20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    JLoRuthie wrote: »
    Well, I would love to join this active group! I log everyday and try to be active everyday.
    SW 202
    CW 197
    GW by Easter 182

    Ruthie so glad you join us.. And log in with us everyday so we an get to know you. and you know us. They say Support gives us motivation and we give out plenty of that.

  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Two days in on my 2nd week and I've been successfully prelogging each day the night before and double checking my calories and macros. This time around no diet "program" and nothing is off limits~ I just need to stick to my calories and macros. Having a friend for dinner tonight and I even worked it in to have Chicken Curry over real rice! Tomorrow will be pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts~yum! Next I need to start moving more which I really fail at, so I'm planning to walk the mile each direction to the store for my next shopping trip. Hoping these small changes become habit and I can finally make a permanent life change. Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • summerwilcox
    summerwilcox Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am in, we are also doing a biggest loser contest in our office for the next 3 months. We started 1-12-15 and will end April 12, 2015. But would like to loose at least 20lbs or more by then.

    Starting weight 181.6
    Goal weight: 135-140
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    summerwilcox replied to 20 pounds by Easter challenge
    This will be a great place to get that extra support and we will be cheering for you to win please keep us inform. this sounds like great fun.
    your new best supporters are behind you girl all the way
    <3 marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I'm in! I'm doing the 100 day challenge at the moment and, if I remember right, the week after Easter is the end for me and my goal was 24 lbs lost by then. I have 19 more so far to go.
    We will give you that extra support you may need.
    <3 Marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I sorry if I miss anyone if I miss anyone. This has been an extreme busy day and I love it But it sure can get an 84 year great great granny mix up. I did not do it on purpose God bless you all
    The dancing grannies******** I know most of you are not grannies yet but look what fun you can have when become one.
    <3 marie
  • reginah
    reginah Posts: 2 Member
    I'm IN!!!! I'm a little late to the party but man I want to participate. I have lost 21 lbs about 5 years ago and gained it all back. Now I want to lose 20-30. I'll give myself a month longer to lose the 30 ;-)
    Current: 181lbs
    Goal: 150
    Started last Monday Jan 5th and haven't weighed myself yet.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    reginah wrote: »
    I'm IN!!!! I'm a little late to the party but man I want to participate. I have lost 21 lbs about 5 years ago and gained it all back. Now I want to lose 20-30. I'll give myself a month longer to lose the 30 ;-)
    Current: 181lbs
    Goal: 150
    Started last Monday Jan 5th and haven't weighed myself yet.
    reginah you are in. and its never too late to start not on my watch.
    lets see you get in the 170's real soon. you are almost there now. I am so looking forward to the 180's
    <3 Marie

  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    :D Sparkle, you have a great "never give up" attitude about your injury. Thank you for being a part of this thread.

    :D I have a date to meet a friend after lunch for a walk and talk. My friends know that I don't like to meet for lunch or coffee, that I'd rather walk with them.

    <3 Barbie

    That's a great idea Barbie! I always find that when I meet friends for coffee or lunch I end up going over my calories or decide to have a biscuit with me coffee! All I want to do is catch up with them and chat anyway! The walk and talk friend dates sound like a wonderful idea!

  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    :D Great loss miisscaligan good lost.

    <3 arkie its good having you with us too.

    <3 Thaank you Raindacer, I never even been on a challenge before so this is all new to me. Just decided to be myself. I do love people and like to meet new ones.But never in wildest dream this would be so rewarding.

    <3 (*) <3
    I am overwhelm
    Thank you all for making this such a success for each one of us.
    lets make a deal At Easter lets post our total lost from this challenge and just see how much we lost as a group. Whether its below 20 or above. Since their will be some that as not lost all they want or just hang out with the group some more Plans for after Easter Do another for the fourth of July. What do you say? Love you guys, marie

    Love it! I'd join for July even if I'm maintaining - you guys are awesome. I'm in a group for 20 lbs by Easter too, but this one is more active.
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »

    <3 (*) <3
    I am overwhelm
    Thank you all for making this such a success for each one of us.
    lets make a deal At Easter lets post our total lost from this challenge and just see how much we lost as a group. Whether its below 20 or above. Since their will be some that as not lost all they want or just hang out with the group some more Plans for after Easter Do another for the fourth of July. What do you say? Love you guys, marie

    Sounds wonderful Marie! I have a wedding to go to in France at the end of August and would love to have a lot of my weight lost by then so a support group like this would keep me motivated! (also summer time! Time to wear a lot less clothes!)

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Just stopping by to check in with you guys.
    Today is gym day-personal training/Aquafit. I am looking foward to it. With the training, I am pushed to power through even though I am dripping in sweat and ready to quit!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful, productive, mindful day!
    Just for today, stay strong!

  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good Morning! It is Wednesday already!
    Connie - you are inspiring! Powering through life - no matter what lies before us! Have a great day at the gym. (*)
    As for me today it is a full day at an offsite work meeting where they have asked me to speak and conduct an activity surrounding goals. Can you guess which of my goals I will reference? Should be fun - it is being held at the Texas Motor Speedway....vrooom!
    <3 Momma (Marie) how is the fitbit doing? I can see you are putting on steps each day so keep going! I only hit 3300 yesterday - I definitely need to step it up!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday to all who have banded together for this ride! Share a Smile :D
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    :D Sparkle, you have a great "never give up" attitude about your injury. Thank you for being a part of this thread........

    Barbie I thinking the same thing Sparkle is a special person. I think our talking with each other is going to be the key to our success,

    Alice [ my daughter] let us know how your day went.
    As far as my fit bit.is going I still can't get it to come up on my computer but on the Ipad seems to be working fine except I do not know how to navigate it too well. But can get it on and see how many steps I am taking. got to tell you a funny though As I was getting my grown did not want to take the fit bit off so hook it to my grown and forgot it and slept in all night Long In fact still on. But it'll do till you make another trip out here.

    Connie you are my rock. thank you for being so kind to me.

    Thank you leeloo for your kind words, We are going to do this and do it together.

    Alice and I plan on going up to Sprinfield Mo. around Easter to see. my new grandson, her nephew. We are waiting for him to get here,. he was due yesterday. not here yet. So we are going in new clothes, Saving money for new clots

    I have been thinking of a new name for us at E aster Here is what I thought of

    "The Four Season Challenge-Spring 2015 then when summer arrived The four Season Challenge - Summer 2015 and etc..Then all we need to do is change the seasons

    just rambling
    lets have a great day. Losers
    <3 Marie


  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    Another evening and another T25 video down. At some point I'll work up the courage to go back to the gym, I really enjoy do my strength training there. It's just so crowded all the time.
    Marie, congrats on your new upcoming grandson. Springfield isn't far from me, enjoy your trip to the Ozarks!
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Hi all hope your all well.
    Although I arrived home from my ski holiday last Saturday this is my first visit to the MFP site, I came home feeling really ill with a sinus infection and altitude sickness from spending to long at 11,000ft up because of a cable car break down, we were only suppose to be up there for 10 mins but spent 55mins on top of the mountain and although we felt fine at the time the effects hit me the next morning and made the journey home a very long and horrible experience.
    Well I've got a lot of reading to do now to catch up on all your posts so will catch up with you all latter.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Abakan wrote: »
    Hi all hope your all well.
    Although I arrived home from my ski holiday last Saturday this is my first visit to the MFP site, I came home feeling really ill with a sinus infection and altitude sickness from spending to long at 11,000ft up because of a cable car break down, we were only suppose to be up there for 10 mins but spent 55mins on top of the mountain and although we felt fine at the time the effects hit me the next morning and made the journey home a very long and horrible experience.
    Well I've got a lot of reading to do now to catch up on all your posts so will catch up with you all latter.

    :) linda hope you did not get too cold up there on that mountain. Sorry you got sick.

    ="Arkie_Ali;30861960"]Another evening and another T25 video down. At some point I'll work up the courage to go back to the gym, I really enjoy do my strength training there. It's just so crowded all the time.
    Marie, congrats on your new upcoming grandson. Springfield isn't far from me, enjoy your trip to the Ozarks![/quote]
    My daughter and I used to go to north western Ark every year to their crafts shows. love it.

  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Oh gosh Marie and Barbie you're both so sweet! You guys have certainly motivated me to stick with it so I can continue to be the best I can be! =) I woke up at 6.30 this morning to get ready for my run and looked outside to see the whole place covered in ice! I decided it wasn't the best idea to go out in it. So to make up for it I'm going to spinning in my gym tonight! I may not be able to exercise outside bit that doesn't mean I can't exercise today at all! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow evening when I get to go to my first ballet class in 15 years!
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    Better late than never.....
    GW:145 though losing 20 would be a huge win....baby steps right?
    Starting a 5K training program today.
  • cmristine
    cmristine Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, Marie!
    When we see "st" after the weight, it means "stone". In the UK and a few other places, 1 "stone" is equal to 14 pounds. Just multiply to get pounds.