Ewww... What's the worst thing you've eaten..?



  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I had a disgusting SOS-type thing- I don't remember there being any meat in it. It was like unflavored runny oatmeal poured over toast. AWFUL!


    Dried cuttlefish
  • Kestrel45
    Kestrel45 Posts: 133
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Steamed Mexican Sandwiches. My mom made them years ago. Bread, some weird salsa stuff in the middle, wrapped in aluminum foil and ironed with a clothes iron to heat them up.
  • ddslowly
    ddslowly Posts: 46 Member
    frog. hork.
    coffee, asparagus, black licorice, and root beer round out my top 5 least favorite foods.
  • veganstein
    veganstein Posts: 33 Member
    Nori. I know it's incredibly good for us vegetarians, but it tastes like fish *kitten*.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    Vegan mayo.

    Oh yeah that stuff is just horrid

    vegan cheese.

    I eat vegan mayo all the time, but vegan "cheese" is an insult to food.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    Chia seeds are the gawdawfullest gritty bits of hate I have ever put in my mouth. Yuk.
  • cheesyrunner
    cheesyrunner Posts: 84 Member
    powdered vegan egg replacement
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    Cuy - Salted and Roasted Ecuadorian Guinea Pig. Guy at work made it for me....it was gamey and salty but very reminiscent of pork. The gaminess takes some getting used to but I tried it a second time with the head and feet removed and it was pretty decent.

  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    This thread pretty much makes me truly believe people are weird.

    And clearly everything is subjective. I adore at least 3/4 of these hated things.
  • cheesyrunner
    cheesyrunner Posts: 84 Member
    Cuy - Salted and Roasted Ecuadorian Guinea Pig. Guy at work made it for me....it was gamey and salty but very reminiscent of pork. The gaminess takes some getting used to but I tried it a second time with the head and feet removed and it was pretty decent.


    oh wow. :sick:
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    It's a tie!

    Escargot is TERRIBLE. Tried it on a cruise and nearly barfed.
    I'm not a fan of calamari/full, purple baby squid either.

    Eel is iffy. If it's prepared properly, I'll eat it. :)

    ive had bbq eel before it was really good.....escargot has always sounded gross

    I love escargot. It's an excuse to eat butter and garlic.

    YES! Tasted escargot as a child, given us by a French lady. My mother nearly puked at the idea, wouldn't try it, and was absolutely furious with me because I loved it, still do.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member

    I LOVE mushrooms! Can't cook without 'em! Wild rice and sauteed mushrooms, as a side dish or as stuffing for roast chicken, woooooooonnnnnnnderful!!
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    When I was a kid, my dad made deep fried broccoli. I swear to god it tasted like hot, crispy farts! *gag*
  • tados
    tados Posts: 68
    Canned sardines :sick:
  • manders376
    manders376 Posts: 53 Member
    Tofu hotdogs

    I had a room mate in college who was vegetarian and when she went home for Winter break told me I could eat the food she left so it wouldn't get freezer burned. I liked her veggie burgers and tofu stir fry so thought tofu hotdogs would be alright.... never again.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I tried to make the "cauliflower pizza dough"... Steamed cauliflower with egg and seasoning spread thin and baked into a pizza crust. Sounds like a great idea right?! DISCUSTING! I like cauliflower so you would assume I could choke it down, no such luck! it went to the trash. I guess it is a good diet food though because I didn't have an appetite for anything else! :tongue:


    It tasted exactly like what it was; mushed cauliflower wit cheese and sauce :noway:
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    When my son was a baby, he had diarrhea. During one of the countless diaper changes he let go in while I was in the middle of changing him. And some got on my lip. Even though I have no proof, I've been convinced for the last 23 years that some got in my mouth some how. :sick:

    Yep...top that one.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Mushrooms................I have tried all kinds, cooked various ways and have even tried to eat them raw in salads........

    Grossest thing in nature.