What Happens in Your Body During a "Cleanse" or "Detox"



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.
    There's cyanide in broccoli and nuts can send people into anaphylaxis (sic) shock.
    Cyanide does not cause anaphylaxis / anaphylactic shock. In small doses, like from food, it helps the body make one of the B vitamins which supports nerves & red blood cells. In large doses it impairs the body's ability to use oxygen & kills cells.

    Anaphylaxis is usually caused by a protein (such as bee venom, shellfish, eggs, nuts, latex) the body can't handle. It causes lower blood pressure, often hives or swelling around the mouth, throat, airway, trouble breathing or talking.
    Some people are very allergic to certain medicines, so those can cause a severe allergic reaction too.
    Avoiding alcohol helps the liver detox the body of alcohol.
    Only eating tuna 2-3 times a week is to help the liver detox the body of mercury.
    The liver is going to remove those poisons no matter what, unless it's not functioning.
    Not eating more of whatever simply allows it to completely process whatever is in the body, instead of continuing to work on it.

  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    the fat goes away, the fat goes away, hi ho the dairy-O... the fat goes away. :)
    You pee it out.

    Exactly. This has been covered before.

    "well you can stay at maintainance at burn 500 cals a day n you will lose a pound every week. 2nd ques when you are burning fat look for when thing when you go to toilet to pee you will notice something white in your pee is like chicken fat thats how some of your fat comes out n some as a sweat. because when i did a diet few years back when the white thing came in pee i got scared that its something serious but found out its nothing just fat so a doctor knows..."

    September 19, 2012 4:45PM


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    If your liver and kidneys are functioning, then what's the purpose of the cleanse?

    Your liver and kidneys can only do so much and may not be functioning optimally.

    If your liver and kidneys aren't functioning properly you really think a detox is the solution???

    I said not functioning optimally not aren't functioning properly. BIG DIFFERENCE
    How exactly will a detox help the organs detox? I want to know exactly how, scientifically. Not what you believe. Don't tell me fiber.

    What is the difference between them not functioning optimally and properly.

    i would also like to know what toxins this detox will get rid of that your body does not get rid of naturally..

    just one….
  • c_aw
    c_aw Posts: 128 Member
    detoxing and cleansing are a bunch of nonsense. it doesn't do anything and can harm especially if you do some colon cleanses. do your research first people before attempting such ignorant things.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited December 2014
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    Why don't you just call it eating your fruits and vegetables like you're supposed to?
  • c_aw
    c_aw Posts: 128 Member
    this thread composed of so many ignorant ideas. please read medical books, learn the proper physiology of the human body and stop copying and pasting things you heard or read somewhere that sound smart but are actually extremely stupid with no scientific background to support it.

    - med student.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    c_aw wrote: »
    this thread composed of so many ignorant ideas. please read medical books, learn the proper physiology of the human body and stop copying and pasting things you heard or read somewhere that sound smart but are actually extremely stupid with no scientific background to support it.

    - med student.

    been there, done that... :)

  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    Why don't you just call it eating your fruits and vegetables like you're supposed to?

  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A proper cleanse or detox consists of lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and other foods that support the liver and kidneys.

    If your liver and kidneys are functioning, then what's the purpose of the cleanse?

    Your liver and kidneys can only do so much and may not be functioning optimally.

    If your liver and kidneys aren't functioning properly you really think a detox is the solution???

    I said not functioning optimally not aren't functioning properly. BIG DIFFERENCE
    How exactly will a detox help the organs detox? I want to know exactly how, scientifically. Not what you believe. Don't tell me fiber.

    What is the difference between them not functioning optimally and properly.

    i would also like to know what toxins this detox will get rid of that your body does not get rid of naturally..

    just one….

    Naturally occurring food toxins:

    From the abstract, "Although the risk for toxicity due to consumption of food toxins is fairly low, there is always the possibility of toxicity due to contamination, overconsumption, allergy or an unpredictable idiosyncratic response."

    The risk of food toxicity is low but not zero.

    If someone chooses to eat foods with fewer toxins for their liver/kidney health, so what? No one's saying everyone has to do commercial cleanses for health, or anyone does, or even that they themselves do.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    How exactly will a detox help the organs detox? I want to know exactly how, scientifically. Not what you believe. Don't tell me fiber.

    What is the difference between them not functioning optimally and properly.
    The same way as a healthy diet because a healthy diet is really the only detox or cleanse you need. Science doesn't yet have the answer so you just have to eat the best you can.

    Your kidneys aren't functioning optimally if you have kidney stones but your doctor would still say they are working properly for the most part. I was sent home after being told I had kidney stones with just painkillers. I found online that baking soda cleared out uric acid stones and calcium oxalate stones so I tried it and it worked.

    Please elaborate on this. How does the baking soda (a base) get past the stomach (strong acid) to affect the kidney and act on the deposit?
    The sodium bicarbonate will neutralize the stomach acid slightly, which will then turn on the proton pump to bring the stomach acid back up. How does this affect an existing stone?
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    There's cyanide in broccoli and nuts can send people into anaphylaxis (sic) shock.
    Cyanide does not cause anaphylaxis / anaphylactic shock.

    This is why punctuation, grammar, and reading comprehension matter. MKEgal is arguing over something that neanderthin didn't say.
    If the appropriate comma were in neanderthin's sentence, MKEgal perhaps would have understood that it was two independent clauses (two different ideas): There's cyanide in broccoli, and nuts can send people into anaphylaxis (sic) shock.
    However, even without the missing comma, MKEgal's interpretation would require a "that" (or "which") -- as it stands, the sentence cannot be interpreted as MKEgal does without assuming a grammatical error by neanderthin (There's cyanide in broccoli and nuts [which] can send people into anaphylaxis.)

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I don't believe in the expensive store bought detox kits etc.
    But this is one of the reasons I follow a fasting lifestyle. When your body isn't constantly working to digest food it has a chance to "heal" or get rid of "toxins ". To me, that is a type of detox
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    FredDoyle wrote: »
    Please elaborate on this. How does the baking soda (a base) get past the stomach (strong acid) to affect the kidney and act on the deposit?
    The sodium bicarbonate will neutralize the stomach acid slightly, which will then turn on the proton pump to bring the stomach acid back up. How does this affect an existing stone?

    It makes the urine less acidic or alkaline which dissolves the more acidic stone. I'm not sure about the reaction in the stomach.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    FredDoyle wrote: »
    Please elaborate on this. How does the baking soda (a base) get past the stomach (strong acid) to affect the kidney and act on the deposit?
    The sodium bicarbonate will neutralize the stomach acid slightly, which will then turn on the proton pump to bring the stomach acid back up. How does this affect an existing stone?

    It makes the urine less acidic or alkaline which dissolves the more acidic stone. I'm not sure about the reaction in the stomach.

    I take calcium carbonate as a supplement - presumably, then, the carbonate in that would do the same thing, without adding sodium to my diet.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    Glad this was a helpful article to some people. :)