so now I can do it at home with the heavy bag downstairs. I also created a brand new playlist. I just went on Pinterest and searched "workout music" and downloaded a bunch of suggested songs. We've got this! Normally I lift in the gym and do the elliptical, but I need to save some money so I let my gym membership slide. Don't call it motivation, call it determination. We are determined to drop the weight and feel awesome! Right? ok, now I need to practice what I preach lol
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    exercising makes your body produce happy drugs.

    this is mad helpful in dead of winter.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If you don't like cardio try something else, and keep trying different things until you find something you are likely to stick to. I could not lift to save my life because it bores me to tears.. I would rather do 4 hours of cardio than 10 minutes of lifting. So I just do my cardio while listening to audiobooks and a few body weight exercises a couple of times a week.
  • Autumn_babe
    Find something you really enjoy doing, and it won't feel so much like work! Even just walking really briskly around the mall is better for you than doing nothing.
    I, like you, like watching TV and series on Netflix, so I got a stationary bike that I keep in front of a TV in my apartment and ride for an hour each evening while I watch an episode of my favorite show. You could try something like that. That way you are working out but you have a fun distraction so it's not boring. Or try joining a group or going to a fitness class once a week. That way you have people to be accountable to and you meet people. It can be more fun to work out in a group than all by yourself. And don't beat yourself up if you skip a workout one day. Just wake up the next morning, and start over. Each day is a chance to get things right! Good luck :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    working out sucks.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I hear people all time that "love working out" and "feel so good when they work out". ok, i believe that you might feel good after because you have all those feel good hormones rushing through your body but like really? I guess i've just been less motivated lately and i don't know why. id been working out since september about 5 days a week, and then 1 and a half weeks ago i just stopped. i haven't worked out in the least in this time, i've been eating worse and i just have no motivation. and whats funny, is now that i stopped working out, i just happened to check what i weighed and of course now i lose 2 pounds. i want to be fit, and i want to be healthy, and i know i should do it but i just would rather sit and watch 2 episodes of my favorite show than do an hour of cardio. bah.

    I do not always want to work out, either. I just tell myself it doesn't matter what I feel like in the moment. Get moving and just go through the motions, if that's all I have in me.

    Sometimes it is.

    Sometimes (though not all the time) the workout is glorious.

    I won't go all corporate slogan on you or anything, but it's kind of like wiping your butt when you go to the bathroom. You don't question whether or not to do it every time. You just DO. Exercise belongs in that category.

  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Make a long list of every kind of exercise you have ever heard of and try one for a month. Repeat until you find one that you enjoy. If your list is long enough, even if you never love it, you won't get bored, either.

    Hula hooping
    Swing dancing (especially Charleston and fast Lindy Hop)
    Salsa dancing
    Line dancing
    Shake your booty in your living room until the sweat drips off dancing
    Bike riding
    Cross country skiing
    Downhill skiing
    Water skiing
    Wii Fit or other active video game (EA Active was awesome, I was sad to have to give up my Wii)
    Water aerobics
    Learn a resistance band workout
    Find a park with a fitness trail
    Silk aerials

    Join a challenge
    Sign up for a 5k
    Sign up for boot camp (the exercise, unless you are really patriotic and want to try the other kind and be enlisted for a few years)

  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    i was losing my motivation because it was getting dark early i put grow lights in all my lights, it has really helped me stay in the game.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Paint the house room by room. By the time you have moved the furniture, washed the walls, rinsed the walls, prepped the walls, painted 2 coats, cleared everything up, and put the furniture back it will be almost spring and you will have had a good workout.

    Wax on wax off.

    Cheers, h.
    I loath exercise, do 5x week in the winter then garden in the summer.