The Virgin Diet?



  • mntrunner
    mntrunner Posts: 3 Member
    RosFis wrote: »
    The virgin diet is not really about weightloss, weight loss is a side effect. The main idea behind the diet emilinating imflamitory foods and foods most associated with food allergies and sensitivites. WHen you eliminate these foods for a set period of time (I think its something like 6 weeks) then you give your body a chance to repair any damage that may have been caused be years of eating foods that inflame. After the initial period, you add foods back in one at a time and see how your body reacts sot hat you can know what foods may infame and cause issues for you and what foods do not. I did the virgin diet a couple years ago becaue I was having frequent stomach pain. I found out that dairy products are a real issue for me and have since eliminated them. I also no longer eat soy products as I found they made my PMS symptoms awful! It was really useful for me, and I did lose weight, but the main concept of the diet is giving your obdy a chance to heal by elminating infamitory foods and helping you identify what foods are good for your body and what are not. its really jsut a clean eating plan with a focus on food sentitivites. I also drank wine on the regualr while I did this diet, I was a bad virgin o:)
    and the virgin part of the diet comes from the creators last name which, in and of itself, is unfortunate.

    Thanks for providing this clarification. The title of the diet is very unfortunate. She is not the first person to come up with this concept. There are similar plans out there based on food elimination to reduce inflammatory response. Every body is different and reacts different to different foods. Although I don't believe in all of Ms Virgin's claims in her book, I do think there is some relevance to the concept. The important part is that healthy foods are added back in once you know that your body tolerates them.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    sullus wrote: »
    Quasita wrote: »
    So, basically, we eat babies?

    No - I think babies are off limits - they're full of dairy. And if I recall, sugar is a primary ingredient of girl babies ...

    Funny! 2 points!
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    tuckerrj wrote: »
    Another b.s. diet concocted by a know-nothing celebrity "trainer".
    Don't eat:
    Really? "But it must be true! Her book was on the NY Times bestseller list...."

    Why are Carbs missing from the list. :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    ljmorgi wrote: »
    Really? A thread full of virgin jokes and the atheist joke is the one that gets flagged?

    (By the way, I love you all.) XD

    Hah! Took the words right out of my mouth. This thread is entertaining.