I cried today...I need all the help I can get!



  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    take care of yourself, I ate those frozen dinners for a while and told hubby he could eat them or make himself something (not too heathy but it worked, got me to eating less) and also made me take care of myself and not everyone else. I am 61 and am so happy you want to do something, I have a lot of large friends who want to do nothing and they are in bad health, bad knees, etc. We need food for fuel not for anything else. We need to problem solve and take care of ourselves. We are here to help you.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Congrats to you for starting your journey. I hope you can stick with it, I've found small steps works for me: change eating habits, exercise, picking a plan that is easy to stick to. The diets that were super extreme produced results for me, but as soon as I stopped them the weight came flying back on and then some. This time around I'm working with a nutritionist, a fitness instuctor and a wellness coach (luckily for me, provided by the company I work for at very minimal cost). I've lost 6 lbs so far this year and while that may not be as impressive as the numbers they throw up on The Biggest Loser, it's a lot to me. I also haven't felt hungry or crabby all the time. I joined a gym and have been swimming daily since it's something I truly enjoy doing. I don't enjoy walking on a treadmill or using spin bikes or pilates, I'll do these things if I have to, but I know motivation will only take me so far. Working with these people to get healthier has made me realize that by picking things I didn't like to do just to lose weight I was setting myself up to fail because it's much more than being motivated, you have to pick the things you like, in food and exercise, or you're not going to make it over the long haul.
  • chanchanbabyy
    chanchanbabyy Posts: 2 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! you have taken one of the biggest steps in changing your life ! And that is admitting there was a problem. You have the power over your life to change and be whoever YOU WANT TO BE! It is never to late and never to challenging or to much to take on. You have a whole fitness community that is here to support you! We have all been there, where we look in the mirror and are disgusted with what we see. But that is now the PAST and if you stick with it you will NEVER see that woman again. There are going to be times where it gets hard... And your gunna wanna give up.. Because you feel like its pointless. But it is not!! Keep going.. Keep pushing... Find that strength inside of you and let it show ! No matter what shape or size you are, you are beautiful. Regardless of your weight. That is something you need to remember. Appearance doesn't make a person, you can change appearance, but you can't change who someone is! Fitness isn't just about looking skinny and hot. Its about living a healthy lifestyle physically AND mentally. Its going to be a struggle but it is one that will change your life ! Goodluck my friend ! Were all rooting for you! <3:)
  • Lezavargas
    Lezavargas Posts: 223 Member
    Congratulations! You have already demonstrated great bravery and honesty! Best of luck to you! There are so many choices and methods out there! Find the one that makes you feel good so you'll stick with it!! You can feel amazing again and with that attitude you will
  • Lezavargas
    Lezavargas Posts: 223 Member
    Look_at_me wrote: »
    If your husband loves you unconditionally, he will understand when you tell him that you won't be cooking for him anymore. My current eating plan consists of lean protein, vegetables and fruit. No to low carbs. My husband who loves me uncondtionally and is supportive 100% of my commitment to lose weight helps me cook a dinner every night that fits into my eating plan, and he eats the same thing I do. I plan and make my own breakfast and pack my own lunch every day so he can eat whatever he wants for breakfast and lunch.
    I'm on day 9 of the first phase of the 17 day diet. It is working for me. I tried South Beach about 10 years ago and lost 50 pounds and then spent the next 10 years slowly putting it all back on (divorce, hysterectomy, I found all kinds of excuses to eat too much, drink too much and not exercise). I find I do better with an actual meal plan for each meal rather than when I generalize about a "healtlhy" meal.
    Also, as soon as you feel up to it, try to find a small local gym or the YMCA and look into their group exercise offerings. The Y here ha a class specifically for people who needed to lose 50+ lbs. You will get a lot of support here but you need to find and build a network of people where you live, too. Going for a long walk goes by a lot faster, and I usually walk longer, if I walk with a friend.

    My husband is skinny and tall. I think I can still cook for him and for me at the same time by just making wise choices. Telling him I wont cook anymore, as you suggested, won't wor for me. I don't expect him to follow my mealplan, since he doesn't need it. I will continue to cook for my husband as I have done the last 25 years :-).

    A healthy relationship is not about "my way or the highway" and there is no "i" in team. Like everything else, its about finding a middleway that will work for both of us and will make us BOTH happy. This is not going to be just a diet or a cheap fix, this is going to be a new and healthier lifestyle for the rest of OUR lives. This is going to be a learning process :-)

    Sorry, but that's my humbled opinion

    I agree completely. I still cook for my family every night. My lifestyle choice for eating isnt for everyone but it works for me.