Bootea Detox?



  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    I have read it but I cant deal with all the equations... I will ask one of my boyfriends mates to make me a plan most of them are fitness coaches (Y)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    just used a TDEE calculator,

    BMR (Calories) 1407
    Activity (Calories) 791
    Total Calories 2198

    If it was me, I'd go with around 1700 calories per day for weight loss.
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    Really? Thats a lot....
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I have read it but I cant deal with all the equations... I will ask one of my boyfriends mates to make me a plan most of them are fitness coaches (Y)

    It is odd how terrible a lot of fitness coaches actually are at fitness, especially when it comes to food.

    1700 is not all that much either. That is only your perception. From that calculator, you need at least 1400/day for your body to do its very basic functions like keeping you alive if you were in a vegetative state. Anything on top of that is from literally any other activity throughout the day. 1700 would only be 300 above your base calories, and it would be extremely difficult to not expend over 300 calories per day even if you're just sitting on the couch all day long only changing positions.

    Once you start adding exercise onto that, and especially if you have a physically demading job, you're going to be using well over 2000 calories per day, and wouldn't gain any weight eating that amount. 1700 calories is likely at least 500 calories under what you expend on a daily basis, so you can figure to lose around 1lb/week (7 days x 500 calories = 3500 calories per week. 3500 calories = ~1lb).

    I am not trying to sound standoffish here, but it does not sound like you have much of an idea of what's going on when it comes to weightloss. I would suggest reading the fitness wiki on reddit as there is a lot of good information there for beginners:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    Really? Thats a lot....

    No ... it isn't.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited January 2015
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    Really? Thats a lot....

    Why would you think that? The average women I know loses around 1700-2100 calories.. which means they maintain around 2100-2600. In fact, there are multiple threads about it.. below is one of them.

    Women who eat more than 1800 calories

    In the end, this is all a little bit of trial and error. If you want, you can start at 1500 calories a day, with macros around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats. Track that for 6 weeks, average out your loss and report back. If it's 1 lb a week, great.. if it's slightly more, you might want to scale back a bit.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    calorie deficit = eating less calories than your maintenance level to create a deficit of calories and lose weight.

    you do not need exercise to lose weight. You can simply eat less and you will lose. Exercise is just an added bonus to help with calorie burns, body composition, and overall health.

    When you started with MFP you entered all your stats and how much weight you want to lose, it should have given you a number. this number already has your calorie deficit built into it. Simply log all your food and eat to that number and you will lose weight.

    ^ This
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I have read it but I cant deal with all the equations... I will ask one of my boyfriends mates to make me a plan most of them are fitness coaches (Y)

    Boyfriends? As in plural? Not judging, just curious if that is coming across the way you meant it lol.

    I personally don't use a calculator to figure out how many cals to eat. I just rely on my fitbit to give how much I burn each day and eat accordingly.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    They call it the Bootea detox because it's a laxative and all your "loss" is in the form of water pouring out your booty.

    Other than that, I've got nothing.
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I have read it but I cant deal with all the equations... I will ask one of my boyfriends mates to make me a plan most of them are fitness coaches (Y)

    Boyfriends? As in plural? Not judging, just curious if that is coming across the way you meant it lol.

    I personally don't use a calculator to figure out how many cals to eat. I just rely on my fitbit to give how much I burn each day and eat accordingly.

    Haha no i meant my the friends of my boyfriend :D
    Plural friends
    One boyfriend.... sorry bad grammar!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    Really? Thats a lot....

    It isn't a lot. How tall are you? Your starting weight is around what mine was, and you do far more cardio than I do, I lost at around the 1800-1900 mark. Unless you're really, really short, it's not a lot. Assuming your put the correct numbers in that calculator, 1700 would set you up to lose a pound a week. Even that is a bit of an aggressive goal considering you're already at a healthy weight.
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    im 5'2
    131 lb

    im a student nurse i work three 12 hour shifts a week
    and the rest of the week im a sloth (Y)

    Running twice a week and metafit twice a week x
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    edited January 2015
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    im 5'2
    131 lb

    im a student nurse i work three 12 hour shifts a week
    and the rest of the week im a sloth (Y)

    Running twice a week and metafit twice a week x

    Having a job where you're on your feet all day and working out 4 times a week isn't what I'd consider a sloth! If you aren't comfortable with 1700, try 1600 and see how that works out for you. I am confident that you'd lose weight at 1700, though, if you're logging everything accurately. In my opinion, on a 1200 calorie diet you'd be setting yourself up to crash and burn.
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks, I will do 1600 and see how I go.
    At the moment I don't think I am logging accurately as I am waiting for my scales to arrive. I am just guessing at the moment and going by cups with rice etc.

  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    I changed my goals and chose the recommended by MFP option and it has given me cals per day at 1200 and sorted my macros out for me at 40% carb 30% protein and 30% fat?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    im 5'2
    131 lb

    im a student nurse i work three 12 hour shifts a week
    and the rest of the week im a sloth (Y)

    Running twice a week and metafit twice a week x

    Having a job where you're on your feet all day and working out 4 times a week isn't what I'd consider a sloth! If you aren't comfortable with 1700, try 1600 and see how that works out for you. I am confident that you'd lose weight at 1700, though, if you're logging everything accurately. In my opinion, on a 1200 calorie diet you'd be setting yourself up to crash and burn.
    i agree... I am thinking weight loss is ideal between 1700-1900 calories depending on the burns of the workout.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I am counting cals as well, 1200 a day.
    I did a low carb diet a year or so ago and lost 13lb in 6 weeks, that is why I feel for me limiting carbs gives results!

    Thing is, low carbing makes you lose water weight fairly fast.

  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    I have figured it out..... How does this sound:

    3x REST DAY - 1421 cals
    -carbs 31.6%
    -pro 36.9%
    -fat 31.6%
    4x WORKOUT DAY - 1827 cals
    -carbs 35.7%
    -pro 28.7%
    -fat 35.7%

    BMR = 1310
    TDEE = 2030
    Week TDEE =14212
    0.75lbs a week over 13 weeks

    GOAL - Fri Apr 10th - 121lbs

    How on earth do I eat that much in a day and loose weight!? :o
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Chlo92x wrote: »
    I have figured it out..... How does this sound:

    3x REST DAY - 1421 cals
    -carbs 31.6%
    -pro 36.9%
    -fat 31.6%
    4x WORKOUT DAY - 1827 cals
    -carbs 35.7%
    -pro 28.7%
    -fat 35.7%

    BMR = 1310
    TDEE = 2030
    Week TDEE =14212
    0.75lbs a week over 13 weeks

    GOAL - Fri Apr 10th - 121lbs

    How on earth do I eat that much in a day and loose weight!? :o

    The same way I lose on 2500 calories a day... eat higher calorie foods. Heck, I know women who lose at 2100 calories a day... it's just getting out of the mindset that you need to eat 1200-1400... because you don't.. you need fuel for the workouts.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    This cannot be real.