

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.38min 15.3amph 3mi = 115
    ski machine- 30min, 35resist, lvl5, 1.44mi = 259
    walk- 2-heels, 2-toes, 3-squat/toes, 3min = 45
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.01min 12.1amph 1.4mi = 92
    ride dome 2 hm- 16.21min, 9.7amph, 2.8mi = 166cal
    total cal = 677
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Well another day down. According to MFP, if I keep doing what I did today I will weigh the same as I do today after 5 weeks. That is not acceptable as I am 5'2" and weigh 165 lbs. What is wrong with me that I can't get my butt to the gym? Decided to go to water class today and when I put on my swimsuit it didn't cover the crack in my butt!!! So much for water class! Didn't motivate me to do some exercises, though. Ugh!
    Sorry for not being the picture of inspiration. I am really struggling and need a place to let it all out right now. Thanks for listening and being here for me. Hopefully, I will get it together and be able to be here for others before long.
    I have been inspired by all of your posts. . . even those who don't have it all together yet. It lets me know it's okay to be where I am, and there is hope for tomorrow.
    Thanks to all!
    Judy from PA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Janet, I was wondering on the way home if maybe Napoleon liked pickled beets....

    (Anybody get it?)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Good Evening,

    Those in the Northeast sending warm thoughts.

    Beth prayers for Ashley

    Jane darling new granddaughter. Congratulations.

    Went to a work shop in the morning on building connections, setting boundaries, and participation as ways to help develop good habits. Worked in the afternoon. This evening a group for church went to a a place called Cheers Pablo where we all painted a winter scene. It was fun just to be together and do something artistic. We brought our painting home.

    Sylvia do you do anything like that in your shop. I think people are craving ways to be artistic and making connections. The place was full. All ages were there it was a wonderful atmosphere.

    2015 word:Strength
    Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Checking in...
    Glad to hear everyone survived the storm. It has rained here again. the snow cover (we usually have at least 16 - 18" by now) is not here ....my perennials and shrubs will suffer for that. the warm temperatures can trigger the shrubs to wake up and bud.... :( : :'( oh dear more garden work next summer!!

    Thanks everyone for the posts today... I think I will call this place "My happy place" were I can get my attitude adjustment. ... Yup bad day at work! Ate too many things.... MFP said if I ate like this again I would weigh .......... OH YEAH that would be 2 pounds more than I weigh now!!

    BEST thing... I have the next 3 days away from work and I can go for a walk with my black lab.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in Saskatchewan
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 1 hr of incline intervals on the treadmill today (3 min @ 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3% etc) The plan for tomorrow is to do a bosu DVD that I have. We have a Newcomer board meeting.

    The gal I took to Charlotte for the followup visit for her eye surgery has a detached retina so another friend is taking her to Charlotte right now for emergency surgery. Update: don't ask me to explain this, but the surgery is for Monday, she said that she's allowed to do driving just to and from work. I suggested that Diane take her Monday to the surgery since I really don't know where the place is and I'll take her to the followup visit on Tuesday. I go to Diane's house to play mahjongg so I said when I get there, she can just spend the night at my house and we'll leave from my house. I'm actually closer to Charlotte (not by much) than Diane is

    Meredith - welcome. Great goal. Short bursts of speed (like you're doing) burn the most calories

    - when we lived in PA, and if I had to shovel snow, the thing I liked the most was coming inside and having some hot chocolate. But I'll forgo the hot chocolate for NC weather....lol

    - welcome Jaelyn!

    Diana in IN - what a wonderful thing you've done and are are continuing to do for that girl!

    Carol from GA - I know what a hassel it is to get a wheelchair in and out of a car. My father and MIL had a transport chair. The wheels aren't as big as those on a wheelchair and it isn't as heavy. Now that Vince is retired, one of the things we REALLY miss is the dental insurance. Good luck to your dh

    - welcome! You're on the right track!

    krieter - I need a small taste of certain foods. Lately, that's about all I want. But it's enough to satisfy me. I know not everyone is that way.

    About favorite pews - I honestly don't have a "favorite" one. I sit in the same general area usually, unless I'm lectoring or if I need to leave mass asap I sit by the door so I can run out to the car. but I really don't have a particular pew that I must sit in

    CP - good luck at your weigh in! I usually do what Katla does as far as the word document goes

    terri in Milwaukee
    - good for you refusing that shake!

    Joan from Salt Lake - welcome. No fitbit here. There are a few gals on here that have one so I'm sure you'll get their feelings

    Mary - "The Little Engine that Could"

    pipcd - "there is no try" Isn't that something Yoda said?

    Went to the place where I do the ceramics. They fired my ladybug. There are a few places that I have to touch up, then they spray it and I guess I can take it home. I did ask them to pour the mold for a praying mantis. Vince had a few suggestions so I called another place they deal with and asked them to pour molds for a turtle and a snail for me. Vince suggested perhaps a lighthouse, I would never have thought of that. He also suggested a "welcome" raccoon sign for right before you enter the pool area. That's another thing I would never have thought of. I do need to go to that ceramic place in SC to see about a sign for the house number. The books they had showed a rabbit and another one with a squirrel and another one with a cherub on top. The lady in SC said she "thinks" she has one that has a cat on top. That would be so cute for us to have.

    Then on the way home from the ceramics place stopped at the health food store to get more barley

    Just got an email from a friend. I'd asked if there was anything I could make for Nancie (detached retina). She suggested I make a chicken soup and bring it to the meeting tomorrow. Since her surgery isn't until Monday, I didn't think I needed it much before then. So I went to the store and got some chicken to make a bland chicken soup, made some biscuits and now have a lemon cake in the oven, since I know she likes lemon.

    Meg - what wonderful news paying off your mortgage. Are you going to have a mortgage burning party? When I have an "off" day bowling (which is quite frequent) I many times blame it on a broken fingernail.

    Sylvia - I always look for lower sodium versions of things. Sometimes I can even get "no salt added". I never buy canned veges, always frozen. Lately, I don't like all the salt in canned soup so I get this no salt chicken broth. I try to buy beans, soak them, and then cook them (thank you Heather, for telling me that they needed to be cooked!)

    mini-NSV for me. As I was making the cake, biscuits and soup tonight, the thing that I most wanted to sample was the soup. Normally, I would have gone for the raw cake dough

    Beth - so sorry to hear about Ashley. Please keep us updated.

    Judy - this is a great place to vent. We've all been there, so you're in great company.

    Sylvia - Napoleon .... ROTF

    Michele in NC
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I took two days off from the group and found 100+ posts to read.
    I have so enjoyed reading about your activities. You all give me inspiration.
    At work today a lady asked about me losing weight. She hadn't seen me for a while and went on and on about it. Made me happy and gave me resolve to have a good day/week! At TOPS yesterday I was down 1.8 lbs. - still have a little to go to get back to my New Year's Day weight. I will do this! I love the Yoda quote "No try - just do!" Any time I think I have an excuse I will remember this.

    Pip - awesome yearly stats!

    I am glad the storm did not dump the mega amount that was expected. I know the snow you got in the NE was plenty enough to deal with. You all are in my prayers.

    WELCOME ALL OF THE NEW LADIES! I have not been here long but all of these women are my friends now and visiting with them each day helps me stay on track.

    In the book "The Little Engine that Could" other train engines had tried to take the train loaded with toys and gifts for boys and girls over the mountain. They all failed. Then the Little Blue Engine wanted a chance. He had never been given such an important task. All the way up the mountain he kept saying "I think I can. I think I can........." He made it over the mountain to get the toys to the children and became everybody's hero.

    Kinda a good story for us to keep in mind, huh?

    Love to all of you,

    Toni in Tennessee
    2015 word: OPPORTUNITY
    Motto: Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Toni,and several others, you guessed it! The Little Engine That Could. I love that book when I was a kid and read it to my own kids.

    I feel like that engine struggling to make it and working really hard to be successful! With persiverence and determination I know i can
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my spot for tomorrow. Have a great evening.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    yanniejannie what a funny name for the river and mountain!
    Jane congrats on the new baby. there is nothing in the world like a newborn baby, especially if it's a grand child
    Carol my husbands idea of tooth care is that if it has a cavity, needs a root canal, etc, just pull the darn thing out. I warned him about what would happen and it did. Now he has one whole side of his mouth with no teeth. I don't care what it costs, i will take care of my teeth
    Sylvia is there anyway your baggage can be shipped to your hotel? I love thinking about your beautiful finger!!! Put some fingernail polish on it to math it and wear it with pride
    terri Krieter1I never liked the mirror at all when i was at my heaviest, even when I was down about 30 pounds. Now I love it! I love those tiny tastes of things, not often but I do indulge. Macaroni and cheese is one of my most favorite of my pre-diet foods. So when we are eating out and DH gets it I usually take 3 pieces of the elbow mac/cheese and eat it. That's enough, all I need.
    CP I knew people would respond and give you ideas of how to respond to people. For the life of me I still can't figure out how to put an ongoing word document in another tab so I just keep my trusty notebook beside me and make notes
    wildfire When I first found out I was diabetic and had training with a dietician, first she listened to what my lifestyle was like then she worked up a plan for me. I usually get up round 11 or noon and got o bed around 2 AM. So she started my first meal at noon and my 3rd meal at 10 PM and a snack somewhere during the day. She knew I didn't eat that many 'breakfast foods' so she worked out me eating normal lunch type foods that first meal. I even changed the wording on my food diary here on MFP to read first meal upon wakening
    Meg congrats on that mortgage!!!! We got ours paid off about 7 years ago. Now we just have about 6 months to go on one of our cars and we will have both cars and our house paid off. When I do my online banking I just put a little extra on each payment to pay my bills off quicker.
    bwcetc my first thought was what Meg said about your friend on why she was throwing up. But it has been a good while since her accident that it would be due to the head trauma. At least that is what my knowledge from 1971 is telling me. My MS clouds some of that sometimes!!!
    Judy My thighs are so big when I go swimming I wear some old sports shorts to the Y. A lot of other ladies do that a lot. From my experience, the weight 'prediction' that MFP puts on your food diary, it is never correct. I just ignore it.

    I had to google it before I wrote it here but a French philosopher wrote 'I think therefore I am'

    I made deviled eggs tonight to take to the church for the family to have a meal after this man's family after his funeral. I made 20 because that's how many spots were in the deviled egg tray I have. It has been a long time since I have made them. I didn't realize how much Miracle whip you have to put in those things! I was going to made my orange jello salad but when I was at the funeral home today the kitchen committee said that they can never have to many deviled eggs. So that's what I made tonight.

    Word for 2015, choice

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Sorry, I've been out of touch for a few days. I have been skimming through and find my head bobbing so time to stop. I have only made it to page 45.
    It was a trying weekend. My DH decided that he wanted me to come with him on the trip to get the compressor. He bought the new to us diesel truck on Thurs. and waited for me to be done my appointment. I guess it was an upgrade,I didn't cry.
    I know that I can not be responsible to others but my sister makes me want to scream. I want her to take care of herself. I want her to eat healthy, be active, stop smoking and enjoy life. I believe that right now she is living death. I wish there was some spell I could cast so she would realize that the concerns come from a place of love.
    I ate crappy as we ate 2x at a chinese smorg. No worries about eating wrong at Sis's. There is really no food there. I don't understand.
    Looking forward to Christmas party on Sat. and birthday on Sun.

    Brenda: "What you EAT in PRIVATE is what you WEAR in PUBLIC"
    There's a few places that I need to hang this reminder.

    Lesley: Brian sounds like the right person to help you on your journey. It sounds like you have found a lot of energy.

    Jane: Congratulations. Jaelyn, what a great name. You must be in Grandma heaven. Enjoy the little one.

    Catching up is hard to do

    Sharon in Sunny Southern Alberta

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    I seem to be playing catch up again, but I have read all the posts. Not much time to reply though.

    Jane congrats on the new grandbaby hope you get to see her soon

    Beth I hope Ashley is okay.

    Molly I didn't get it?

    Sorry this is all I can think of for now, I did have a lot more to say, but can't remember it all. I'll have to start writing bits down in a note book to remind me.

    It's dark and depressing here in York today, snow is supposed to be on its way starting this afternoon, but we'll see, we've been lucky so far, we've only had a little smattering and it defrosted more or less straight away.

    Feeling a bit like the weather today, can't get motivated but need to get ready for work. Today would be a good day to go back to bed, get under the covers and let the world pass me by. Been feeling like this since yesterday. At least I have a day off tomorrow, if it's not snowing DS is taking me to see my SIL in Bradford, we'll have to see how bad the weather is.

    Take care

    Viv York UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    morning ladies~
    well we got another couple of inches of snow last night, so I have to go out in a bit and shovel, dont think I will be able to get down today and feed my DFIL or tomorrow..I have jury duty tomorrow and have to be there by 8:15. have a load of laundry in and will have my tea and throw some clothes on and try and get the deck and dog pen and shovel that, and do at least one of the driveways
    plus make DH dinner..and get the dogs out
    and guess what? more snow thursday night gee I can hardly wait
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Meg: yay on the mortgage! A big milestone!

    Expecting rain today, bleh.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited January 2015

    This was sent to me by my DDIL. She titled it -
    Apparently DGS dressed her in the outfit and she chose the hat! How happy she looks! Of course, it won't be long before she wants to be a princess, :ohwell: but I love the innocence and non gender sterrotyping of her 16 months. :laugh:

    Katla - I find I can only 'hold the line' if I set myself at losing 1 pound a week. :ohwell: That gives me 1200, plus my exercise calories, which are 603. Those are clearly a bit of an overestimate and I guess my weighing and measuring are occasionally out. However I have found this equation works perfectly at keeping me level. If I wanted to lose I would eat maybe 200 less, ì.e. 1600 a day.

    Love beetroot, love the bright red fingers, didn't get the joke, Sylvia!
    I have just finished my huge and wonderful biography of Napoleon. Adored it. Biography is one of my passions. :bigsmile:

    I have thst pain on my lower left side/hip back again. Horrible. Will have to do some googling. Didn't do bicep curls today, but everything else was fine. Got to exercise or I can't eat! :laugh: Dh woke me up with snoring and I couldn't get back to sleep with the niggly pain. Took a paracetamol.

    We are doing my colouring today as DH has been unwell with with a virus. He is much improved today. He slept! :sad:

    Love to all. Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Vit F
    So glad to report completed my diary today after a zillion days. The relief in finally committing myself and holding myself responsible is enough to keep me going for a while.
    Trying to have more vegetables n fruits by introducing smoothies.Will also try to pre log to avoid waste of time.
    Thanks for being here with all your great tips and experiences.Glad to know all r safe,
    Anamika from Mumbai.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Heather, love the picture of your granddaughter. Mine turned 3 in August and she loves to dress up in her princess outfits.

    Grandmallie, you are one of the busiest women! I mean that in a good way. From what I have read you are on the move constantly and it seems like you are always helping others.

    Joyce, I had dental insurance all the years I taught and my DH would never go to the dentist. I think it's because he knocked his front teeth out in a bicycle accident when he was young and has had a front plate ever since. Also, before we were married many, many crowns, etc. Now, he just needs to go ahead and get everything replaced with dentures.

    All the talk of de-cluttering has gotten to me. I am slowly going through cabinets and will have to make a trip to the Good Will soon. I realized that I had one cabinet full of bowls and cups that I never use. It is nice to have a bit more room.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Good morning everyone. :)

    I am changing it up here. I am quitting my gym membership at the community center and opting to do the stuff at home. Scary proposition here but I find that I am not just not using it like I should. I have the tools to do it at home.

    I bought Jillian Michael's 30/day shred. I will let you know how it goes.

    My dh wants to get fit as well and I am waiting on him to get himself right and we are considering joining Gold's Gym. That won't be for awhile though.

    I will keep you posted.

    Jeannine in Missouri
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Sylvia ... you too are one funny girl! I got it ... but will let you share what you were thinking! ;)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Sylvia........Got it!!! Just think of the paintings you've seen of him..........