Hello! what can I do for a work out when you are way overweight and soooooooo out of shape?



  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    I know that people don't like for me to say this - but I did NOT exercise one bit to lose weight. It wasn't until I'd lost the 60lbs that I started exercising regularly. It is so much easier now that the weight is gone.
    However, with that said, if you will just walk every day for 3o minutes as hard as you are able - then every day will get easier and the weight will come off quicker. Just be patient and persistent with eating at a deficit every single day - no excuses.
    If I can lost the weight at my age then anyone can... Best of luck!
  • miriams76
    miriams76 Posts: 138 Member
    I suggest doing a couple of guided workout DVD's with a specific schedule over coming up with your own workouts at this stage. The weights are usually lighter and the workouts shorter (eg half an hour). e.g 30 day shred and 6w6p from Jillian Michaels. The advantage is that they really get your heartrate up and start building muscle, also you can come up with a good routine eg week 1 & 2 - workout 1 of the first DVD every weekday morning, every second evening workout 1 of the second etc. When you do your own thing it's too easy to become laissez faire about it or not build a good schedule.
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    Walk around the house, and be as inefficient as possible while doing chores. While doing laundry, I do squats to pull one item at a time out of the dryer, then walk that item across the room to fold it, then back for more. When I am done folding, I take one group of clothes up stairs at a time (like underwear and socks, then pants, then shirts, then husbands stuff one group at a time). Instead of sitting on the couch surfing the internet trying to not be bored, I'll get up and make a few laps around the house, and up and down the stairs a few times. I sometimes will jog to the mailbox, it's only about 30 feet from the front door, but that few seconds will get my heart pumping and energize me for a couple more laps around the house. Little changes can make a big difference when you are starting out. Soon, a walk around the block will be nothing, and you'll be adding a jog
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    JenPc1978 wrote: »
    What is a good beginners work out? When u are overweight and completely out of of shape?

    There was a dude tonight at the gym, easily 3 and a dime. if not 3 and a quarter at about my height 69", and he was lifting weights. Sweating almost as much as me too, so I felt a little better about being the local sprinkler. He was putting work in and pushing hard. good to see.
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    start out by stretching. If you have a cellphone you can get the free Stretching ap. You get great head to toe stretches. Then get one of the free aps- 7 Minute Workout Sworkit Lite or Daily Workouts. You can pick which kind of workout and the number of minutes per workout. You can always make it easier if its too hard. Its better to move, than to just sit there. How about putting on music ad dancing for a few minutes during the commercials? You could do some squats or crunches during commercials. They are usually 2-3 minutes, so you could do a minute of three different exercises during each commercial break. If you have a basket ball, you could get some exercise dribbling the ball up and down the hall or up and down your sidewalk. Or use the ball to do some exercises such as on this page http://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/medicine-ball-exercises.html
  • HelenWater
    HelenWater Posts: 232 Member
    I like the recumbent exercise bike. I could control how hard I worked and step off if I needed. I kept a record of my workouts so I could try to do a bit more each time, or work a bit harder.
  • JenPc1978
    Thank you for all the awesome advice and ideal s :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)