I know many people are against cleanses but....a TMI problem



  • HappyHealthyMe87
    HappyHealthyMe87 Posts: 22 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'd opt for a stool softener over a laxative. I had to live off Laxido when I was pregnant as I was so badly constipated. I ended up in hospital after taking so many laxatives I ended up having "overflow".... Which (sorry to be graphic) is diarrhoea which overflows around the blockage. Anyway Laxido really was brilliant. I initially took an enema and then maintained regularity by drinking Laxido. Other things that will help is sorbitol, which can be found in prunes and prune juice. It draws water into the bowels to help soften the stools which will help things move. You must drink plenty though.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    edited December 2014
    My son's pediatrician put him on Miralax when he was a toddler (he is 18 now), and told him to use it forever if needed (it is just heriditary for him). And he still does most of the time. She said it was very safe... We just had to find out what amount to use every day that would make him "normal", then it was easy sailing as long as we dont forget for extended times.

    But I second the "more fat" thing. Fat is better than fiber for this I think!

    Oh, and I wish someone had warned me... Apparently running is GREAT for this. First 5 minutes... every DAM* time!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I actually have my annual check-up next week, so this will be one of the issues I'll raise with my GP. The pharmacist actually recommended Miralax, but as I stated before, I'd rather try a natural remedy before getting on laxatives. I get plenty of fiber in my diet, fruits, vegetables, including leafy greens, etc. Yesterday, I had a huge arugula salad for lunch, a salad for dinner, plus homemade burrito with high fiber wrap with black beans, as well as brown rice. All that did was make me huge bloated and give me a belly ache. I finally had some modest success today, after a bacon and egg breakfast.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    I actually have my annual check-up next week, so this will be one of the issues I'll raise with my GP. The pharmacist actually recommended Miralax, but as I stated before, I'd rather try a natural remedy before getting on laxatives. I get plenty of fiber in my diet, fruits, vegetables, including leafy greens, etc. Yesterday, I had a huge arugula salad for lunch, a salad for dinner, plus homemade burrito with high fiber wrap with black beans, as well as brown rice. All that did was make me huge bloated and give me a belly ache. I finally had some modest success today, after a bacon and egg breakfast.

    so. since you aren't acknowledging this.

    Fiber is over rated- it's a binding agent- not a going agent.

    Think of fat as as natural grease for your internal track.
    Stop sweating the fiber you're getting and add some fat to your diet- it's an easy switch- 'all natural" and is easy to regulate.

    secondly- yes- have a cup of coffee with a nice fat full breakfast- wait 30-45 min- go for a jog and stay close to home- 1/2 mile to a mile usually does the trick.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    I actually have my annual check-up next week, so this will be one of the issues I'll raise with my GP. The pharmacist actually recommended Miralax, but as I stated before, I'd rather try a natural remedy before getting on laxatives. I get plenty of fiber in my diet, fruits, vegetables, including leafy greens, etc. Yesterday, I had a huge arugula salad for lunch, a salad for dinner, plus homemade burrito with high fiber wrap with black beans, as well as brown rice. All that did was make me huge bloated and give me a belly ache. I finally had some modest success today, after a bacon and egg breakfast.

    Like someone suggested... twice... get more fat. It's very satiable and it will help with the bathroom visits. It's a little more calorie dense, but this should help with your problem. I'd stay away from clenses and/or laxatives unless you have been instructed (and are monitored) by a doctor.
  • verymissk
    verymissk Posts: 262 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? If you're not drinking enough water, and taking fiber, it WILL stop you up. Not to mention the fact that not drinking enough water will just stop you up anyway.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Looking at your diary, you eat a very low fat diet. Increase your fats.

    And ask your PCP to refer you to a gastroenterologist.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    I actually have my annual check-up next week, so this will be one of the issues I'll raise with my GP. The pharmacist actually recommended Miralax, but as I stated before, I'd rather try a natural remedy before getting on laxatives. I get plenty of fiber in my diet, fruits, vegetables, including leafy greens, etc. Yesterday, I had a huge arugula salad for lunch, a salad for dinner, plus homemade burrito with high fiber wrap with black beans, as well as brown rice. All that did was make me huge bloated and give me a belly ache. I finally had some modest success today, after a bacon and egg breakfast.

    You realize too much fiber make the issue worse, right? A typical person needs 25 - 35 g a day. How much are you having? If its WAY more than that (anything over 40), try cutting back! I find I can't have even 35 without getting constipated like you are.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Eating didn't wreck your digestion, but perhaps overindulgence of supplements is a contributing factor. The only cleanse you need is to reject the supplements, stop overloading on fiber, and hit your fat macro.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    I get plenty of fiber in my diet, fruits, vegetables, including leafy greens, etc. Yesterday, I had a huge arugula salad for lunch, a salad for dinner, plus homemade burrito with high fiber wrap with black beans, as well as brown rice. All that did was make me huge bloated and give me a belly ache.

    Please tell this to your doctor. As I said above, there are conditions which are made worse by eating high-fiber foods.

    He or she may prescribe a low-residue diet—basically the exact opposite of what you've been eating. But if you are diagnosed and properly treated, you will feel so much better. I promise you.

    I wish you a happy & healthy 2015.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So I just skimmed your diary.

    Go to white castle/five guys- get a burger.

    problem solved.

    You're fat content is WAY to low.



  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    rosebette wrote: »
    I looked up magnesium, and wonder how does this product differ from good ol' Phillips Milk of Magneisa, which actually has more magnesia. I've been avoiding Phillips and other such products because they are actually laxatives and I don't want to become laxative dependent.


    not laxatives.

    I have had so many days (and weeks) where I just couldn't go. I agree with JoRocka. Try a higher fat diet coupled with LOTS of water for a few days and see where that leaves you.

    I've also been known to chug apple juice, like a gallon of it. The longest I have ever gone with no 'movement' was about 3 weeks. Yes, really. I should have gone to the doctor but I didn't. I ended up getting a bottle of magnesium citrate on my husbands advice (apparently people in the military use it to help them make weight before a weigh in). Again, if it's gotten to that point, you really should go to the doctor but if like me, you refuse to talk to a doctor about those things, you can give it a shot if all else fails.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Have you ever taken aloe? I get aloe pills at the nutrition store.
  • jeanners98
    jeanners98 Posts: 74 Member
    are you drinking enough water? everything starts flowing for me when i actually drink the 8 glass min.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    jeanners98 wrote: »
    are you drinking enough water? everything starts flowing for me when i actually drink the 8 glass min.

    it's not water- it's fat.
    She's over doing her fiber content and not eating nearly enough fats.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I set my fat macros low because I have high cholesterol, and frankly, I usually exceed my fat macro for the day, which I don't really think is a good thing. In case you didn't notice, I went over my fat macro every day this week. I guess I have to decide which is worse -- eating more fat and increasing my cholesterol (which is already high) and ending up on a statin (with the side effects that causes -- joint pain and muscle aches), or being constipated. It's kind of a catch-22 for someone my age. I do wonder about the comment on "overindulging supplements." I wouldn't take the supplements (fiber and acidophilus) unless I had the problem. I didn't start taking them just because I felt like it. The other supplements I take, such as magnesium oxide, are part of a calcium supplement I need for bone health. A multi-vitamin and fish oil are the only other supplements I take. I'd rather not take stuff if I don't have to. I am going to back off on the fiber a bit since obviously it's not helping.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It's still pretty low- even going over- it's still pretty low.
    - And eating more fat won't contribute to your cholesterol. They are different.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I'm what is known as a "hyperresponsive" person. I know some people are able to eat animal products and shellfish and it doesn't affect their numbers. Since I'm a post-menopausal female and have a genetic tendency toward high cholesterol, I have to be careful. If I eat high cholesterol foods such as eggs, shellfish, or animal fat, it shows up on my cholesterol test. Usually, I go off that stuff cold turkey for about a month before the test just to get the total down to around 200.

    I've been battling doctors for years over my cholesterol, since I've had LDL's as high as 170. In fact, I was on Welchol and Questran for a couple of years -- talk about constipation -- I'd do anything to avoid being on that sludge again, plus it was giving me upper GI trouble.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    if you are eating that much fiber, you need to follow it with at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day. i also agree with increasing healthy fats.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Just read OP "problem" I'm on the complete opposite end......I have Crohn's and have had a majority of my colon removed, as well as, some of my small intestine. Just imagine how it would feel to go 12+ times a day no matter what you eat :smile: