January Running Challenge



  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member


  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member


  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Goal for January: 75 miles
    1/1 rest
    1/2 unplanned but very productive rest
    1/3 5 miles
    1/4 3.18
    1/5 rest
    1/6 6.25
    1/7 very unsatisfying snorkeling day +2.1
    1/8 3.12
    1/9 4.4
    1/10 bike
    1/11 3.12
    1/12 leisurely 3.45 walk (not counted in total)
    1/13 2 hours of snorkeling in rough water=leg workout!
    1/14 6.51
    1/15 3.15
    1/16 rest
    1/17 3.08
    1/18 4.51
    1/19 rest
    1/20 3 hours of snorkeling+ 2.47 run
    1/21 3.20
    1/22 6.33
    1/23 rest
    1/24 3.94
    1/25 3.15

    Total 63.44miles

    (ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Beautiful day for a run on the beach! So clear after all the wind! Supposed to rain tomorrow.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    01/01.... 0.00....... 0.00
    01/02.... 6.98....... 6.98
    01/03.... 0.00....... 6.98
    01/04...10.75......17.73 - went out for 8 and just kept going!
    01/05.... 4.27......22.00 - strength training too
    01/06.... 4.33......26.33 - too hot and my legs felt like logs
    01/07.... 0.00......26.33 - rest day
    01/08.... 6.50......32.83 - strength training too
    01/09.... 5.11......37.94
    01/10.... 7.18......45.12 - rain run!
    01/11.... 0.00......45.12 - taper
    01/12.... 4.38......49.50
    01/13.... 0.00......49.50 - taper, Strength training
    01/14.... 4.09......53.59
    01/15.... 0.00......53.59 - taper, Strength training
    01/16.... 3.81......57.40
    01/17.... 0.00......57.40 - taper
    01/18...13.10......70.50 - Disney Star Wars Half
    01/19.... 4.22......74.72 - Recovery run
    01/20.... 0.00......74.72 - Rest, Strength training
    01/21.... 4.89......79.61
    01/22.... 0.00......79.61 - Rest, Strength training
    01/23.... 5.35......84.96 - Sluggish run after hard work out last night
    01/24.... 8.35......93.31 - hard fought run against the wind!
    01/25.... 2.92......96.23 - Beautiful barefoot run on the beach - doesn't get much better than this!


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Beautiful day for a run on the beach! So clear after all the wind! Supposed to rain tomorrow.

    Awwww...Happy dogs! I bet they slept all afternoon after that!

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Jan 1 - 5K on the beach;
    Jan 2 - rest
    Jan 3 - 34 mile bike ride
    Jan 4 - 4.5
    Jan 5 - Strength Training
    Jan 6 - 4.0
    Jan 7 - rest
    Jan 8 - 4.1
    Jan 9 - strength training
    Jan 10 - 4.5
    Jan 11 - 3.4 and 24 mile bike ride
    Jan 12 - 3.3
    Jan 13 - strength training
    Jan 14 - 4.4
    Jan 15 - rest day
    Jan 16 - strength training
    Jan 17 - 34 mile bike ride.
    Jan 18 - 52 mile bike ride. Hope I can run tomorrow, or even walk, lol.
    Jan 19- 4.5 - one sore calf from biking, but not too bad
    Jan 20 - strength training
    Jan 21 - Rest day.
    Jan 22 - 3.5
    Jan 23 - strength training
    Jan 24 - 5.1 - supposed to ride bikes but it was raining so got to run!
    Jan 25 - 56 mile bike ride. Not hilly so shouldn’t have calf issues like last weekend.
    Jan 26 - rest day - just to make sure I don't get sore like last week.

    Two or three more runs till the end of January so I should hit goal.


  • tostaky
    tostaky Posts: 30 Member
    Not too sure how to post but i am on track!
    Good work everybody!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for January

    1/1 8 miles - 8
    1/2 9 miles - 17
    1/3 REST DAY
    1/4 8.85 miles - 25.85
    1/5 6.2 miles - 32.05
    1/6 7 miles - 39.05
    1/7 6.2 miles - 45.25
    1/8 8 miles 53.25 <<< 8 degrees is cold for Alabama
    1/9 6.2 miles 59.45
    1/10 14 miles 73.45
    1/11 REST DAY
    1/12 9 miles 82.45
    1/13 7 miles 89.45
    1/14 6.2 miles 95.65
    1/15 7.25 miles - 102.9
    1/16 Unplanned REST DAY <<< I needed an extra day rest.
    1/17 12 miles - 114.9
    1/18 REST DAY
    1/19 REST DAY
    1/20 7 miles 121.9
    1/21 6.2 miles 128.1
    1/22 6.2 miles 134.3
    1/23 REST DAY
    1/24 10 miles 144.3
    1/25 REST DAY
    1/26 6.2 miles - 150.5


  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    1/1: 8.5 Trail Hike(Mountain)
    1/2: 4 mile Trail Run(flat)
    1/3: 3.1 mile Treadmill
    1/4: 4 mile Trail Run(flat)
    1/5: Zero Day (Pilates)
    1/6: 6 miles (Ellip)
    1/7: 2 miles (Ellip)
    1/8: 2.1miles(Ellip)
    1/9: 4.2 (Ellip)
    1/10 2.2 (Ellip)
    1/11 2 Trail
    1/12 2 (Ellip)
    1/13 2 (Ellip)
    1/14 2 (Ellip)
    1/15 2 (Ellip)
    1/16 4 (Ellip) + 2 Trail
    1/17 5 run
    1/18 2 Trail run
    1/19 8 Trail Hike/run Mountain
    1/20 Zero Day
    1/21 2 (Ellip)
    1/22 2.1(Ellip)
    1/23 4.2 (Ellip)
    1/24 4 (2 mi run/2 mi interval) weight w/out
    1/25 2.1 (ellip)
    1/26 2 (ellip) + 2 mile walk to work
    Total: 88.5
    Goal: 90
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    Good weekend! I hit goal and nailed a 5K PR of 26:03. It might not seem fast to some, but it wasn't that long ago that I was dreaming of breaking the 30 minute mark.

    01/01/2015 - 5.02 Miles - Cumulative 5.02 Miles
    01/04/2015 - 6.53 Miles - Cumulative 11.55 Miles
    01/06/2015 - 6.70 Miles - Cumulative 18.25 Miles
    01/08/2015 - 4.50 Miles - Cumulative 22.75 Miles (Brrrrr...it was cold!)
    01/11/2015 - 7.35 Miles - Cumulative 30.10 Miles (Big dog scared the crap out of me)
    01/13/2015 - 7.55 Miles - Cumulative 37.65 Miles (New route with actual hills)
    01/15/2015 - 3.26 Miles - Cumulative 40.91 Miles
    01/16/2015 - 3.21 Miles - Cumulative 44.12 Miles
    01/18/2015 - 8.01 Miles - Cumulative 52.13 Miles
    01/20/2015 - 7.00 Miles - Cumulative 59.13 Miles
    01/22/2015 - 4.15 Miles - Cumulative 63.28 Miles
    01/23/2015 - 3.16 Miles - Cumulative 66.44 Miles (New 5K PR of 26:03)
    01/25/2015 - 8.76 Miles - Cumulative 75.20 Miles (Lots of fellow runners out today)

    GOAL: 75 Miles

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited January 2015
    shanaber wrote: »
    Beautiful day for a run on the beach! So clear after all the wind! Supposed to rain tomorrow.


    @SLHysell‌ - Fantastic on the 5K PR.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @ddmom0811‌ - only the pup on the right is mine and he was sound asleep as soon as we got in the car! Remind me of small children in that way :) He was ready to go again though later in the evening but that is just the type of dog he is - he can run and run and run. He's a great training partner :laugh:

    @SLHysell - a 26 min 5K is awesome! Congratulations!!

    Looks like we are all closing in on our goals! Great job everyone!!
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member

    Date Miles Total
    1-Jan 10 10
    3-Jan 10 20
    4-Jan 10.5 30.5
    6-Jan 7 37.5
    7-Jan 5 42.5
    10-Jan 13 55.5
    13-Jan 8 63.5
    15-Jan 7 70.5
    17-Jan 7 77.5
    19-Jan 5 82.5
    20-Jan 6 88.5
    22-Jan 4 92.5
    24-Jan 13.13 105.6

    I ran my half marathon this weekend and am thrilled with the results! 1:48:42. Not a PR but faster than I have done one in the last 6 years. Plus it was a trail run! I felt comfortable the whole time. Well except the last crazy hill at mile 12.5. That just sucked! :p Ultimately I probably could have pushed it more however I am happy with it. A great course too.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    1/1/2015: 3.94 miles outside
    1/2/2015: 3.46 miles treadmill
    1/3/2015: 1.95 miles outside, because I was too lazy to drive to the gym (?!)
    1/4/2015: 4.34 miles treadmill, driving to the gym was terrifying (ask me about my POS car.)
    1/5/2015: Rest (replaced car and dealt with insurance)
    1/6/2015: Rest (still dealing with insurance - switching to new agency)
    1/7/2015: 3.52 miles treadmill (and running around with old insurance agency, some more!)
    1/9/2015: 4.21 miles treadmill
    1/12/2015: 3.5 miles treadmill
    1/14/2015: 6.99 miles treadmill (I did 2 Zombies, Run! missions, one with hills and one flat, and added the mileage when I got home, or that would be an even 7.)
    1/16/2015: 3 treadmill and 3 treadmill - competing against my brother. I failed in the morning and went back to try again in the afternoon. Beat his time by 27 seconds.
    1/19/2015: 1 mile on the treadmill in my brother's gym about 10 seconds slower than his. My lungs finally feel a bit better. That was the dustiest nasty treadmill I hope to ever use. There are ruts worn into the platform that made my run feel like I was running in an icy wheel rut. But the rock salt and dust was worse than the bumpy ride. Ugh.
    1/20/2015: 3 miles treadmill
    1/26/2015: 6.04 miles treadmill 27 miles left, in 5 days. That seems a tiny bit ambitious, for me.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    briebee7 wrote: »
    I ran my half marathon this weekend and am thrilled with the results! 1:48:42. Not a PR but faster than I have done one in the last 6 years. Plus it was a trail run!

    Wow! That's a great time and it's amazing that you felt great the whole way, except for the hill. Who puts a hill at mile 12! :)
  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member

    1/1: 4 miles outside
    1/2: Nada
    1/3: 7 miles outside
    1/4: 1 mile treadmill… every mile counts, right?
    1/5: 4 miles treadmill… brrrr cold and windy outside today in New England
    1/6: 1 mile treadmill…
    1/7: zippo
    1/8: 4 miles treadmill- 1 degree outside (not including windchill), drove passed a runner on my way to the gym… rock on guy!
    1/9: 4.3 treadmill
    1/10: nada
    1/11: nada
    1/12: 6.7 miles- first time outside in a while and it was AWESOME!!
    1/13: No run
    1/14: 4.5 treadmill
    1/15: No run
    1/16: Nothing
    1/17: No run (ski day!)
    1/18: No run (ditto)
    1/19: No run
    1/20:No run
    1/21: 5.5 outside cold but beautiful
    1/22: no run
    1/23: 4.25 neighborhood run
    1/24: My Birthday… no run
    1/25: no run
    1/26: 5 miles on the treadmill… too lazy to get dressed for the weather!

    Total miles in January: 51.25
    Miles to goal: 8.75
    Goal: 60 miles

    Less than 9 miles to GOAL!!

    Stay warm New Englanders!!
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    @RunnerElizabeth -Be careful & stay warm looks like this storm is really going to hit the your area hard.
    @_nikkiwolf_ @shanaber & @Lesleycali -Thanks for sharing such great pictures. It's neat to see where everyone else runs.
    @SLHysell -26:03 is a great 5K PR! Don't sell yourself short; I know many people who aren't that fast!
    @briebee7 -Fantastic time for your half! Running the trails is harder than the road and ddmom0811 is right "Who puts a hill at mile 12" that's sadistic!
    _Date___ Miles
    Jan 1 ___5.7 __lovely first run of the new year
    Jan 2 ___7.1 __trail, light flurries
    Jan 3 ___4.7
    Jan 4 ___1.3 __streak
    Jan 5 ___7.2 __hills, 19F windy
    Jan 6 ___3.6 __14F windy & snowing
    Jan 7 ___2.1 __14F windy & snowing + hike up Bald Mountain/around Willard Lake
    Jan 8 ___4.0 __13F windy but no snow :)
    Jan 9 ___3.5
    Jan 10 __3.5
    Jan 11 __12.8 _14F trail
    Jan 12 __5.9 __after all those cold days 34F felt warm & Happy Birthday Mom!
    Jan 13 __3.5 __7F
    Jan 14 __2.0 __snow flurries + a little hike up Uncanoonuc
    Jan 15 __14.9 __trails 22F snow flurries
    Jan 16 __3.6 __WINDY, I'm not built to fight 30-35mph winds.
    Jan 17 __2.8 __11F & still windy
    Jan 18 __7.0 __trail freezing rain for last mile
    Jan 19 __3.5 __39F even windy it felt great + another hike up Uncanoonuc
    Jan 20 __3.6
    Jan 21 __4.0 & a thrilling hike over NH's Welch & Dickey
    Jan 22 __1.4 streak
    Jan 23 __11.1 _ crazy icy trail run should have worn my micro-spikes
    Jan 24 __4.0 __a lovely snowy run
    Jan 25 __12.5 _trail again
    Jan 26 __5.3 __roads well before the expected storm ***and GOAL!!!

    Month total= 140.8miles ___ 0remaining


    Current Streak: 155days = 1005.5miles

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 Jan - 6mi, easy
    2 Jan - 6.2mi, easy
    3 Jan - 10mi trail
    4 Jan - 7mi trail w/girl
    5 Jan - 8.1mi, easy
    6 Jan - 8mi, easy, snow!
    7 Jan - 6mi, easy, -10°, +4mi w/girl
    8 Jan - 7mi, 6x Yasso 800s @6:40, treddy
    9 Jan - 10mi, easy, treddy
    10 Jan - 6mi trail race, 2mi cooldown, 6th overall, 2nd AG
    11 Jan - 3.7mi easy w/girl
    12 Jan - 8mi easy, treddy
    13 Jan - 8.2mi, easy
    14 Jan - 8mi, easy
    15 Jan - 7.5mi, intervals
    16 Jan - 9.1mi, easy
    17 Jan - 7mi, easy
    18 Jan - 14mi, easy
    19 Jan - 6mi, easy
    20 Jan - 8mi, easy
    21 Jan - 9mi, easy
    22 Jan - 20mi, bike
    23 Jan - 8mi, easy w/strides
    24 Jan - 8mi, easy
    25 Jan - 6.2mi, easy w/girl
    26 Jan - 18mi, fast finish last 2@MP (7:35avg)

    Total: 209mi
    Goal: 230mi
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    1/19/2015--2.02 treadmill
    1/20/2015--line dancing(50 min),kickboxing(20 min)
    1/21/2015--kickboxing(55 min)
    1/22/2015--zumba(50 min)
    1/23/2015--2.5 treadmill
    1/24/2015--4.57 treadmill
    1/26/2015--1.43 outside, group power (55 min)
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