2015 walk/bike/jog/run with jeanniewes



  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    THANK YOU jesiann :) . There are other photos in my profile and since you invited me as a friend you will be able too view them all...There is one at my largest weight and a couple others as I lost weight.... The avatar one was taken not too long ago...There are several of my little girls....lol

    Gruff that is a LOT of miles. How many hours does it take you too do all that? Average hours exercise a day? GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Exercise bike today...........8.7 miles....

    46.25 walking miles thus far Jan 26th 2015
    52.2 exercise bike miles....

  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    About 36hrs in jan so far, last year totaled 622hrs moving time on the bike. Might end up as less this year but speeds increased and power. The bit that confuses most is me still smoking but ive never felt its affected my exercise or way of life.

    One last jaunt with the girls and youve got the third digit
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Gruff, I admire your diligence. And Jeannie, he's right. You are right there at your goal! Looks like a shoo-in for the month.

    2.81 miles

    97.60 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    I am happy I was able too start some walking and I have the exercise bike. I USUALLY reach the 100 miles walking and have gone more in months past. Even though I have done the work I am disappointed in not reaching the WALKING goal. I know, I know I dont need too punish myself. I am in hopes that February will be a better month and hope you guys join me here...

    Gruff I worked in a hospital for 36 years. I've seen a lot of bad things from people smoking and I am sure you have heard all the negatives on smoking SO I WILL NOT GO THERE. My husband smoked as a teenager and quit when he was 34 years old. He quit because he started having breathing problems really bad. :'( It scared him and me. He promised God that if He would help him he would quit. He quit for awhile and started smoking again. Again breathing problems. Quit again for good. Never had breathing problems again. I am very happy about this because I know if he had not quit he would not be here with me today. He can now enjoy his retirement which will be end of this year.

    Taking car too shop today. Hope too get in some walking while they survice my car. Time will tell....YOU GUYS HAVE A REALLY GREAT DAY...!!! :)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    Only 2 walking miles today but hey I tried....

    48.25 walking miles thus far Jan 26th 2015
    52.2 exercise bike miles....
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    So i went and joined the new gym theyve built on my street. Managed 30x25m (750) of breastroke. Signed up for lessons so i can learn freestyle. Found it quiet enjoyable and was asked to move from the slow to the medium lane which made me smile.

    Breathing is something i always overthink and work myself into a panic with. Once ive found good form with a sport i let my body do its thing and remove my head from the equation. Had to do this since i was 7 and couldnt sleep due to thinking i wasnt breathing right. Had 2 ops on my nose to widen the inside but still cant breathe through it.

    Itll be warmer soon and lighter :)
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    It's so great that you've taken up swimming. I envy you! The nearest gym to me that has trainers or gives lessons is over an hour away. So joining a gym is outta the question. Kinda bites, but I saved up and invested in a rack, bench, bar, plates and dumbbells. So now I have a home gym and then there is the gym provided at my job. Simply means I go solo. Completely doable.

    Yesterday was a good active day. Walking, weights and cardio. And the weather is just lovely. It's warming into the 70's and I'm anxious to welcome Spring.

    4.33 miles

    101.93 total miles

    Hey, I broke 100! **applause** lol
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    way too go Gruff! :)
    jesiann the 70's REALLY?????????????????????? :'( lol.... AND you've passed 100 miles ...yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. SAME FOR ME. I live an hour away from any gym....

    It has been in the thirities or low fourties all week. Suppose too reach about 50 degrees today but with rain. Husband has a Dr appointment. Hope too get back before the rain too get in a walk...

  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Yeah, I'm way down south in Louisiana bayou country. We very rarely see snow flurries or sleet or any of that mess that the northeast is dealing with right now. What a terrible storm they're digging out of! But we can experience some impressive humidity. Or maybe I should say oppressive! Sometimes I think I must have gills just to survive it. lol

    So, I know that Gruff is from England. What a beautiful city! At least according to Google. :) But Jeannie, I can't figure your location... Where are you in the world?
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    It was a terrible storm. We got a bit of snow but by mid day next day ours was gone. YES we have a lot of humidity here but not like you have jesiann. Jeannie? Well she's from TENNESSEE! lol.... I am 2 hours East of Nashville. Does that help?

    Our rain turned into a glorious day. By time we got back from Dr appointment. We had lunch and rested a bit. Then we headed out for our walk...yahooooooo

    3 walking miles today....

    51.25 walking miles thus far Jan 29th 2015
    52.2 exercise bike miles....
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    well done to you both, its not been the nicest month. Last night went quiet well and i managed 13.3 miles running. Longest run todate and 2:06 so quiet good timing.

    Still have all my weights from when i lived in wales but just dont have the room here for them. Hoping to get 1000m in at the pool tonight if my kness stop aching. Im about a mile outside of Manchester, wish it was dryer here sometimes Snow, rain, hail and sun yesterday
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Tennessee!!! Jeannie, we're practically neighbors! :) Oh I love Tennessee! Me and my guy vacationed there in the mountains during the month of October many years back, before we had kids, and it was sooooo lovely! We had a cozy cabin perched on the side of a mountain... Now we want to bring our boys there. They would really enjoy it. We plan to do so before our oldest graduates, which is only 2 years away. Where does the time go? That age-old question...

    So Gruff, please tell us how you are liking swimming! I still envy you this sport. I hate to hear that your knees are aching... Do you take supplements? Have you looked into taking curcumin? Maybe just read up on the benefits. And I promise I won't harp on this BUT... I'm quietly hoping you give up the smokes. I sat at my grandmother's bedside as she gasped for her last breaths after a lifetime of smoking. I come from a fairly large family and over 20 hearts were broken that night. I was carrying my second son in my womb and I still grieve that he never met her.

    Ok, I have been looking forward to this day ALL week!!! I'm having a deep tissue massage at noon and plan to do almost NOTHING for the rest of the day! You won't see a very big number posted for today, that's for sure. ;)

    But yesterday was a decent day, exercise-wise. I got in quite a bit of walking and completed some cardio on my lunch break. Ugh, cardio... Bleh. lol

    5.5 miles

    107.43 total miles
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    The swimming is enjoyable so far, Got a coach with me for 2 sessions next week. Might not be asmuch fun while she whistles and tells me off but will get me swimming more efficent. Just need to work out my breathing instead of trying to suck in mouthfuls of water.

    Taking gulcosimine, condrosin, cod liver oil, iron, omega369 and a multi vit with breakfast daily. Not been to the physio's for a while but use a foam roller after 1hr+ excerise sessions. Love the pain and the feeling after a massage though. The knee ache is expected with running to a new distance and isnt noticeable unless i use stairs.

    Always said if i have a kid on the way or i feel it impacting my exercise id quit but never found a limit or been short of breath (maybe a few climbs) Doesnt help with the industry i work in though.

    Cant wait to get out into the mountains hopefully taking a week off to camp, climb, run and ride in march. Shame its a solo trip this year but oh well.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    love reading your posts. I actually LIVE in the MOUNTAINS of Tennessee. It is always cooler here than in the Valley....

    I love swimming although I almost drowned once. Since then I still swim. I just dont go out into water over my head...lol I take Glucosimine and condrosin as well as the Omegas and multi it. I should be healthy as a horse! lol

    NO WALK today. It is very cold but the wind chill is worse. So today was my rest day...IHusband off. I cooked us a nice Lunch/Dinner. We ate at 3p.m so whatever you want too call that...lol

    51.25 walking miles thus far Jan 30th 2015
    52.2 exercise bike miles....
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    January 31st ....3 walking miles....It was a bit chilly out there but not as bad as it has been......lol

    54.25 walking miles
    52.2 exercise bike miles....
    TOTALS January 31st....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Yes ma'am, I'm still with you!!
    Here's my big finish...
    Yesterday 2.72 miles
    Today 1.10 miles

    Total for January - 111.25
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Jan totals
    476 Miles on the bike (under target but had reasons)
    54 Running miles

    Well done guys
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    wow...wow...wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! You guys did GREAT!!! I could be jealous but I'm not.... (*)