What Happens in Your Body During a "Cleanse" or "Detox"



  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    I was thinking a cup of Clorox or some Scrubbing Bubbles.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Many who are allured to this actually have no idea what a TOXIN is:
    any poison produced by an organism, characterized by antigenicity in certain animals and high molecular weight, and including the bacterial toxins that are the causative agents of tetanus, diphtheria, etc., and such plant and animal toxins as ricin and snake venom.

    So unless you're a snake or brown recluse spider, the whole "detoxing" doesn't apply to humans. Longs as you're doing number 1 and 2 with no detectable issues (measure in both), one doesn't need to worry about it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.
    There's cyanide in broccoli and nuts can send people into anaphylaxis shock.
    Cyanide in small doses actually kill cancer cells. There are lot of foods with trace amounts of cyanide. If someone is allergic to a food I would recommend them to not eat it.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    What do you mean by "foods that support the liver and kidneys", sounds like what you've described (plus a protein source) is just a well rounded nutritious diet.

    Garlic, Turmeric, Lemons, and Leafy greens would be some.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    If your liver and kidneys are functioning, then what's the purpose of the cleanse?

    Your liver and kidneys can only do so much and may not be functioning optimally.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You have to pee more and you might be hungry. Other than that, nothing happens.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    If your liver and kidneys are functioning, then what's the purpose of the cleanse?

    Your liver and kidneys can only do so much and may not be functioning optimally.

    That may be true, but when my mother's kidneys were functioning less-than-optimally, there was no "detox" prescribed. She was put on a low-sodium low-protein diet with consuming lots of the things you recommend encouraged.

    The idea that a few days of green juice is going to put you in fabulous health has been debunked.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    If your liver and kidneys are functioning, then what's the purpose of the cleanse?

    Your liver and kidneys can only do so much and may not be functioning optimally.

    If your liver and kidneys aren't functioning properly you really think a detox is the solution???

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Or organ transplants, anyone?
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    If your liver and kidneys are functioning, then what's the purpose of the cleanse?

    Your liver and kidneys can only do so much and may not be functioning optimally.

    If your liver and kidneys aren't functioning properly you really think a detox is the solution???

    I said not functioning optimally not aren't functioning properly. BIG DIFFERENCE

  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    If your liver and kidneys are functioning, then what's the purpose of the cleanse?

    Your liver and kidneys can only do so much and may not be functioning optimally.

    If your liver and kidneys aren't functioning properly you really think a detox is the solution???

    I said not functioning optimally not aren't functioning properly. BIG DIFFERENCE
    How exactly will a detox help the organs detox? I want to know exactly how, scientifically. Not what you believe. Don't tell me fiber.
    I'm not advocating commercial detox products, just the verb as it relates to the body. Avoiding alcohol helps the liver detox the body of alcohol. Only eating tuna 2-3 times a week is to help the liver detox the body of mercury.

    I'm not saying anyone NEEDS any specific food avoidance but the whole idea that foods have toxins and avoiding them for a time is detoxifying isn't exactly ludicrous, either.

    I think cleanses and detoxes appeal to some dieters for the same reason counting every calorie you take in with a food scale does--- people like 'all or nothing' solutions. The gray area is uncomfortable.

  • Detox is a bunch of money-generating BS; it's a racquet that's been going on forever but has gained lots more traction recently.

    That said, it is NOT bunk that food can act as medicine. Look how much medicine is derived from food. There are also many health supplements that are derived from foods that prove beneficial to many people's diagnostics, as measured by blood work results. That doesn't mean they are miracles or will fix everything or even anything. But choosing to eat foods that are good for certain bodily functions isn't pseudo-science, either. Eating oatmeal a few times a week for breakfast always improves my cholesterol, for example.

    My husband has birth defects that reduce his kidney functioning. So, we minimize protein intake (while making sure we get enough to be healthy) and eat more cruciferous vegetables and other foods that are good for kidney function than we might otherwise. Every little bit helps.

    Eating a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables that are healthy and good for you and for your body<>Detox.

    Juice is good and tastes good and is good for you, as long as you're mindful of the sugar and calories. It's not an elixir of any kind. It's not a miracle in a glass. It's delicious and has its place, which is no more significant than any other component and/or choice of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2014
    Food reset. Nice phrase. I've always called my back to basics times a "recalibration".

    This should be stickied.
    Food reset or whatever could show up as a benefit, but I highly doubt the detox spa's would be getting the admission fee's they need to pay for all the naturaopath and nutritional experts found on the property and of course their in house remedies would just collect dust. Eat healthy doesn't sell, magic sells, that's pretty evident and the admission prices and going into the stratosphere, and cell phones are basically not allowed.......people are sheep and like to be herded.

    Of course it wouldn't. It wouldn't be easy to convince folks to jump on board with "back to basics" eating. :drinker:
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    How exactly will a detox help the organs detox? I want to know exactly how, scientifically. Not what you believe. Don't tell me fiber.

    What is the difference between them not functioning optimally and properly.
    The same way as a healthy diet because a healthy diet is really the only detox or cleanse you need. Science doesn't yet have the answer so you just have to eat the best you can.

    Your kidneys aren't functioning optimally if you have kidney stones but your doctor would still say they are working properly for the most part. I was sent home after being told I had kidney stones with just painkillers. I found online that baking soda cleared out uric acid stones and calcium oxalate stones so I tried it and it worked.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You realize you are trying to connect things like kidney stones to people trying to cleanse their bodies of things like carbs. I think you're reaching hard.
    People trying to cleanse their body of carbs? Where has that been stated in this whole conversation? You're not making much sense.

    I wasn't stating that kidney stones have anything to do with cleansing only that it affects function of the kidneys.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Detox literally mean to remove a toxin from the body. What toxins do you think your version of "detox" gets rid of?

    Alcohol CAN be a toxin, however for someone who does not drink excessively, your body can process it. The reason alcoholics go to "detox" is because their bodies become addicted to the alcohol and when they stop they can have serious health effects. That is why you hear of "withdrawal seizures".

    If your organs are working the way they should, and you have not ingested a toxin, there is no need to "cleanse" or "detox". If you have ingested a toxin, home detox won't help. You need to be in the hospital where they can filter the toxin out of your blood if needed.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    If maybe you read around a little more you will see the threads I'm referring to.

    I'm pretty much just going to dismiss you. This debate is boring and from the posts you've made in other threads I can see it won't get any better.
    You didn't post any links to other threads or sites. What am I supposed to read your mind?
    I know what you mean though. I'm just wasting my time talking to you.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    If maybe you read around a little more you will see the threads I'm referring to.

    I'm pretty much just going to dismiss you. This debate is boring and from the posts you've made in other threads I can see it won't get any better.
    You didn't post any links to other threads or sites. What am I supposed to read your mind?
    I know what you mean though. I'm just wasting my time talking to you.

    LOL NOW you got it!
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    If your liver and kidneys are functioning, then what's the purpose of the cleanse?

    Your liver and kidneys can only do so much and may not be functioning optimally.

    If your liver and kidneys aren't functioning properly you really think a detox is the solution???

    I said not functioning optimally not aren't functioning properly. BIG DIFFERENCE

    i get you. to me a detox is basically eating right, but focusing more. instead of just "eat less sugar" it's actually "consciously control your blood sugar" (i'm prediabetic). it's "drink lots of water and eat vegetables that have a natural diuretic quality" to flush the kidneys of anything that may be present that shouldn't be (assisting with kidney stones might be one such thing). for most people there may be nothing at all wrong and the detox diet might just be a kick start to a longer term habit of healthy eating. for others, there may be minor issues that are improved by providing the nutrients necessary for the body's own processes to take place.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    the fat goes away, the fat goes away, hi ho the dairy-O... the fat goes away. :)
    You pee it out.

    Exactly. This has been covered before.

    "well you can stay at maintainance at burn 500 cals a day n you will lose a pound every week. 2nd ques when you are burning fat look for when thing when you go to toilet to pee you will notice something white in your pee is like chicken fat thats how some of your fat comes out n some as a sweat. because when i did a diet few years back when the white thing came in pee i got scared that its something serious but found out its nothing just fat so a doctor knows..."

    September 19, 2012 4:45PM