

  • irstone79
    irstone79 Posts: 2 Member
    Began today with a 25min WW dance workout. Feels good. I have already had 4.5 cups of water. Protein shake for breakfast. Have 1/2 acorn squash with quinoa & spinach for lunch. :)
  • BElizabeth53
    BElizabeth53 Posts: 7 Member
    Happy 2015 everyone. I have started over, at age 53. I was on this site before and lost 54 pounds. Stopped logging and paying attention to my diet and now I am back with 30 of those 54 pounds to re-lose. Going to log every day - probably for the rest of my life :)
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Good morning, ladies

    Cold temps here today in the 20's but calling for possibly -20 to -30 with wind chill starting tonight around 8:00pm and lasting all day tomorrow. We had some snow yesterday and traffic was a mess. Glad I was able to work from home.

    All this talk of colonoscopies is nudging me to make an appointment. I haven't had one yet and my friends keep after me to do it. A close friend was diagnosed with colon cancer at 54 and she has just finished a year of chemo and surgeries. I'm very bad about going to the doctors.

    Booked our summer vacation at a place in Ontario, Canada for June. Thinking we will fly to Buffalo, NY, rent a car, see Niagara Falls and then drive the rest of the way. Should only be a 3 hour drive from Niagara Falls to where we are staying in a town called Collingwood, on Nottawasaga Bay at the southern point of Georgian Bay. Any of our Canadian ladies that are familiar with this area please feel free to suggest things to see and do.

    So many new ladies...welcome!

    Margaret - love the pictures. I love the idea of making a calendar using pictures of family and activities that will bring back memories when you see them. I'm always taking pictures but can't seem to anything done with them. I only have a couple of pictures up in my house because my DH wants me to print/frame and hang pictures I've taken instead of pictures from stores that don't have any special meaning. Hopefully, something I will get to when I retire. Right now I can't seem to take the time to decide which ones to use.

    Jan - prayers for your daughter's interview. Does she have a date when it will take place?

    TNToni - praying for a safe delivery of little "Blueberry". Hope you win that gift card!

    Gotta run...at work and have a meeting at 9:30.

    Tina in Maryland

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    DS got sent home early yesterday (bomb threat). So today, when I needed to drop him off at 6am so I can work-out before work, I had to wait for staff, then wait while he got frisked (sp?) etc. Better safe than sorry. I feel bad for the kids who were only given a few seconds yesterday to run to their locker for outerwear, then walk 1 block to "safe location" in temps of 1 degree above, and windchills of -35. He was the most upset about the fact that it happened right before his lunch break, so it was almost 2:00pm before he got home and made himself something to eat.

    We are expecting the same weather today, then positive numbers tomorrow, with double-digits by the weekend. Anyway, all the delays at school this morning cut my work-out to 10 minutes, but the fitness guru complimented me for being there, so that felt good. The scale was not good today, so I'm really gonna pump in the water today, hoping it is just the salt from yesterday's popcorn (no butter, just flavored salt).

    Which reminds me, unless you understand and enjoy 1970's drug-scene movies, don't waste your time or money on "Inherent Vice". I didn't understand it, I didn't laugh EVER, and the lady next to me actually walked out in the middle. I would have, too, except my Dad drove, and he was waiting for the nudity that they advertised in the previews (not much of that, either). And it was WAY too cold to be walking around downtown Milwaukee after trying to find a parking spot.

    Today I will try to spend 20 minutes of my lunchbreak on the bike, so I can head straight to H.S. bowling practice. That will give me 30 minutes of bike time that I will record, and I already did some hip swings that I won't record, but are good for when the RA starts to bother my hips. Now, I'm going to hide behind the copy machine to do some shoulder exercises.

    I hope everyone in the cold weather is able to stay warm. And that everyone is able to make wise choices today. Hugs to everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Got my 10,000 steps in yesterday. Wanted to quit but kept plugging away. That is a NSV (non-scale-victory) for sure! My son sent me this picture.

    Diana in below zero Northeast Indiana

  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    Heather, your DGD is ADORABLE! :) What a pretty girl!

    Hope everyone is doing ok, I read back a bit and saw all the stuff going on. Hang on everyone!
    And remember: Set a goal, then make a plan to achieve that goal!
    Also: Don't forget to practice Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness!
    My 2 cents for the New Year! :smile:
    Very simple and obvious!

    hugs to everyone!

    ~Heidi in Florida

    Oh and btw, I have nothing to report. No weight loss, but no gain either! and my life is on an even path right now. I've made a new year's resolution to draw closer to God.
    And this also for my son.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,951 Member
    Barbie from NW Washington, I hope you don't mind I borrowed your quote. It will remind me each day of my goals.

    margaretturk - Love the pictures!

    Michelle in NC - My son wrote again apologizing for the texts. He is very depressed and is self medicating then tries to go 'cold turkey' which makes things worse. This is not the first time. He really needs medical help that I can't give him and he won't get because of $$$$.

    Tina in Maryland -Collingwood in Canada? Do you remember the series Dark Shadows? It took place in a small town called Collinwood. BEWARE!!!! LOL

    dstirratt - Love the picture! I will have to remember and use that!

    My mother and my girls in first picture. My whole family in second.

    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation
    January Goals:
    1. Fix TN house and sell
    2. Taxes
    3. Exercise 20 times this month
    4. Lose 5 pounds
    All to get to my year end goals of Financial stability and lose 50 pounds.
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just flying by to say hi again and hug those who need it!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Rita, Margaret love love love the pictures..
    enjoyed my sons party last night, sat with old family friends,and had a great time, DH gave me a rath of poop because ,1 my son gave himself a party and that he needs to grow up, and he was even more ticked off that I had made him a cake.
    Sometimes the man baffles me. I will stand my ground, when it comes time for the classes for volunteering and if he is going to divorce me over that, he has alot to lose..
    i did eat 2 slices of pizza and had water, but what did me in was the garlic bread with mozzerella >:) my bad..
    did go see my DFIL spoke with PT and basically his dimentia has progressed to the point where he can no longer stand on his own, so he is basically wheelchair bound.. which means we cant take him out anymore .. we will have to bring stuff in
    DH still isnt speaking with me .. honestly I swear he has a screw loose something.. ok enough venting. will catch up later <3
  • Nancy82144
    Nancy82144 Posts: 5 Member
    Good morning all....
    Several were sharing their word for the year. I think mine is: Be Real. Respectfully recognize the things, people, goals, the mistakes,the wins etc and keep them in perspective. Sometimes I just try to avoid thinking about something I've done as if it is not reality but every choice has a consequence. Good or bad. Stop living as a victim of being overweight, instead live in the hope and power given to me as a daughter of the King to change my circumstances! I will admit, I don't like to admit I have made a mistake, took a wrong turn or just don't have it together. Perfectionism crowds my mind. I'm not super human but I like to appear like I am all together. Craziness multiples in that mind set.
    Change starts with the first step...

    Thanks for listening /reading. I have to start somewhere, right?? :D<3
  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member
    hi I'm Kathy and live in Sturgis, Mi... I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. It is not all age (64) in fact, most is weight I want to lose about 90 lbs.
    I want to be "normal" size not obese
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    tngram - like to see the exercise activity you did in the pool, way to go.

    I don't type as much as everyone else here. just put in my stats for the day which is at the end of the day because I still have to ride home. for those of you who may have guessed, I am a year round bike commuter, going on my 5th year I think. people continually ask if I ride when it rains, snow, black ice or when below freezing temps and the answer is yes to all, year round is year round. I live in Tacoma Washington, (near seattle). I do have a car but just don't use it to go to work. my husband has been riding like this ever since I met him which is about 18 years so he taught me everything I know. we ride together every morning to go to work and at one point he goes his way to catch the bus to go to Seattle where he works and I ride to the gym to go workout. after that, I ride to the sounder to take me to the neighboring town to Puyallup WA. where I work and where I am typing from now. (7:40am). during the longer summer days, I will ride from the gym to work about 11mi. one way and as you can imagine, it's not flat. I think of that as more opportunity to burn calories right? well, there's a lil more about me.

    oh, i'm 55, will be 56 this year, 5'5" and have been at my goal weight for about 2years now I think? I used 2b a workout instr. in my 30's and when my husband got sick, I moved us back to California to be closer to his family. when I was taking care of him and he died, I stopped working out and gained weight. my heaviest was back then 198, that's what depression will do to you. not until I met the man that i'm with now did I slowly come back to life. 1st 5 years of our relationship I spent in the bed basically. now I am back to the weight I was in my 30's. there is hope for everyone, just keep on keepin on. now you know more than you wanted to about me loololol.
  • TeriG2015
    TeriG2015 Posts: 1 Member
    New here, learning the ropes & technologically challenged.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    edited January 2015
    Rita - Yes, I remember Dark Shadows! Loved it. My sister and I would rush home from elementary school to watch it. School was out at 3:30 and we walked (gasp) home about 25 minutes and just made it as it started at 4:00. I'm pretty sure I still have the album with the soundtrack. Loved me some Barnabas (vampire) and Quentin (werewolf). :blush:
    Great pictures of you with family.

    Pipcd34 - Like hearing more about you. I think it is wonderful that you found someone special to bring you back to life and health.

    Nancy, Kathy and TeriG - welcome.

    Tina in MD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kate B: Welcome to a supportive group of women. I can tell you from experience that taking off pounds improves the knee situation. My bad knee is what got me here in the first place. Bicycling and walking are both good exercises for me, but treadmills are my enemy. I pound my knees when I try to use a treadmill so treadmills are off my good list forever. :flowerforyou:

    TNToni: I’ll be praying for Blueberry and mama. How will you spend your windfall? :flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Come back often and get to know people. :flowerforyou:

    Marywetterlund: Congrats on breaking your plateau. Don’t be surprised if there are more along the way. My journey was like a staircase. There was a plateau after each downward step. :flowerforyou:

    Sharon in Alberta: I’ve had issues with acid reflux all my life due to a hiatal hernia. I take medicine to keep the acid levels down to reasonable and have a list of foods that I avoid. I also have pillows available to sleep in a semi-reclined position if I eat something that sets me off. Good luck and much sympathy. :flowerforyou:

    Trish in KY: I have a bicycle set up on a trainer in my garage that enables me to exercise no matter what the weather conditions may be. Cycling is also great exercise for those with knee issues. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: You are wise to avoid travel in nasty weather conditions. Sorry your new glasses will need to be replaced. The last time I bought glasses they had to be reordered because the manufacturer left off one of the coatings I paid for. The new glasses were worth the extra wait and the coating is amazingly helpful with headlight glare from oncoming traffic at night. :flowerforyou:

    BElizabeth53: Being here every day forever is my plan, too. It is working out pretty well for me. I love the discipline and support that is free and available 24/7/365. :flowerforyou:

    Diana in NE IN: I LOVE the cartoon. DH laughed, too. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: Beautiful family! :flowerforyou:

    Alison: Hugs to you! You are a good woman. Your DH seems to be an unhappy soul who doesn’t recognize his own blessings. :flowerforyou:

    We still have an air inversion here and the pollutants are building up enough that I have a low-grade headache. I hope we get some wind to blow this fog and dirty air away. This weather pattern seems to be an annual event, and will make us all miserable until it is over with.

    I’m invited to the birthday party for the four year old granddaughter of my cousin this weekend. She wants a mermaid for her new aquarium. I wonder where to find one. DH suggested Walmart. I don’t have much hope of success but will look there. I do have a good friend who is really into aquariums and I hope she can point me in the right direction.

    Katla in foggy NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! It's cold here, although not as cold as many of you are. Tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be worse. :frowning:

    Moved another car load of stuff after work last night. My daughter did promise to help me this weekend to get the remainder out of the old house so that I can be done with it. This weekend, I will also move my cat to the new place. I've been going by and feeding her every evening while I check the mail and pack up/load boxes, then spending a few minutes petting and cuddling. I don't know how she will react to the move, but I can't do anything else. Tonight, I will spend less time getting stuff out of the house because I MUST go to Kmart and pick up my prescriptions and get some TP with my rewards points. I could also use some groceries, but that may have to wait another day.

    Kim - I think I missed all the info about sleep. I would love to have it. I've not been sleeping well for the past couple of months (I know it's stress) and it is catching up with me!

    After I've made it through today, I will have been a full week back on track with eating! I didn't do well with food choices on Sunday, but I was still under calorie goal. I've managed not to gain any more, but I certainly have lost any! I know I'm getting exercise by packing and moving boxes, but I want to get my step count back up. My days just aren't long enough to accomplish everything I need to at this point!

    Michele - Your talk of colonoscopies has reminded me that I am supposed to have another one this year. My paternal grandfather died from colon cancer, so I won't ever get to be on the 10 year plan. However, I will have to see if my insurance will cover it. Last time, it didn't, and it took me several years to pay off the the thousands it cost.

    The baby pictures are adorable!! I was in charge of at least six preschool aged children on Sunday (in going over their names now, I seem to be missing at least one) from the age of 12 months to 4 years. I love that age group!! My daughter was angry with me because I put her in charge of the school-aged group, but she ended up having a good time. We've got some really neat kids! I did explain to her that the reason I did it was because I had a school aged child ask for her specifically and I had some preschoolers who specifically wanted me.

    Speaking of my daughter, I need to set some boundaries with her. Does anyone have suggestions? It was one thing when she just dropped in at her childhood home, but she is randomly coming and going from my new home. She has a key for emergencies, but I don't particularly want to come home and find her in my home or to have her randomly dropping by. I would like the courtesy of a phone call to let me know she wants/needs to come over and I really don't want her just walking in. On the other hand, I don't want to alienate her over it. Help?!

    I'm off to my second job in just a few minutes, so time to get my stuff together. Have a great day!

    Carol in NC

  • salubrioussteff4ever
    We really need the option to comment on our boards, that would work so much better and I feel like we could do more encouraging of each other…or at least a button like a like button but perhaps it could be a "you got this" button!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    yeah salubrioussteff
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,951 Member
    I am excited and hopeful! My DS just texted me he has completed the intake procedure for behavior health. Praise God. Now I hope he follows through.......

    Alison, will your DH ever change (Do any?)? I know mine won't and I just learned to do what I want anyway. Mine is all bark and no bite.

    Tina in MD - I was in love with Barnabas and Quentin too! Maybe you will see them when you visit Collingwood, I mean Collinwood! LOL

    Speaking of colonoscopies...... my father died from colon cancer, so I was on the 5 year plan when I lived in TN. I have to get one this year and hope it doesn't change to a 3 year!

    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation
    January Goals:
    1. Fix TN house and sell
    2. Taxes
    3. Exercise 20 times this month
    4. Lose 5 pounds
    All to get to my year end goals of Financial stability and lose 50 pounds.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    I started this on Monday morning and ran out of time so going to try again today to get things done. Last couple days have not been good, but not as bad has had been food wise. Good morning ladies. Well weigh in this morning was BAD!!. I have no one to blame but myself. I have to pull myself up out of this pit of depression and get back on track. I have to pray more and think less. I know I can not eat my stress away. So today is a new day and new start. Thanks ladies for your help and support and not giving up on me.
    It was a nice weekend, cold so didn't do much. DS and DDIL had us over for supper last evening and that was nice. Got the house cleaned yesterday and DH cleaned the snow out of the driveway and sidewalks.
    Found out this morning that two people in my dept are leaving in March. So the powers that be think it would be a good time to redo our dept staffing. Not sure what that means so next couple months could be very stressful. I am no where near the age to retire and can not afford it.
    Sylvia--Sorry you have not been feeling well. Take it slow and take care of you. I know what you mean about collar bones. I broke my right collar bone when I was little falling out of bed, never thought much about it, but since I have lost enough weight I can feel the difference in them. Like you I had never seen them. It's things like that , that mean alot.
    Alison--Glad you are home safe and sound. I have done the same thing getting up and finding out it is alot earlier then I thought. You stand your ground and DH can just get over it. You are worth so much more then you get credit for you. Don't you ever forget that.
    Barb--I know what you mean about DGC. The time I spend with them can make everything else ok.
    Viv--You are doing what you can and you need to be proud. One step at a time. And no one knows what will set off the crying and it is different for each of us. Take care of you and do what you need to do. Sending Hugs and keeping in my prayers. Sorry to hear about DGS, hope he keeps getting better and has no lasting effects.
    Jane--sending hugs and prayers.
    Katiebug--come do my spare room. Looks great.
    Joyce--glad your Christmas went so well. Sending prayers for the little one and her family.
    Nancy-Welcome. We have alot in common and we can do this. God is my strength and gets me where he wants me to be.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC--my doctor tells me to keep drinking alots of water and waite at least 2 years after I hit goal to see how much of the skin is hanging. So far it is not real bad and I am working on drinking more water. I just don't think I would do the surgery. Sounds painful and I know most insurance does not pay, but my doctor also told me if I have problems with rashes or break down of the skin to come in everytime so they can dockument it and them sometimes insurance will pay.
    Lesley--sending hugs and prayers for MIldred.
    Carol--sounds like you are getting settled in well. Deep breath with DS.
    Heather--so glad you are getting back to typing and making it a daily thing.
    Katla--sending prayers and good thought that the vet appointment goes well.
    Michelle--Pray your test went well.
    Heather (northampton UK)--Sending prayers for you and DH. Depression is a scary thing. I know I have had some lately and my DH has a history of it. So each day without it is a Blessing.
    Trish--congrates on the lowest weight. I am looking forward to the day I am below 200.
    TNToni--sending prayers for the new family.
    Rita--I to remember Dark Shadows. Loved it.
    Well ladies I am caught up reading and am so grateful for this group. It is only 3 degrees here today with windchild -16. I am glad to be working inside. We have Bible Study this evening, but not sure if we are going or not. To cold to do much. DH brought me to work this morning and since this is my short (8 hr ) day I plan to go ride the bike for exercise when I get off. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE