confronted girl-mcdonalds-ceo we-dont-sell-junk-food

What do you think about this ? Love that the mother is teaching her daughter healthy eatting habbits. But we still have mcd's here and there as a treat for the kids


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Damn, I would have torn that little kid to pieces. IIFYM. You can eat McDonald's every day and be fine.
  • gabbylab
    gabbylab Posts: 146
    Whatever happened to responsible parenting with all things in moderation? My kids loved McDonald's (and the darn toys) but they also loved grilling shrimp and scallops with asparagus.
  • SydKaty
    SydKaty Posts: 75 Member
    I can understand that a parent wants to be an advocate of "healthy"eating to their children, but personally I think a 9 year old is too young to be blasting the CEO of McDonalds. Especially when she has to be coached by the mother... It's almost like the mother is allowing her daughter to learn at an early age how to bully people into believe that her ways are the BEST ways.

    "Robertson’s mother Kia, 36, is an activist with the group Corporate Accountability International, and an avid food blogger who involves her daughter in a series of YouTube videos about healthy eating. She helped coach her daughter through the confrontation."

    Personally, I agree, everything in moderation. Is McDonald's the healthiest choice around? Probably not, but they do try to make varieties of foods that are healthier. If you don't like it, don't want to eat it, then don't. No one is making you walk in the restaurant or the drive thru FORCING you to eat the food.

    But there's a lot to be said about parent's responsibility in teaching the kids the importance of trying new foods. There are kids out there that only like to eat Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Macaroni and Cheese because 1) it's an easy meal to make 2) kids are picky 3) or as parents we work and are trucking kids to a variety of locations and it's a quick fix on the go.

    I'm fortunate that my kids love their fruits and veggies and trade off the french fries in favor of the apple slices when they do get the "treat" of going to McDonalds.
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    I think that people should take personal responsibility for themselves and their children.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    If it isn't McDonald's it is going to be some other place which serves less healthy food.

    Our son goes grocery shopping with me. He has seen me read food labels and talk about the amount of sugar/fat in various products. When he was about 8, I charged him with being the King of Label he has learned how to read labels and to make good choices.

    That lead into his asking me about the nutrient content of other foods.

    He has the skills now to make good choices and that's what I want for him.

    And, we made a deal now that he learned on his own how fatty fries are that he can have fast food fries once a week. He choses a medium size without salt.

    It isn't Mcdonald's responsibility to teach this child about healthy eating.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    The whole "Can you stop tricking kids into eating your food?" made me want to punch a wall. It was uppity, and quite frankly, parents can choose not to bring their kids to McDonald's. Those sounded like words that her mother made her say.

    I think it'd be fine to add some more healthy items to the menu, though.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Yea, great job mom. Teach the kid to blame others for what people put in their mouths instead of teaching moderation and personal accountability.

    This Mom is a big part of the problem that she is trying to lay off on McDonalds.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    King of Label Reading - I LIKE that! Thanks for the idea. And you seem to be doing a great job teaching your son how to make his own good choices. Congrats! :drinker:
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i think her mom made her say those things.....i was behind a lady at the store and her kid asked for candy and her mom said "no candy is made with bugs" and she was serious, she scared her kid.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I think that people should take personal responsibility for themselves and their children.
    Yea, great job mom. Teach the kid to blame others for what people put in their mouths instead of teaching moderation and personal accountability.
    The whole "Can you stop tricking kids into eating your food?" made me want to punch a wall. It was uppity, and quite frankly, parents can choose not to bring their kids to McDonald's.

    Don't want your kid eating McDonalds? Then don't feed it to them! Parents can do a LOT more damage than giving their children happy meals.
  • ProudMotherof4ProudWife2007
    Like my husband said. It may not be the healthiest and they're trying to make changes and you can go to burger king and they don't really have the fruits and reducing the kids portions or healthier options unless they've changed. Haven't been there in a while
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I would like to confront the mom. The mom has an agenda and is only armed with her own bias and she is turning her kid into a blameless food natzi. It is very sad. I would like for the little girl to meet my ten year old cousin who is an athlete and can actually explain the benefits of moderation and an active lifestyle without coaching from an adult.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I once stubbed my toe against the coffee table. Instead of working on my coordination, I burned that table to the ground. Same principle.

    I hate you, table. I hate you. I'm glad you're dead.
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    Sorry, but I hate the "blame the food company" mentality that is going around. Go to any other western country and you will find McDonald's, Burger King and other junk food and fast food all marketed in the same or similar ways, yet most of these countries don't have anywhere close to the obesity rates of the US. At some point it comes down to personal responsibility and teaching your children how to eat healthily.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I can understand that a parent wants to be an advocate of "healthy"eating to their children, but personally I think a 9 year old is too young to be blasting the CEO of McDonalds. Especially when she has to be coached by the mother... It's almost like the mother is allowing her daughter to learn at an early age how to bully people into believe that her ways are the BEST ways.

    "Robertson’s mother Kia, 36, is an activist with the group Corporate Accountability International, and an avid food blogger who involves her daughter in a series of YouTube videos about healthy eating. She helped coach her daughter through the confrontation."

    Personally, I agree, everything in moderation. Is McDonald's the healthiest choice around? Probably not, but they do try to make varieties of foods that are healthier. If you don't like it, don't want to eat it, then don't. No one is making you walk in the restaurant or the drive thru FORCING you to eat the food.

    But there's a lot to be said about parent's responsibility in teaching the kids the importance of trying new foods. There are kids out there that only like to eat Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Macaroni and Cheese because 1) it's an easy meal to make 2) kids are picky 3) or as parents we work and are trucking kids to a variety of locations and it's a quick fix on the go.

    I'm fortunate that my kids love their fruits and veggies and trade off the french fries in favor of the apple slices when they do get the "treat" of going to McDonalds.

    In other words, the mother is a nut job activist who uses her daughter as a weapon because she's 9 and can then have articles written about her poor little bully-in-training being picked on by the big, bad corporate head.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Sure, treat your kids to mcdonalds once and a while, big deal?

    It's an issue though when thats all they are eating - fatty, processed foods.

    Take some damn responsability for yourself and your children.
  • JT_Taylor_99
    I loathe parents who use their kids to further their own agenda.

    "Robertson’s mother Kia, 36, is an activist with the group Corporate Accountability International, and an avid food blogger who involves her daughter in a series of YouTube videos about healthy eating. She helped coach her daughter through the confrontation".
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    the CEO of mcdonalds needs to brush up on his english skills:

    Thompson seemed to balk at Robertson’s question and scolded her. “First of all, we don’t sell junk food, Hannah,” he said. “My kids also eat McDonald’s. When they were about your size, to my son who is with us today, who was a little bit bigger, he was a football player, and also they cook with me at home. I love to cook. We cook lots of fruits and veggies at home.”
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    Hmm, I'm not sure I feel that what she said, and what her and her mother are doing is all bad. Activism creates change and change needs to start somewhere. I personally don't have any interest in McDonald's at all, nor do I think anyone should eat there ever- it's just not necessary. Did I occassionally let me kids eat there when they were young? Sure, but that was not their staple.
    If I want to have a nice greasy, juicy burger, I am going to find me a real diner that cooks it up nice, not something that was designed to be mass produced, and loaded with unnecessary amounts of sodium, sugar and fillers.
    I think I understand where Hannah and her mom are coming from - they are not necessarily just fighting against "junk food", but against a corporation that preys on people's weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
    I don't think what Hannah's mom is doing with Hannah is any worse than a parent who takes their child to McDonald's everyday, and Hannah will likely have better skills to draw on as she grows up.
  • gallerygirl21
    gallerygirl21 Posts: 36 Member
    I have never taken my kids to mcdonald's. I also don't let them smoke. I personally don't see the difference.

    It is junk food. How is it NOT junk food?