How do i get excited about working out.



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    carrieous wrote: »
    get a different job. thats entirely too much working
    I (usually) enjoy my job(s)! At one I teach my children (among others). When you like what you do, putting in many hours isn't so odious, although it still leaves you tired. :)

    10-hour days and just one day off a week...

    bills gotta get paid, yo

    must be nice to be independently wealthy!!!!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »

    Definitely all true, however, I do sometimes have days where I also need to have a word with myself in order to actually get to the gym/dressed for running,

    LOL- yes.

    I will say- out loud.


    out loud. Yes- out loud.

    Always works.

    For maximum effect, do this whilst staring fiercely at yourself in the mirror.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yesimpson wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »

    Definitely all true, however, I do sometimes have days where I also need to have a word with myself in order to actually get to the gym/dressed for running,

    LOL- yes.

    I will say- out loud.


    out loud. Yes- out loud.

    Always works.

    For maximum effect, do this whilst staring fiercely at yourself in the mirror.

    I usually include some swearing for good measure... I won't use the mirror- but I have been sitting there and made myself overly conscious of wear my body tends to roll/crease together when sitting- horrible I know- because even at an uber low BF% it would still do it- but since i'm not THAT low... heh- it makes the effect more prounouned- apparently I don't mind a little self flagellation.
  • hotcoffee692
    hotcoffee692 Posts: 167 Member
    edited January 2015
    When I had a job that required long hours, it made it much easier if I didn't go home after work until I had gotten in some exercise. For me, once I got home, it was so hard to get motivated. I brought my workout clothes to work and changed when my day was done. From work, I went directly to the gym, or just went for a brisk walk in the neighborhood before I even got in my car. Then, by the time I came home, I could totally relax and knew that I had accomplished everything I needed to.

    If you're getting no exercise right now, even just a walk at the end of your day may start to make a difference.

    Personally, the advice to "find something you love" has never really motivated me. I'm more motivated by my fear of what will happen if I don't exercise, you know? For me, it's not about "I can't wait to do (whatever) exercise because it's so fun", it's more about, "If I don't exercise, I won't look/feel the way I want, or have the health that I want".

    Good luck!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    carrieous wrote: »
    get a different job. thats entirely too much working
    I (usually) enjoy my job(s)! At one I teach my children (among others). When you like what you do, putting in many hours isn't so odious, although it still leaves you tired. :)

    10-hour days and just one day off a week...

    bills gotta get paid, yo

    No question, I'm just saying in that scenario it would take something more than force of will to get me to a gym, which is easily another 1-2 hours gone. That's a lot on top of running a household and whatever else. Like I said above, I think a more realistic way to go about it would be to focus on diet and to do just a few basic bodyweight exercises at home, for now.
  • aalbert_82
    aalbert_82 Posts: 95 Member
    If I had that schedule I'd focus primarily on diet and try to multitask with the exercise ie. walking outside with a friend (socializing/fresh air/exercise) or if you have kids, playing an active game like wii (quality time with kids/exercise). Just my opinion though, everyone's different.