Any Ladies who started at or are around 230 lbs.?



  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    I am 212, 5'7 and 35 years old. I started jogging when I weighed 270, but that was years before I joined MFP. My lowest weight has been about 190, although my goal is 180. I have used phentermine in the past (after I lost the initial weight), and although I recommend it to people who use it correctly, it's just not for me anymore. Since having my daughter, my weight has fluctuated from 200-220 because I have been using the pill on and off. I'm over the yo-yo diet of the past year, so tomorrow my significant other and I are renewing our promise to eat better and track calories. LoL I made everything that was unhealthy, that is in the house, yesterday. So, tomorrow is kind of our reset day.
  • penguinantics
    penguinantics Posts: 1 Member
    I was 212 at the beginning of the year when I started adding some exercise into my routine. Before that I was just dieting and had made a lot of progress, but I wanted to be healthier and have more endurance. All I've been doing is walking. Half an hour at lunch, then a mile and a half with the dog after work every day it's not raining. During lunch, I try to mix up the music to vary my speed. In the evening I have an evil hill to get up. I really need to branch out into some kind of muffin top eliminating moves. My legs are great. I have energy. I can keep going for longer and longer, and I've lost almost 20 pounds since Jan 1. But I still have this spare tire...