Waist Trainers



  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    A lot of the negative things you are hearing are rubbish but if I'm honest, it's more of a vanity thing... For that 'perfect' hourglass shape!
    I wear corsets all the time. they take a few inches off, help with posture and back probs and they help with a post pregnancy stomach but they aren't a permanent thing.

    They give you a great shape but you shouldn't be in agony.... You should feel stretched up if you know what I mean. It's too tight so loosen it

    As I was saying, a lot of the negative things you hear is a load of bull, they don't destroy your insides, in the Victorian Times they did cause probs but they'd be in corsets from a very young age and even during pregnancy!

    Stick at it, it can take months to see decent results but you will have to do it forever to keep the results


    How does it take inches off if it's not a permanent thing? :huh:

    Also I'll never understand why typing out a few extra letters to make a complete word is so hard. :neutral_face:
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    So you get advise from people who know what they are talking about pointing out the dangers of this, yet you don't want to hear that so instead of listening to the vast majority of those who point out this is a waste of time, you decide to go with the very small minority who say use it. That is neither logical, nor wise.

    Who said I wasn't listening? I said I would try it for a period of time based on what some of the positive reviews people said?

    That is like me accusing you of only ever listening to negative comments....which I wouldn't do.
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    If used properly reasonably, and responsibly, a corset is no more harmful than a strong girdle.

    People here are capable of making their own decisions based on the information they find most helpful. Just because you may not agree, doesnt give anyone the right to be hateful or condescending. I'm sure there are choices we ALL make that someone somewhere will disagree with. That is their right and their choice.

    Thank you. I really appreciate this comment. People don't need to be hateful or condescending. I was just asking a question x
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    If you are interested in re-arranging your organs and ribs for a more hourglass shaped waist, yes it works if done right. It does not make you lose weight, all it does is gradually push your ribs in and your internal organs down.

    If done excessively or in a wrong way it may damage your organs, bruise/fracture your ribs and greatly weaken your core muscles. If you are interested in that niche, it's best you get a properly measured custom corset.


    i forget where i read this but the picture above was not a true representation of what happens while waist training, but instead a doctor's estimation of what happens (the doc in question is of the late victorian era, not someone with the technology to see what's actually going on in there). it CAN do damage if used incorrectly, yes. absolutely. but don't base your decision on the above illustration. make sure to choose something that is appropriate for your natural body shape - some have more curve than others. go ahead and squish your fat but don't cause yourself abrasion or bruising by selecting one that is shaped badly for you.

    i got mine from orchard corsets. if you go to the site, you'll see that the CS426 is a popular style, but requires a tall waist, and a wide pelvis with plenty of curve. that would be COMPLETELY inappropriate for me because i have an average torso length, a thick waist, and narrow iliac crests (the top of your hip bones). if i ordered a 426 it would be a disaster. i've got the 301, which is still curved in a lot, and might get myself a CS411 for a full-length corset.
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    Thank you =-) xx
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    So you get advise from people who know what they are talking about pointing out the dangers of this, yet you don't want to hear that so instead of listening to the vast majority of those who point out this is a waste of time, you decide to go with the very small minority who say use it. That is neither logical, nor wise.

    because kim kardashian...
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    fatcity66 wrote: »
    liannexxx wrote: »
    You took that seriously??

    why wouldn't I? I asked for advice...which I thought was what this site was about?

    I once heard this phase that said "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all"

    Or "Sarcasm....lowest form of wit"

    Anyway don't worry I won't take anything you say seriously from now on. =-)

    Best of luck in 2015 with your fitness goals. x

    Because it was obviously not meant seriously. You have no common sense.
    Also, I DIDN'T SAY IT, dbmata did. Pay attention.
    OPs right though, best to not take anything you say seriously.
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    edited December 2014
    Corsets are meant to be an item you wear to look sexy when the mood hits. In order to "train" your waist you have to cinch it very tight and wear it all the time. This will cause damage. It is like foot binding which, yes, it does make your feet small and dainty but it also makes it painful to walk and you need to take small steps. With "waist training" the risk is to organs and possibly the ribcage. Is a smaller waist worth any cost? This is a health, diet and fitness site so I am not sure why you are taking the fact that most posters don't think this a good idea, as rudeness. It is the kind of thing that sets off alarms because of genuine concern and not wanting to see anyone harm themselves. Yes, you have the right to try whatever you want but you are an attractive slim young women and I personally hope you make a different choice.
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    Getting them made is definily a pro if you want the best results. I've been making them for 8 years and have an awesome collection at all my weights. (Saved me alot of money!) i also have a few on my profile and in the forums :)

    Also thought i'd add. I stopped waist training a few months after starting MFP (super sad :( ) as i found out it messes with muscle and tone. So if you're one of those people who have a strength goal or want abs, corset training is bad.

    I love corsets! And i love wasp waists, i had an awesome one going for a few months but for me i had to sadly end my love for the wasp to get my abs. Still working on them but it's a goal i'd like to achieve before i have kids :) also working on martial arts, so when my fitness life settles down, if it does. I'll probably go back to my awesome corsets.

    Oooo I am on the abs goal as well. I will do a bit more research. Thank you =-)