Any other guys find skinny girls super hot?



  • RoadsterZ
    RoadsterZ Posts: 434
    JustAGirl is HOT!!!! :love:
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    Curves with muscle tone, so not skinny.

  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Haha...this thread. People will find attractive who they find attractive. Just have fun and be relatively healthy. My husband finds me attractive, and I'm not skinny at all. I have friends who date bigger women, and I have friends who prefer skinny and/or muscular women. So, attractiveness is relative.
  • JustAGirl0916
    JustAGirl0916 Posts: 1,020
    JustAGirl is HOT!!!! :love:

    Thanks :happy:
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    Looks like I have to educate again. I dont mind really it makes me happy knowing I've shed some light on ignorance.

    See although humans are pretty much the same and we have similar basic needs. I'll refer you to Maslow's hierarchy if you are interested. We are also very unique.

    We are each born with a unique set of chromosome 23 to be exact. Half was dontated by your mother and half by your father. Now that in itself left you with your very own unique genetic code. That means of the 7 billion and some people on this earth no one has your's not a one size fit all jean in this case. Well that right there makes you a very special individual. However there's more to the story...

    See in your mommy's tummy or the uterus we were bathed in chemicals and hormones. That furthered changed us and made us unique. Then we were born and now we could interact with our environment. Some of us were born with both parents, some without, some had siblings, some did not, some were born male, some were born female, and some didnt quite know where they fit (but time would help them learn). Some of us had fat mommies, some of us had skinny mommies, and some of us had mommies just right. Some daddies were tall, some daddies were short, some daddies were black, some daddies where white, and some daddies were brown. We went to school and some people were mean to us and some people were nice to us. We learned to play more with the people who were nice to us. We learned we liked cherries in the summer but didnt like brussel sprouts, but our friend ate brussel sprouts all the time but got sick every time he ate a cherry. We started to develop preferences. Then we started to notice girls and boys. Once again, as being a unique individual we liked different girls and boys. Years went by and most of us grew up, but some of us still need a bit more time for our brains to mature. Some found they liked soft skin and a round body with tummy to rest their heads others found they liked tiny bodies. Some learned they liked really tall boys others found they just liked a nice boy. Some found they werent happy with the blonde hair but found the raven hair to be just right. Some thought the white girl was just too high maintenance but found the korean girl to be a friend for life. Some learned to love something you hate while other's hate something you love. Scary I know to realize everyone doesnt think just exactly like you, but that is a good thing because it keeps us alive and vibrant with differences and learning from one another.

    Each of these unique little ones makes up the mosaic of humanity. Each of those precious snowflakes has their own likes and dislikes.

    So little one I hope you understand now how each person is unique and different, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no black or white, right or wrong its just who we are. Be yourself and be nice to those around you.

    Nice post, and not being sarcastic here, but I could totally see it as a short child's book. You should look into that (there are self publishing sites out there like Lulu. I'd give it a go if I were you. :drinker:
  • Lynds7128
    Lynds7128 Posts: 132
    Looks like I have to educate again. I dont mind really it makes me happy knowing I've shed some light on ignorance.

    See although humans are pretty much the same and we have similar basic needs. I'll refer you to Maslow's hierarchy if you are interested. We are also very unique.

    We are each born with a unique set of chromosome 23 to be exact. Half was dontated by your mother and half by your father. Now that in itself left you with your very own unique genetic code. That means of the 7 billion and some people on this earth no one has your's not a one size fit all jean in this case. Well that right there makes you a very special individual. However there's more to the story...

    See in your mommy's tummy or the uterus we were bathed in chemicals and hormones. That furthered changed us and made us unique. Then we were born and now we could interact with our environment. Some of us were born with both parents, some without, some had siblings, some did not, some were born male, some were born female, and some didnt quite know where they fit (but time would help them learn). Some of us had fat mommies, some of us had skinny mommies, and some of us had mommies just right. Some daddies were tall, some daddies were short, some daddies were black, some daddies where white, and some daddies were brown. We went to school and some people were mean to us and some people were nice to us. We learned to play more with the people who were nice to us. We learned we liked cherries in the summer but didnt like brussel sprouts, but our friend ate brussel sprouts all the time but got sick every time he ate a cherry. We started to develop preferences. Then we started to notice girls and boys. Once again, as being a unique individual we liked different girls and boys. Years went by and most of us grew up, but some of us still need a bit more time for our brains to mature. Some found they liked soft skin and a round body with tummy to rest their heads others found they liked tiny bodies. Some learned they liked really tall boys others found they just liked a nice boy. Some found they werent happy with the blonde hair but found the raven hair to be just right. Some thought the white girl was just too high maintenance but found the korean girl to be a friend for life. Some learned to love something you hate while other's hate something you love. Scary I know to realize everyone doesnt think just exactly like you, but that is a good thing because it keeps us alive and vibrant with differences and learning from one another.

    Each of these unique little ones makes up the mosaic of humanity. Each of those precious snowflakes has their own likes and dislikes.

    So little one I hope you understand now how each person is unique and different, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no black or white, right or wrong its just who we are. Be yourself and be nice to those around you.


  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Looks like I have to educate again. I dont mind really it makes me happy knowing I've shed some light on ignorance.

    See although humans are pretty much the same and we have similar basic needs. I'll refer you to Maslow's hierarchy if you are interested. We are also very unique.

    We are each born with a unique set of chromosome 23 to be exact. Half was dontated by your mother and half by your father. Now that in itself left you with your very own unique genetic code. That means of the 7 billion and some people on this earth no one has your's not a one size fit all jean in this case. Well that right there makes you a very special individual. However there's more to the story...

    See in your mommy's tummy or the uterus we were bathed in chemicals and hormones. That furthered changed us and made us unique. Then we were born and now we could interact with our environment. Some of us were born with both parents, some without, some had siblings, some did not, some were born male, some were born female, and some didnt quite know where they fit (but time would help them learn). Some of us had fat mommies, some of us had skinny mommies, and some of us had mommies just right. Some daddies were tall, some daddies were short, some daddies were black, some daddies where white, and some daddies were brown. We went to school and some people were mean to us and some people were nice to us. We learned to play more with the people who were nice to us. We learned we liked cherries in the summer but didnt like brussel sprouts, but our friend ate brussel sprouts all the time but got sick every time he ate a cherry. We started to develop preferences. Then we started to notice girls and boys. Once again, as being a unique individual we liked different girls and boys. Years went by and most of us grew up, but some of us still need a bit more time for our brains to mature. Some found they liked soft skin and a round body with tummy to rest their heads others found they liked tiny bodies. Some learned they liked really tall boys others found they just liked a nice boy. Some found they werent happy with the blonde hair but found the raven hair to be just right. Some thought the white girl was just too high maintenance but found the korean girl to be a friend for life. Some learned to love something you hate while other's hate something you love. Scary I know to realize everyone doesnt think just exactly like you, but that is a good thing because it keeps us alive and vibrant with differences and learning from one another.

    Each of these unique little ones makes up the mosaic of humanity. Each of those precious snowflakes has their own likes and dislikes.

    So little one I hope you understand now how each person is unique and different, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no black or white, right or wrong its just who we are. Be yourself and be nice to those around you.



    Just playing devil's advocate...don't we change our minds about what we like and/or have different preferences? I do agree that we are born with certain preferences though. I just think it is possible for our preferences to change. I am just putting out a thought (not an argumentative one, just for discussion purposes). :smile:
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    Looks like I have to educate again. I dont mind really it makes me happy knowing I've shed some light on ignorance.

    See although humans are pretty much the same and we have similar basic needs. I'll refer you to Maslow's hierarchy if you are interested. We are also very unique.

    We are each born with a unique set of chromosome 23 to be exact. Half was dontated by your mother and half by your father. Now that in itself left you with your very own unique genetic code. That means of the 7 billion and some people on this earth no one has your's not a one size fit all jean in this case. Well that right there makes you a very special individual. However there's more to the story...

    See in your mommy's tummy or the uterus we were bathed in chemicals and hormones. That furthered changed us and made us unique. Then we were born and now we could interact with our environment. Some of us were born with both parents, some without, some had siblings, some did not, some were born male, some were born female, and some didnt quite know where they fit (but time would help them learn). Some of us had fat mommies, some of us had skinny mommies, and some of us had mommies just right. Some daddies were tall, some daddies were short, some daddies were black, some daddies where white, and some daddies were brown. We went to school and some people were mean to us and some people were nice to us. We learned to play more with the people who were nice to us. We learned we liked cherries in the summer but didnt like brussel sprouts, but our friend ate brussel sprouts all the time but got sick every time he ate a cherry. We started to develop preferences. Then we started to notice girls and boys. Once again, as being a unique individual we liked different girls and boys. Years went by and most of us grew up, but some of us still need a bit more time for our brains to mature. Some found they liked soft skin and a round body with tummy to rest their heads others found they liked tiny bodies. Some learned they liked really tall boys others found they just liked a nice boy. Some found they werent happy with the blonde hair but found the raven hair to be just right. Some thought the white girl was just too high maintenance but found the korean girl to be a friend for life. Some learned to love something you hate while other's hate something you love. Scary I know to realize everyone doesnt think just exactly like you, but that is a good thing because it keeps us alive and vibrant with differences and learning from one another.

    Each of these unique little ones makes up the mosaic of humanity. Each of those precious snowflakes has their own likes and dislikes.

    So little one I hope you understand now how each person is unique and different, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no black or white, right or wrong its just who we are. Be yourself and be nice to those around you.

  • phasesme
    phasesme Posts: 31 Member
    I am not a guy but after reading this thread I had to comment. What I know for sure is that I have NEVER had a problem in the romance dept. I know that not all men are attracted to me but I also know many that love this package. They don't like me out of "desperation" it's simply what they like. I even had a ex tell me "if you lose weight I'll still love you but I won't be attracted to you". Some men are up front and know what they like. Some Men that like bigger girls hide it it. I hate the term chubby chaser not one refers to other men as skinny chasers or blonde chasers. It's not a fetish it's a preference. The problem is that society has shamed men into feeling bad about being attracted to bigger women. Believe me I have had my share of beefed up muscle dudes who have a thin girl but wanted to date me too! and to that I say kick rocks! I am not ashamed of who or what I am . I am here to get healthy because it's what needs to happen not for vanity purposes. So while your preference maybe something else don't think for one second that there are not men out there that want rub and kiss every fat roll I have on this body!!!!
  • PoopieMonster
    PoopieMonster Posts: 295 Member
  • tlangenfeld
    tlangenfeld Posts: 2,330 Member
    Looks like I have to educate again. I dont mind really it makes me happy knowing I've shed some light on ignorance.

    See although humans are pretty much the same and we have similar basic needs. I'll refer you to Maslow's hierarchy if you are interested. We are also very unique.

    We are each born with a unique set of chromosome 23 to be exact. Half was dontated by your mother and half by your father. Now that in itself left you with your very own unique genetic code. That means of the 7 billion and some people on this earth no one has your's not a one size fit all jean in this case. Well that right there makes you a very special individual. However there's more to the story...

    See in your mommy's tummy or the uterus we were bathed in chemicals and hormones. That furthered changed us and made us unique. Then we were born and now we could interact with our environment. Some of us were born with both parents, some without, some had siblings, some did not, some were born male, some were born female, and some didnt quite know where they fit (but time would help them learn). Some of us had fat mommies, some of us had skinny mommies, and some of us had mommies just right. Some daddies were tall, some daddies were short, some daddies were black, some daddies where white, and some daddies were brown. We went to school and some people were mean to us and some people were nice to us. We learned to play more with the people who were nice to us. We learned we liked cherries in the summer but didnt like brussel sprouts, but our friend ate brussel sprouts all the time but got sick every time he ate a cherry. We started to develop preferences. Then we started to notice girls and boys. Once again, as being a unique individual we liked different girls and boys. Years went by and most of us grew up, but some of us still need a bit more time for our brains to mature. Some found they liked soft skin and a round body with tummy to rest their heads others found they liked tiny bodies. Some learned they liked really tall boys others found they just liked a nice boy. Some found they werent happy with the blonde hair but found the raven hair to be just right. Some thought the white girl was just too high maintenance but found the korean girl to be a friend for life. Some learned to love something you hate while other's hate something you love. Scary I know to realize everyone doesnt think just exactly like you, but that is a good thing because it keeps us alive and vibrant with differences and learning from one another.

    Each of these unique little ones makes up the mosaic of humanity. Each of those precious snowflakes has their own likes and dislikes.

    So little one I hope you understand now how each person is unique and different, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no black or white, right or wrong its just who we are. Be yourself and be nice to those around you.


    well said
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    bump so I can read it all...and I don't know what men like and don't like. I prefer to think they love my mind and wit, and my big boobs were just a bonus. I'm an endomorph though, so apparently I carry my chunk well
  • LibertyBelle89





  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member




    I wouldn't want to get with either of those women. The first one is too masculine for my tastes and the 2nd one is way too thin, I would break her. I would want someone more like this... (Kristina Hendricks) - It won't post eff it.


    I like the softness of a woman. I think it is incredibly sexy. Now, I haven't been with one, but if I ever were, it would be with someone who is soft. Not hard, not bone.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member




    I wouldn't want to get with either of those women. The first one is too masculine for my tastes and the 2nd one is way too thin, I would break her. I would want someone more like this... (Kristina Hendricks) - It won't post eff it.


    I like the softness of a woman. I think it is incredibly sexy. Now, I haven't been with one, but if I ever were, it would be with someone who is soft. Not hard, not bone.

    She's masculine? Huh???? Ooookkkkkkaaayyyyy
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I just texted my fiance about this thread...and told him I'm sure glad he loves my fat @ss. He texted back "your @ss is perfect"...enough said.
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member




    I wouldn't want to get with either of those women. The first one is too masculine for my tastes and the 2nd one is way too thin, I would break her. I would want someone more like this... (Kristina Hendricks) - It won't post eff it.

    I like the softness of a woman. I think it is incredibly sexy. Now, I haven't been with one, but if I ever were, it would be with someone who is soft. Not hard, not bone.

    LOL u jelly?
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
    I just texted my fiance about this thread...and told him I'm sure glad he loves my fat @ss. He texted back "your @ss is perfect"...enough said.

    This happened..
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    LOL u jelly?

    Absolutely! I would LOVE to look like her, but not bang her. Personal preference. I like fleshy.
  • Rixx31
    Rixx31 Posts: 220 Member
    Me, I prefer...well, this guy says it all:


    ...and I cannot lie.