Looking for clean eaters

Hi there! I have been actively using MFP for 557 days, but who's counting? ;) I have lost about 40 pounds, but have been hovering around this number for about 10 months now. I exercise 4-6 days a week and count all of my calories. After watching a lot of food documentaries, I have come to believe that processed sugar and carbs may be to blame. I eat pretty healthy, but have a sweet tooth. I thought allowing myself a treat a day within my calories wouldn't hinder my weight loss, but I think that may be the problem. I have been transitioning to clean eating over the past few weeks or so. I have made changes like switching my sweeteners to stevia or honey when making a "treat" and using natural nut butters (and making my own sometimes!). I am hoping all of these little changes will impact my weight loss. I am trying not to focus on the number, and realize that no matter what, I'm a healthier version of myself. I haven't given up and gained the weight back. I haven't stopped exercising or counting calories.

I have some great friends on MFP who are supportive and active. I get discouraged when I see their continued weight loss and they aren't eating nearly as healthy as I am, so I'm looking for other users who eat clean to help motivate me and to exchange tips and recipes with. If you are one of those people, please add me and include a message that you read this post. (I had been adding anyone who asked, but it seems there are quite a few friend hoarders on here, lol). Look forward to hearing from you!


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Can I just say think carefully whether you really wnat to use the phrase clean eating as a lot of posters get very excited by anyone who uses that term. You should define what you mean by clean eating as you understand it and to head off a lot of frithing at the mouth.
    Good luck on the cleaning. Hope you like gifs.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Hi there! I have been actively using MFP for 557 days, but who's counting? ;) I have lost about 40 pounds, but have been hovering around this number for about 10 months now. I exercise 4-6 days a week and count all of my calories. After watching a lot of food documentaries, I have come to believe that processed sugar and carbs may be to blame. I eat pretty healthy, but have a sweet tooth. I thought allowing myself a treat a day within my calories wouldn't hinder my weight loss, but I think that may be the problem. I have been transitioning to clean eating over the past few weeks or so. I have made changes like switching my sweeteners to stevia or honey when making a "treat" and using natural nut butters (and making my own sometimes!). I am hoping all of these little changes will impact my weight loss. I am trying not to focus on the number, and realize that no matter what, I'm a healthier version of myself. I haven't given up and gained the weight back. I haven't stopped exercising or counting calories.

    I have some great friends on MFP who are supportive and active. I get discouraged when I see their continued weight loss and they aren't eating nearly as healthy as I am, so I'm looking for other users who eat clean to help motivate me and to exchange tips and recipes with. If you are one of those people, please add me and include a message that you read this post. (I had been adding anyone who asked, but it seems there are quite a few friend hoarders on here, lol). Look forward to hearing from you!

    Not to be Debbie Downer - but have another look on what you just wrote there, and especially the bolded part :)

  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Hi there! I have been actively using MFP for 557 days, but who's counting? ;) I have lost about 40 pounds, but have been hovering around this number for about 10 months now. I exercise 4-6 days a week and count all of my calories. After watching a lot of food documentaries, I have come to believe that processed sugar and carbs may be to blame. I eat pretty healthy, but have a sweet tooth. I thought allowing myself a treat a day within my calories wouldn't hinder my weight loss, but I think that may be the problem. I have been transitioning to clean eating over the past few weeks or so. I have made changes like switching my sweeteners to stevia or honey when making a "treat" and using natural nut butters (and making my own sometimes!). I am hoping all of these little changes will impact my weight loss. I am trying not to focus on the number, and realize that no matter what, I'm a healthier version of myself. I haven't given up and gained the weight back. I haven't stopped exercising or counting calories.

    I have some great friends on MFP who are supportive and active. I get discouraged when I see their continued weight loss and they aren't eating nearly as healthy as I am, so I'm looking for other users who eat clean to help motivate me and to exchange tips and recipes with. If you are one of those people, please add me and include a message that you read this post. (I had been adding anyone who asked, but it seems there are quite a few friend hoarders on here, lol). Look forward to hearing from you!

    Not to be Debbie Downer - but have another look on what you just wrote there, and especially the bolded part :)

    Yeah... you are going to get some serious hate for that one.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I saw it and felt it was a bit depressing. They are slow to catch on.....
  • sharitapita
    sharitapita Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry if I wasn't clear. I just mean eating whole foods. Fruit, vegetables, whole grains. Not eating processed foods with chemical additives or fast food. Maybe I should have said healthy eaters? Lol. I don't know. Just looking for some new friends with similar diets.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited December 2014
    OP the reason you are not losing weight is more then like you are eating more then you think!!

    Do you weigh your solid foods??....measure your liquids??

    Does not matter what type of food you are eating, if you are eating in surplus you will gain if you are eating in a deficit you will lose!! You know that science thing.

    ETA: Read OP:http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Sorry if I wasn't clear. I just mean eating whole foods. Fruit, vegetables, whole grains. Not eating processed foods with chemical additives or fast food. Maybe I should have said healthy eaters? Lol. I don't know. Just looking for some new friends with similar diets.

    You can friend me if you want. I tend to eat like that about 80% of the time. I find it just works best for me.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you're interested in eating healthy, and losing weight, GREAT!
    Ask your questions here:

    folks here hate the phrase "clean eating", and will derail most any thread that talks about it.
    The folks in that group can answer your questions in an educational way.
    Tell them you're not losing. They'll suggest many of the same things folks here are: you're eating too many calories etc. But they'll do it while considering your goal to eat healthier foods.
    Best of luck.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I have made changes like switching my sweeteners to stevia or honey when making a "treat" !

    You do realize that most honeys have as much, if not more, fructose than an equivalent amount of HFCS (and definitely more than sucrose)? It depends on the nectar the bees collect.

  • sharitapita
    sharitapita Posts: 80 Member
    Unfortunately, I can't change the title to remove the term clean eating. Sorry :( I am just looking for others with similar diets. I appreciate the input, but at this time I am not really looking for other suggestions. I am transitioning to eating whole, natural foods and using natural sweeteners. A lot of the science now suggests there is a lot more to the way our body metabolizes food than "a calorie is a calorie." Regardless, it is obviously healthier to eat all whole foods, so I am giving it a go.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Unfortunately, I can't change the title to remove the term clean eating. Sorry :( I am just looking for others with similar diets. I appreciate the input, but at this time I am not really looking for other suggestions. I am transitioning to eating whole, natural foods and using natural sweeteners. A lot of the science now suggests there is a lot more to the way our body metabolizes food than "a calorie is a calorie." Regardless, it is obviously healthier to eat all whole foods, so I am giving it a go.

    Join the group I linked. You'll find plenty of like minded folks there. cheers
  • sharitapita
    sharitapita Posts: 80 Member
    Unfortunately, I can't change the title to remove the term clean eating. Sorry :( I am just looking for others with similar diets. I appreciate the input, but at this time I am not really looking for other suggestions. I am transitioning to eating whole, natural foods and using natural sweeteners. A lot of the science now suggests there is a lot more to the way our body metabolizes food than "a calorie is a calorie." Regardless, it is obviously healthier to eat all whole foods, so I am giving it a go.

    Join the group I linked. You'll find plenty of like minded folks there. cheers

    Thanks! I have joined :)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Unfortunately, I can't change the title to remove the term clean eating. Sorry :( I am just looking for others with similar diets. I appreciate the input, but at this time I am not really looking for other suggestions. I am transitioning to eating whole, natural foods and using natural sweeteners. A lot of the science now suggests there is a lot more to the way our body metabolizes food than "a calorie is a calorie." Regardless, it is obviously healthier to eat all whole foods, so I am giving it a go.
    If you think eating "clean" (whatever that means) food will make you lose weight, your in for big surprise, either way good luck.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - processed food, sugar, carbs are not the enemy …overeating calories is…clean eating has absoluty nothing to do with weight loss…zip, zilch, nadda…

    for the record, what do you define as clean?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Unfortunately, I can't change the title to remove the term clean eating. Sorry :( I am just looking for others with similar diets. I appreciate the input, but at this time I am not really looking for other suggestions. I am transitioning to eating whole, natural foods and using natural sweeteners. A lot of the science now suggests there is a lot more to the way our body metabolizes food than "a calorie is a calorie." Regardless, it is obviously healthier to eat all whole foods, so I am giving it a go.

    Join the group I linked. You'll find plenty of like minded folks there. cheers

    Thanks! I have joined :)

    Great. Now walk away from this thread lol. cheers
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    ^^^ LOL
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - processed food, sugar, carbs are not the enemy …overeating calories is…clean eating has absoluty nothing to do with weight loss…zip, zilch, nadda…

    for the record, what do you define as clean?
    This. As a thought experiment, if those are the issues, then why is it your friends are all continuing to lose weight while eating them, while you are stalled and not eating them?

    I think you've been watching too many documentaries. Food documentaries are less fact driven, and more agenda/profit driven.
  • zSandman
    zSandman Posts: 76 Member
    u wot: I get discouraged when I see their continued weight loss and they aren't eating nearly as healthy as I am

    It is all about calories in vs calories out. But eating like *kitten* will catch up to some people if it done on the regular basis. Plateaus happen for many reasons. If you have been dieting for a while, keep in mind that you need to constantly be updating your TDEE as the calories you need at a higher weight will change at a lower weight. Additionally, some people start out with such a large deficit that it is no longer viable to cut calories to continue weight loss.

    Lastly, increasing calories a bit for one day every 1-2 weeks depending on bodyfat for a refeed will only aid your progress not hinder it as it will reset leptin levels and keep you sane. This doesnt mean to increase your calories to a point where you blow out your weekly deficit. That is where some fall into a cyclical cycle of maintaining a deficit the whole week then eating it all back in one cheat day.

    In my opinion these are the most common things that lead to stagnant weight loss.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited December 2014
    OP what sort of deficit are you running and not losing on? Excluding and then including exercise.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited December 2014
    If you're interested in eating healthy, and losing weight, GREAT!
    Ask your questions here:

    folks here hate the phrase "clean eating", and will derail most any thread that talks about it.
    The folks in that group can answer your questions in an educational way.
    Tell them you're not losing. They'll suggest many of the same things folks here are: you're eating too many calories etc. But they'll do it while considering your goal to eat healthier foods.
    Best of luck.

    Right, because only people who self-identify as "clean eaters" and who think the essence of eating healthy is eliminating whatever it is they think is "unclean" are interested in eating healthy and exchanging support for doing that. So get away from the dirty main forum as fast as possible and don't interact with people around here.


    And some wonder why the clean eating stuff annoys people.