Holiday Drinking



  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    Corona Light is about 100 calories
  • LaurenCheek
    LaurenCheek Posts: 34 Member
    I am currently infusing my own sugar free Kahlua (coffee and cocoa) and Fireball (cinnamon sticks and peppers). I'll be adding a sugar free simple syrup to them after infusion. I missed the originals both so much, but they are just too sugary for me to feel good about consuming. I can't wait to give my versions a try next week!
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I always say that I'd limit food for the day so I can drink what I want. So, I'm not one to ask. I plan ahead when I want beer - and I mean the 10% high calorie beers - and limit myself to 1 or 2 with waters in between.
  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member
    Whiskeytub wrote: »
    *Cracks knuckles* Glad you asked.
    This is something I have been working on since I started my weight loss journey since I love drinking and I refuse to give it up, ever. Here are your options in descending order with pros, cons, and tips:

    4) Beer
    Beer is terrible calorie-wise, but god help me, I love it. Most generic domestic beers are similar in calories with light beers being around 95 calories per 12 oz and non-lights about 150-180. Then you get into craft beers, where all the deliciousness is, and you really need to watch out. A nice high abv IPA can run anywhere from 180 to 300 calories per 12 oz. Stouts and Porters even more. Generally speaking, the darker and thicker the beer, the higher the calorie content. It is easy to rack up calories really fast by drinking beer. My best advice if you love beer but also want to get kind of drunk is to get a beer to nurse and a bourbon to drink on the side.

    Oh that 330 calorie Mad Elf. Going to have to pull a 6 pack out of the garage for the season.
    Other than that, Jameson - rocks - all the way.
  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    Its been my achilles heel - eventually I just decided I needed to make a choice and I went for health. Now I drink once every 3 or 4 months and its normally one or two drinks. Big contrast with the guy whose idea of fun was hanging out at whiskey bars and smoking cigars.

    That being said - the main problem that I find is not so much the alcohol but the culture. You drink a few, you don't count, next thing you know it you are doing shots and everyone is buying rounds. You start the night and you are having tapas and other greasy stuff to prolong your sober period as you drink. Now its 3AM, you are leaving the bar/club and you stop by your local grub, you grab a burger/kebab/pizza/anything that has enough grease to power a formula 1 vehicle engine. You sleep, you wake up feeling like *kitten* and eat even more greasy stuff to suck up the poison. You are dehydrated so your entire system is inefficient for DAYS after your stooper. And let's not even talk about hair of the dog.

    Ok so its not always this bad, but more or less any fun night is some version of this.

    My solution - you need these every now and then, but again just be moderate about it. When you do actually do it (like on Christmas), it becomes a nice one off event and you'll enjoy more - until the next day that is!

    HARLEYzFIT Posts: 20 Member
    Whiskeytub wrote: »
    *Cracks knuckles* Glad you asked.
    This is something I have been working on since I started my weight loss journey since I love drinking and I refuse to give it up, ever. Here are your options in descending order with pros, cons, and tips:

    1) Straight liquor.
    A good whiskey or scotch, gin with a twist of lime, a fine tequila with lemon - all good options. Most efficient abv/calorie ratio. 2oz is usually less than 150 calories. Pro: Most bang for your buck, and the strong taste can force you to sip it, making is last longer. Con: Some people don't like the taste of liquor. Some people do, and it's easy to get sloppy if you're not careful (especially if you're eating at a deficit). Tip: Drink slowly and keep refilling your glass with ice, letting it melt as you sip. This will preserve the delicious alocohol flavor while allowing you to hold on to your drink for longer, giving you a nice friendly buzz that lasts for the evening without making you into that red-faced overly truthful relative who leans and breathes on everyone.
    -Do not confuse liquor with liqueur - liqueurs are much sweeter and contain massively more calories than liquors do.

    2) Cocktails.
    Be careful with these - mixers can pack a lot of calories, as can sugary liqueurs like Kahlua, Drambuie and schnapps. Opt for club soda and citrus twist rather than juices or sugar sodas. If club soda bores you or isn't sweet enough, try using mostly the soda then cutting it with a small amount of ginger ale or tonic water. Angostura orange bitters also dress up a cocktail really nicely without adding much in the way of calories. Club soda, a teeny bit of ginger ale and bitters can be mixed with whiskey, gin, vodka or rum with delicious results.

    3) Wine
    At around 150 calories per 6oz, wine is not a bad option for the person who enjoys having a glass to sip on. Pro: You can make it last a while and it's got a decent abv/calorie ratio. Con: The spins.

    4) Beer
    Beer is terrible calorie-wise, but god help me, I love it. Most generic domestic beers are similar in calories with light beers being around 95 calories per 12 oz and non-lights about 150-180. Then you get into craft beers, where all the deliciousness is, and you really need to watch out. A nice high abv IPA can run anywhere from 180 to 300 calories per 12 oz. Stouts and Porters even more. Generally speaking, the darker and thicker the beer, the higher the calorie content. It is easy to rack up calories really fast by drinking beer. My best advice if you love beer but also want to get kind of drunk is to get a beer to nurse and a bourbon to drink on the side.

    HARLEYzFIT Posts: 20 Member
    Great! Thank you for taking the time to answer my question
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Wow, way to resurrect a year old thread.
    HARLEYzFIT Posts: 20 Member
    Sorry, just getting back into this and wasnt sure exactly how it worked
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    HARLEYzFIT wrote: »
    Sorry, just getting back into this and wasnt sure exactly how it worked

    No need to apologize. There is nothing wrong with searching for a subject and replying to an old thread.
  • Marianna93637
    Marianna93637 Posts: 230 Member
    I can't stand beer thank God so I don't have to worry about those calories. I like wine but I usually favor mixed drinks.
    My favorite:
    - skinny margarita: 0 calorie mix tequila, extra lemon juice and a packet Truvia with added taste.
    - rum and diet Coke
    - apple vodka and diet Sprite

    I wish they made the mix for the Apple Martini 0 calorie. I haven't seen it, but apple Martini is my other favorite, and when I drink it, the mix adds 120 calories.

    On the days when I have more than 1 drink, try to make sure I add enough exercise for the deficit which is filled by the drinks.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    jack and coke zero or diet coke is my go to