

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *DrKatie, that was a good one! I remember 43 years ago when I was pregnant, my DR told me that Pizza was the single most fattening thing I could eat. (or not eat)

    *Red, welcome to the group. I’m sure you will learn a lot from these wonderful ladies and be successful in no time.

    *boxlady, those were both good ones. Thanks for sharing. 

    *Sylvia, I’m giggling as always. Thanks.

    *Toni, I knew you could, too. Great job!

    *Dog lady, I’m not a runner but had a friend who was a walker and she lost her big toe nails from her foot hitting the front of her shoes. Her Dr told her that she has to keep the shoes tight enough that her foot doesn’t slip forward. As shoes age, they stretch out and allow the foot to move more. Hope this helps. Good luck.

    I've been very good about my exercise the last few days and actually increased a little each day. I still don't see how you ladies do soooo much, but I'm impressed! I hope all of you up North are safe and sound. Welcome to any New ladies that I missed.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too and although I haven't read all the replies, (wow, 48 pages of them), what I have read puts a smile on my face. This looks like where I want to be.

    I'm Sheryl, 61 years old, and live in beautiful SW Washington, just 15 miles from the Columbia River.

    A year ago this month, while trying to keep up with my DVD's from Leslie Sansome, I ran out of breath and couldn't even keep up with the simplest walking dvd. After being misdiagnosed several times, I finally got the correct diagnosis of breast cancer. I had radiation and aggressive chemotherapy that wiped me out for a few months, but I'm thankful that the treatment worked so well that I don't need surgery. I'm feeling so much better and ready to get back into exercising regularly.
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

    Dog Lady: I go to a shoe store for runners. Since I was professionally fit, my feet are quite happy! My favs are Asics for over 6 miles and Saucony for shorter distance. Both are expected to last approximately 400 miles. I do find that I prefer a half size bigger and because my weight is more than a fit person, (I'm fat!)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I've lost toe nails from shoes that were too short. It's a quite common problem, I think. I've found that I need a whole size bigger in running shoes than I wear in dress shoes. I always have two pair and try to alternate them. 400 miles sounds about right for me. I walk an average of 3 miles per day plus the regular walking around in them and mine last about a year. DH walks an average of 5 miles per day. His running shoe budget is out the wazoo. I think mine wear out quicker because I'm heavier. We both like Brooks, but I've also been happy with Saucony and Mizuno.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope u all r ok.
    Good use prayers or good vibes for my other daughter.She was diagnosed with acid reflux,but dr is thinking that maybe something else going on.She`s running tests.
    jane On a good note,going to In fri for 10 days to see my grand baby and 2 other grand kids.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of a Bosu DVD that I have. Tomorrow's plan is to do a Personal Training with Jackie DVD (another new one)

    Never once has MFP's weight prediction been accurate. Not once, and I've been on here for a few years now. So I just ignore it, just like I ignore my total days logged in number, that's a bogus number, you can get credit for logging just one thing. I also ignore when it tells me that I'm eating too few calories. I know that it's just for that day and another day I'll be over and it will all even out.

    - at Thanksgiving Jessica made hard boiled eggs but filled them with crab meat. It tasted like she used the Dijonnaise for the binder (Dijonnaise has been recommended by Hungry Girl) You probably don't need as much Dijonnaise as you do mayonnaise.

    - I'm so sorry your sister is bothering you. As you say, you can't be responsible for the actions of others. We have a good friend who is SEVERLY overweight. She doesn't eat a whole lot, but when I see what she does eat, I can understand where the calories are coming from. Almost every day she goes out for breakfast. The fat in a McMuffin or the pancakes! I don't think it's so much how often she's eating, but more a case of the what of what she's eating

    - feel better fast!

    - always so good to hear from you. I like prelogging so I can see if there's something that I really don't need to keep within my calorie allotment. I just can't prelog my entire day but the meals I can do.

    Jeannie in MO
    - I have a gym membership but only use it like twice/week. Our pool isn't as deep as the pool at the Y. I also go to the Y just to use the treadmill and elliptical. This way I don't have to store that in the house. That's great that dh wants to get fit, too.

    - welcome!

    Mary from MN
    - you actually put silly putty in your ears? That must have been a sight when it melted....lol

    Anyone who has a rebounder: do you have some DVD's (if so, what are they) or what kind of exercises do you do on it?

    Sylvia - going from a 2X to a size Large -- wow, is all I can say! I very rarely can find clothes to fit me at WalMart

    - LOL burning those calories....LOL

    Tammy - I never did get a zumba class. Guess that has to do with the fact also that I have two left feet.

    Red - welcome. I loved reading about your "journey", we've all had ups and downs and you've certainly had yours. We're here for ya.

    Sally - what kind of challenges does MaypMyFitness give you?

    Vicki - have a good visit in Iowa. To be honest, I had an alterior motive for doing the cooking. I get to try out recipes that Vince won't eat. Like there is no way he'd have the chicken soup with peas in it. Personally, I thought it had good flavor, not soupey at all which surprised me. But he'd still never touch something with peas in it (unless I could somehow hide them). The gal called me tonight to thank me for the food. In a way I feel bad for her, when we were at the Newcomer social she took 4 plates of food home with her. I know that money is tight and I just feel so bad.

    Lesley - after Mildred beagle goes, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if you got another dog. There's something special about pets. Right now you say you'd never get another one, but when you start experiencing the loneliness, you will probably change your mind. Love reading what Brian has to say. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Sheryl - welcome. So happy that the radiation and chemo worked out for you.

    Jane - sending good vibes for your daughter. Have a safe trip!

    Tomorrow I volunteer at the Green Room. I need to stop at the soup kitchen first to make a donation from the Newcomers

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif There was a new dance in the intermediate line dance class this morning and my brain is still tired from trying to figure it out....I wasn't the only one feeling overwhelmed. I did have enough brain power to do some more work on the income tax and cross of a lot of things on my "to do" list. We had sunshine this afternoon so taking the dogs for a walk was extra fun.

    smiley-happy020.gif pipcd, what a great list of tips for success.

    smiley-sad015.gifLesley, sorry to hear that Mildred Beagle is not doing well.

    smiley-sport017.gifJeanine, I can't afford either the time or money to belong to a gym but I have hand weights and ankle weights and good strength training books at home and I can exercise with the TV on.

    smiley-happy020.gifMary, you asked for tools in being successful. What helped me was taking baby steps, being desperate, and being persistent. I started by making a plan for my eating for the day and sticking to it no matter what.

    smiley-happy020.gif Katla, I set my calories at 1200 and add any exercise calories that I accumulate during the day and then I try to stay under that. If I have more calories then I can add something that is my normal food like more banana or walnuts or have a higher calorie vegetable like corn, but I never add any junk that I don't normally eat no matter how many extra calories I have.

    smiley-happy020.gif Meg, thanks for asking about the bone density. Next month will be two years since the last test and the osteoporosis doctor said to have another test two years after the last one. Also, that's when Medicare will pay for it again so I'll be calling soon to get a referral for the test. I don't buy any canned vegetables because of the sodium, but I keep a lot of frozen vegetables so I am never without plenty of healthy food for my meals. Congrats on paying off the mortgage.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif22,000 steps today--almost three hours of dog walking, line dance class, exercise bike

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)--- The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    January Resolutions
    *walk 18,500 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif
    *review our will and documents of personal information
    *don't expect praise or recognition
    *learn and teach two new dances253149qtzkf0ld22.gif


  • DebHutton55
    DebHutton55 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey all, Deb here from NE Wisconsin. I am a little over 3 months away from 60, time flys, huh? I don't do goals anymore, they seem to sabotage my efforts. I know I want to lose the 25 lbs I gained after getting a divorce and moving from So Cal back to Wisconsin in 2011. I know I need to continue with my walking and add running back in again and I know that I need to stick with this new weight training program I put myself on. I have four sisters and we have done every diet in the book and had games, challenges and competitions that were both funny and crazy sometimes. We all seem to gain it back eventually. We don't do them like we did in the past and I find my journey alone works better. I've taken two personal trainer courses and a nutritional coach course. You would think I could keep on track, wouldn't you. Not sure why I am here, just stumbled across it.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 12.20min, 14.4amph, 3mi = 136cal
    spin - 45min, 81ar, 97aw (think it's off), 11-15g 17.9mi = 389cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.57min 12.2amph 1.4mi = 106cal
    ride dome 2 hm - 17.59min, 9amph est, 2.7mi = 177cal
    total 808cal.
  • wildfiremoons666
    I have finally set my mind to try doing exercises. I love walking but my asthma doesn't. I haven't let that stop me these last 2 days.
    I also have a gazelle exercise machine. I love the way I feel afterwards either walking or my gazelle. I will make my self a promise and NOT let my bipolar/depression or the possibility of diabetes stop me any more or even use my asthma as an excuse.
    It will be a hard struggle but I know I can do this.

    Barbie you say your word for 2015 is "Now" and I like that. I also have a few words I have always loved and they are "Faith, Hope and Believe".
    I am still new here, but "Welcome to all the newbies".
    Everyone have a wobderful night

    Shanyn, from VA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    I have finally set my mind to try doing exercises. I love walking but my asthma doesn't. I haven't let that stop me these last 2 days.
    I also have a gazelle exercise machine. I love the way I feel afterwards either walking or my gazelle. I will make my self a promise and NOT let my bipolar/depression or the possibility of diabetes stop me any more or even use my asthma as an excuse.
    It will be a hard struggle but I know I can do this.

    Barbie you say your word for 2015 is "Now" and I like that. I also have a few words I have always loved and they are "Faith, Hope and Believe".
    I am still new here, but "Welcome to all the newbies".
    Everyone have a wobderful night

    Shanyn, from VA

    Stay strong, stay focused, u can do this!!!!!
  • wildfiremoons666
    Pipcd34 Thanks. With the support of this wonderful group, I can do it. It is nice to beabke to talk to other's about this.

  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Sylvia. . . you are too funny. . .loved the jokes!

    I am back here for another night and for me that is progress!!! Thanks to everyone here! I love reading everyone's story. I wish I could remember all of the names/comments while reading through the day's posts. . . there were SO many that were a blessing. . . I am left with hope for another day.
    Tomorrow I hope I can post that I made it to the gym. We shall see!

    Loved the post that read to take one day at a time.

    Judy in PA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Sally - thanks for the feedback. I have been wanting to look into a scale. The digital one you described sounds perfect. It's nice getting insight from others!
    I use the alarm on my phone to go off every hour then I get up and exercise. I thought of getting one of those fit bits but I wanted to see if I would use it for more than my phone could do nice to hear that you have success with up24 and map myfitnesspal.

    Pipcd34 - thanks for the very detailed information. Several people mentioned that weighing their food was important. I also like to weigh myself daily that way I know where I'm at. I know that the weight will fluctuate and it shows how my food choices affect my weight. Do you ever drink pop or eat junk food now that you lost your weight? I am trying to make changes that I can live with for the rest of my life and doing exercises that I can and enjoy doing. Your regiment inspires me. I wish I could get out side, can't wait until spring.

    Michele in NC - when i was taking the silly putty out of my ear it was like a taffy pull! I must have been on fire!

    Barbie - I like the idea of baby steps. Especially with your daily food and calorie logging. I still have a little trouble with fighting the urge to eat other things i haven't planned for. It's nice to hear about the different tools and strategies people who have been successful used to help them reach their goals.

    I really appreciate the help and information I get from everyone here. Have a great night!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    To all the ones talking about the Fit Bit, one of the things I like about mine is the weekly and then yearly reports you get in your email. I like seeing what my sleep is like. I do have the kind that clips on but my cat eats the clip if I leave it out at night so I just put it in a pocket and then use the provided wrist holder for night. I also put it in the wrist holder right after my shower since I am doing a lot of exercise with drying, doing hair, getting dressed, etc. It may not seem a lot of exercise to most of you but when you have MS it is exhausting. So I want to make sure I catch that. And for those of you thinking about the HRM, if you are on a beta blocker for blood pressure, heart, migraines, etc your heart rate is medically very low and exercise won't raise it that much. A beta blocker will always end in a 'lol' like Atenolol

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Red94568 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

    Dog Lady: I go to a shoe store for runners. Since I was professionally fit, my feet are quite happy! My favs are Asics for over 6 miles and Saucony for shorter distance. Both are expected to last approximately 400 miles. I do find that I prefer a half size bigger and because my weight is more than a fit person, (I'm fat!)

    Only half of what I wrote posted! Now I'm too spent to remember what it was, but it was funny. That much I remember.

    Tried the chili garlic glazed salmon for dinner tonight. Success, the family loved it!

    Nite all.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Red - that happens all the time. I use my phone, so, I write a text to myself then copy and paste it into the reply box then if only part of it posts I can just cut and paste the rest in another reply box.

    Salmon sounds wonderful!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Ok all, this is very late in responding to everyone, life is so busy sometimes…. So I apologize for late responses… I have 140 posts to read and respond to – and it is 10:30 at night… ok power reading and responding.. OK I give !! over an hour of reading and I only got to page 48… so here is so far, will read more tomorrow.

    Wildfire – Hang in there, most of the time we are out here (of course I am days late in logging in) and we/I care and while not having the medical issues am willing to listen and cheer you on.

    Meg – WOW chasing a car, is that in MFP as exercise? LOLOLOLO So glad it was not worse! And congrats on the weight loss!

    Terri – cute boys!

    Michele – I don’t play mahjongg a singles and pairs is good I am guessing – congrats!

    MeredithDoyle – welcome!

    Alison, Twhitehead & others in the storm path – stay safe!!!

    Jane – congrats!!! Jaelyn is a pretty name

    Diana – someone like you would have made all the difference for me when I was a young adult; what a great caring loving thing you did for that young lady.

    Beth – with all the kid challenges the fact you continue to eat healthy is great! Thanks for the Ashley update – so glad to hear she is doing so well.

    Sylvia – great job encouraging the conversation on food choices with the Grands.

    Terri – Krieter ---we have 2 terri-s now…. Hmmm have to figure it out… Great on the first week drop – YOU claim that ! and build on it, hard days will come, but just plan the day and focus on just one meal or one hour or even one 5 minute window.. concur that then repeat!

    Cobourg - be careful not to under eat… you need to have enough calories especially with that level of exercise.

    Terri in Milwaukee – GREAT NSV !!

    Joan – I have a fitbit and love it.

    Mary – I think I can I think I can is what the little train said as it climbed the hill

    Wildfire – is it that you are truly not hungry or are you “starving yourself” as some punishment?

    Judy – hang in there and if water exercise is something that you would like to do then it is time to get a new suit!

    Katla – could you talk over the knee issues with one of the instructors? There are specific exercises that will support your knees.

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies,
    sorry I didnt check in last night.. I got alot of exercise yesterday..
    we had another couple of inches the night before last so I shoveled he whole back driveway.. the deck and the dog pen.. and when I got to work, because we have OSHA coming, the whole back walkway had to be cleared and that is the length of the building.. well that was another hour or so.. and then I had to do a boatload of shredding ,well the paper dust had me sneezing and now I think I have a cold.. which means that I really shouldnt be going down to see my DFIL.. but need to get his laundry... will see how I feel later.. will call in a few hours and find out how he is..
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: my former horse loved raw beets. He loved them so much he would foam a little at the mouth while eating them. It looked like he had fuchsia-colored lipstick on. :)

    Margaret: thank you for repeating your quote now and again.

    Relatively quiet day today; hail storms every once in a while. Hope to get to some of the paperwork on my desk, and to do a couple of other “me” things.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
