How do you find the time for exercise?



  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I'm not a morning person either. These are some things I would suggest.

    Make certain nights exercise days. I run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No exceptions. If i cant get out od something, school activity, i make that my one day to get up early. I plan everything around this. Plan quick dinners for those nights.

    Work out immediately, if I sit at home doing ANYTHING I'm more likely to skip it. Incorporate working out with your dog. My seven year old goes on short easy runs so I don't lose motivation waiting for his dad to come home from work.

    Exercise while gaming. I watch movies on my treadmill all the time.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited December 2014
    It's less about schedule than it is about priorities. If exercise is important enough to you, you'll make the time. Look at how you're spending your time, decide what's less important, cut it out. Use that time to exercise. Also, I am not a morning person, so I usually work out late at night. Bonus: The gym is always empty or nearly so. Figure out what works for you.
  • NerdieMcChub
    NerdieMcChub Posts: 153 Member
    I don't find it, I make it.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited December 2014
    JoyeII wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    meh- arguable.
    - I mean I get it- working out isn't always "fun" and sometimes you would rather sit on the couch- but you go do it.

    But I still don't rank it as a chore. A chore is something that MUST be done. the cats MUST be fed. the litter needs to be scooped- the dishes and trash need to be taken care of.

    for me I will always work out- it isn't so much a chore- I'd rather do that then all the things listed above. (Well except the cat feeding- I mean that takes 5 seconds)... it's not a chore- chore implies things that need doing regardless of weather- personal circumstances- emotions- or any sort of outside influence.

    you MUST do them.

    working out I do because I love.

    secondly- it will improve the quality of your current life- but there are plenty of older folks who don't work out and live long lives.

    Well goody for you that you love working out. I don't. At all. But, I do it because it's good for me and, it makes me feel better. Hence; it's a chore.

    Also, have you made up your own definitions of "chore" and "must"? (note the example giving for must regarding exercise) Ha!

    chore noun \ˈchȯr\
    : a small job that is done regularly
    : a dull, unpleasant, or difficult job or experience

    must verb \məs(t), ˈməst\
    —used to say that something is required by a rule or law
    —used to say that someone should do something
    —used to say that something is very likely

    must noun \ˈməst\
    : an imperative need or duty : requirement
    : an indispensable item : essential <exercise is a must>

    Good lord, we get it... move along already.

    Most of use are somewhere in between. Most of the time we don't mind working out. Sometimes we hate it, or hate some aspect of it... other times we love it, or love some part of it.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    JoyeII wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    meh- arguable.
    - I mean I get it- working out isn't always "fun" and sometimes you would rather sit on the couch- but you go do it.

    But I still don't rank it as a chore. A chore is something that MUST be done. the cats MUST be fed. the litter needs to be scooped- the dishes and trash need to be taken care of.

    for me I will always work out- it isn't so much a chore- I'd rather do that then all the things listed above. (Well except the cat feeding- I mean that takes 5 seconds)... it's not a chore- chore implies things that need doing regardless of weather- personal circumstances- emotions- or any sort of outside influence.

    you MUST do them.

    working out I do because I love.

    secondly- it will improve the quality of your current life- but there are plenty of older folks who don't work out and live long lives.

    Well goody for you that you love working out. I don't. At all. But, I do it because it's good for me and, it makes me feel better. Hence; it's a chore.

    Also, have you made up your own definitions of "chore" and "must"? (note the example giving for must regarding exercise) Ha!

    chore noun \ˈchȯr\
    : a small job that is done regularly
    : a dull, unpleasant, or difficult job or experience

    must verb \məs(t), ˈməst\
    —used to say that something is required by a rule or law
    —used to say that someone should do something
    —used to say that something is very likely

    must noun \ˈməst\
    : an imperative need or duty : requirement
    : an indispensable item : essential <exercise is a must>

    Once again sucks you do not like it. Just because it does for you doesn't mean I love my workouts. I also know people who have been exercise at the gym way longer than me.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoyeII wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    meh- arguable.
    - I mean I get it- working out isn't always "fun" and sometimes you would rather sit on the couch- but you go do it.

    But I still don't rank it as a chore. A chore is something that MUST be done. the cats MUST be fed. the litter needs to be scooped- the dishes and trash need to be taken care of.

    for me I will always work out- it isn't so much a chore- I'd rather do that then all the things listed above. (Well except the cat feeding- I mean that takes 5 seconds)... it's not a chore- chore implies things that need doing regardless of weather- personal circumstances- emotions- or any sort of outside influence.

    you MUST do them.

    working out I do because I love.

    secondly- it will improve the quality of your current life- but there are plenty of older folks who don't work out and live long lives.

    Well goody for you that you love working out. I don't. At all. But, I do it because it's good for me and, it makes me feel better. Hence; it's a chore.

    Also, have you made up your own definitions of "chore" and "must"? (note the example giving for must regarding exercise) Ha!

    chore noun \ˈchȯr\
    : a small job that is done regularly
    : a dull, unpleasant, or difficult job or experience

    must verb \məs(t), ˈməst\
    —used to say that something is required by a rule or law
    —used to say that someone should do something
    —used to say that something is very likely

    must noun \ˈməst\
    : an imperative need or duty : requirement
    : an indispensable item : essential <exercise is a must>

    I would refer back to yopeeps then- find something more enjoyable to do.... because even when I don't WANT to go to the gym- I still love lifting. It's a long term love- a passion- a hobby. You might try changing things up then.

    I didn't make up definitions for them- chores- *kitten* that you HAVE to do regularly. I don't know where you grew up but chores are something that have to be done- usually you make the rug rats do it- but since I have no rug rats- and I haven't trained my cats to *kitten* in the toilet yet-alas I must be the one to clean their litter box out.

    I didn't make anything up- I just didn't cut and paste the Webster definition- everyone else but you seems perfectly clear on understanding my intent.

    Again- you should find something you enjoy doing long term. Every time you go- it wont' be amazing- but long term you'll be happy to work it into your daily life.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    wait are you one of those "I don't like to sweat people"
    because if you are- I can't any more- I'd be fully out.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    I found exercise that I really enjoy so I look forward to that part of my day. It's become a normal part of my day for a few years now so have trouble finding time for other things instead.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Go and read a book on time management.
    My other tip is besideds being well organised then incorporate walking back into everyday life and he calories burned will add up.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    wait are you one of those "I don't like to sweat people"
    because if you are- I can't any more- I'd be fully out.

    Good grief!

    I exercise 6 days per week. I do a 4 day, full body split with weights, with two days of moderate cardio which varies from swimming, walking/jogging/running, hiking, biking, skating, exercise videos, etc. etc. Plus yoga. I sweat plenty. I'm just not a fan. I love it when it's over.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LOL- see you have plenty going on!!!

    No- there really are people that say that- and I can't engage- I don't understand. it just- it's not something I can grasp. at all.

    They exists. I promise.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    I've seen them. I know. They don't want to sweat. They come to the gym in full makeup. I don't get the point of that. :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    thx for the feedback all, true it's a must make time as opposed to find time....I get that but guess I just don't make the time and not really any point in listing anything else of excuses although many of the things mentioned currently arn't applicable to be doable (-40 degree weather being one, 120$+ gym membership another, it's just me the spouse hasn't gotton on board with the changes (which involves having to often cook two different meals), I do walk with the dog but i can't exactly keep walking when he stops to take a leak or other business and probably can't do a squat in about 4 layers of clothing).
    These are all excuses.

    You'll either commit and do it or not. You don't have to do it, but your quality of life will be improved by it. As for -40F? That's what heaters and warm clothing is for. $120 a month? Find a cheaper gym. There are gyms to be had for $10 a month.

    Your spouse isn't on board? So what, mine doesn't work out with me. She likes to run, I don't. You'll figure it out for yourself, but hopefully sooner than later.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You're spending 4-5 hours per night on your poker forum hobby...I'm pretty sure you could make the time if you really wanted to.

    If it were me, I guess I'd probably hit the rack earlier so that I could get up earlier and exercise...also, you'll be less tired after work.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoyeII wrote: »
    I've seen them. I know. They don't want to sweat. They come to the gym in full makeup. I don't get the point of that. :)

    wellllllll- hold on now.

    full make up is different than a flat out aversion to sweat.

    I'm one of those full make up peoples. I'm okay with that. But I don't understand at all the physical aversion to sweat. And honestly I don't care if someone comes to the gym and doesn't sweat- not all workouts are created equal- but the idea of just not liking to sweat at all is odd to me.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    you're just going to have to decide to do it and make some choices that maybe aren't as fun as you'd like, such as (as others have suggested) making the decision to consciously choose exercise rather than sitting at a computer playing games for hours on end. Your hobby tells me you have plenty of time. I personally choose to incorporate exercise into the other things I have to or want to do anyway. Example, instead of driving or taking the bus to and from work I either walk or run the 7.5 km each way giving me a minimum of 15km a day. On my breaks I read a book while I walk up and down the stairs. While I watch whatever TV series I'm going through at the time I get on my step machine do-hickey and watch from there sometimes getting through 2 hours of shows before I realize how long I've been at it. I realize I'm not necessarily the norm, but that's just a few examples of how easy it is to make the effort to include exercise in your every day life. I'm a VERY busy person and I often don't get to bed until the same time as you and I'm up at 6:30 every day...yet I manage.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoyeII wrote: »
    I've seen them. I know. They don't want to sweat. They come to the gym in full makeup. I don't get the point of that. :)

    wellllllll- hold on now.

    full make up is different than a flat out aversion to sweat.

    I'm one of those full make up peoples. I'm okay with that. But I don't understand at all the physical aversion to sweat. And honestly I don't care if someone comes to the gym and doesn't sweat- not all workouts are created equal- but the idea of just not liking to sweat at all is odd to me.

    There's that woman who trains where I do. Full make up, jewelry, warm up weight for squats is 225, and I've never seen her sweat, or her mane of her come out of place. I don't get it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I make the time. Everyone has the same 24 hours just different priorities.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    thx for the feedback all, true it's a must make time as opposed to find time....I get that but guess I just don't make the time and not really any point in listing anything else of excuses although many of the things mentioned currently arn't applicable to be doable (-40 degree weather being one, 120$+ gym membership another, it's just me the spouse hasn't gotton on board with the changes (which involves having to often cook two different meals), I do walk with the dog but i can't exactly keep walking when he stops to take a leak or other business and probably can't do a squat in about 4 layers of clothing).

    Anyhow, all excuses I know.......obviously trying to get myself to stop making them and make time in my daily life for exercise but it's not easy regardless of the situation. It's easy for someone currently in a routine, and have made excercise a habbit to say you have to make the time than it is someone who isn't doing it to actually make the time.

    I have made lots of changes to my eating for my health and am doing quite well, just trying to find ways to motivate myself to make time for working out without feeling like I'm giving up on ever having free time to relax and take care of some other things that I do like the forum stuff I mentioned and fact that I run poker stakes (ie. I play, they pay, profits split etc) which is as much a commitment as a part-time job.

    Cheers to all, I hope someday I will get the committment to working out and find the motivation somewhere....certainly wasn't from this (i know its constructive criticism and I respect that but definitely not a motivation when mainly just everyone saying you just have to make the time..... like everything its easier said than done unless your already doing it).

    you are finding a problem for every solution.

    you don't have to cook two different meals for dinner if your wife isn't eating healthy. just eat less of what you make that you consider so unhealthy. i mean, what are you guys making that is so unhealthy for dinner?? "dinner is served... chocolate cake for you, tofu for me." learn to cook healthy and flavorful.

    now, blaming your dog for your inability to go out for a walk is wrong. your dog needs to go to the bathroom, and thats when he does it. find a different time to exercise.

    like i said before, you can do body weight exercises at home, while watching tv and playing on the computer. commercial comes on tv, knock out some push ups, or squats.

    it's -40 degrees out where you live? crap, thats cold... and your dog still wants to go out in that weather? damn. okay, so maybe bundling up for a run is out of the realm of possibilities for you (it isn't though)... but $120 gym membership? is that per month? where is this gym? where do you live that a gym costs that much and it's -40 out?

    talking about giving up free time to relax... yup. some people would rather sleep than succeed. what do you want? do you want to relax and watch tv and play poker on the computer? look, i wanted to do the same things for a while. video games and tv all day. but little by little i started working out more. and exercising became my hobby. i train for races and i truely love it. i buy one video game a year, and the only reason i'm catching up on tv is because i bought an indoor bike trainer, and i got to watch something for an hour or two a day.

    as far as being motivated once you're already doing it, yes that is true. it's called momentum, and many people find that once they get going, it's easy to stay going. and you'll find once people stop, they have trouble restarting.
  • dangie2002
    dangie2002 Posts: 71 Member
    you tube has lots of free workout videos. Everything I do is free.