Food intolerances - spill 'em!



  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Eggs, since my early 20s.
  • eevincheezburger
    eevincheezburger Posts: 163 Member
    I don't know if this counts as an "allergy" but it's definitely an intolerance: greasy/fried foods and red meat that isn't super lean. I will barf everywhere if I have anything fried or greasy.

    I'm also perfectly ok with this! Keeps me away from it.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Maltitol. Only sugar alcohol that bothers me, but it makes me feel really ill - nauseated, horrible gas, you get the idea. Happens every now and again if someone gives me a sugar-free candy and I don't realize so I can check.

    There's something (or was something - I've not had one in 20 yrs) in the Dairy Queen Dilly bars that is even worse. If I eat one, you can set your watch by the time I had better be in the bathroom. 15 min. Precisely.
  • callmejessica
    callmejessica Posts: 1,868 Member
    i'm very lactose intolerant!
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am not able to eat bananas, honeydew, cantaloupe, oranges, or kiwi without my mouth going numb. It's super disappointing as all these things are delicious.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    They can show up at any dad's celiac disease didn't rear its head until his early 70s....
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    No intolerances, yay!
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    There's something (or was something - I've not had one in 20 yrs) in the Dairy Queen Dilly bars that is even worse. If I eat one, you can set your watch by the time I had better be in the bathroom. 15 min. Precisely.

    I'm really sorry for laughing, but that's hilarious! Oh Dilly Bars... now I kind of want one. ;)
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    As of today: wheat, corn, barley, rye, oats, (pretty much all grains except quinoa and rice) dairy (all dairy including cheese), pork, apples, grapes, dates, green beans, onions, eggplant, mushrooms, beans (all beans)... most things... seriously... most things....

    They started showing up in my teens and early twenties and have just compounded in the last 4 years.

    I can eat peanuts. I don't even like peanut butter. I'd really like to eat food again though. Trade you.

    Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Didn't really put two and two together about food sensitivities until an ENT/allergist diagnosed their resulting GERD as a major contributor to frequent sinus infections and asthma-like symptoms. Cured the GERD; got rid of the sinus infections. Go figure.

    Sadly, included in my list (as diagnosed through a tine test) are
    onion family, including garlic
    tree nuts

    also more recently, lactose in fresh milk.

    Now, cooking is my hobby, Italian is my favorite cuisine. What do you think bothers me more? Losing chocolate or garlic, onions, and tomatoes?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I don't know if it counts as an intolerance, but I can't eat more than a couple of macadamia nuts at a time because they hurt my mouth too much.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    Wheat - particularly white bread and pasta. A large pasta meal will literally make me hungover the next morning. Whole grain bread and pasta are better, but I still can't eat much of it in a day or it will mess me up.

    Cantaloupe - I love it, but it does NOT love me.
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    Anything made with regular plain white flour kills me. My guts cry, groan and grumble for hours. Whole wheat breads are better, but still a problem. Interestingly enough though, organic bread is just fine. No muttering at all.

    Apples in pretty much any form except raw or basic apple sauce give me a wicked belly ache and always have.

    Wow, exactly the same as me!! I've started noticing the flour thing lately! And the apples always, but I eat them anyway. Any idea why!?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I'm watermelon intolerant. The smell of it makes me gag, and lately, even seeing it makes me queasy!
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    After I had my boys I was lactose intolerant. Thankfully I can do lactose pills to fix that. But after my gallbladder surgery my body can no longer handle large amounts of lettuce/leafy greens. I LOVE spinach and lettuce and all that leafy goodness. The next day is NOT fun if I partake of too much. I still do it on occasion because I just can't help myself. I love my greens!
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    Didn't really put two and two together about food sensitivities until an ENT/allergist diagnosed their resulting GERD as a major contributor to frequent sinus infections and asthma-like symptoms. Cured the GERD; got rid of the sinus infections. Go figure.

    Sadly, included in my list (as diagnosed through a tine test) are
    onion family, including garlic
    tree nuts

    also more recently, lactose in fresh milk.

    Now, cooking is my hobby, Italian is my favorite cuisine. What do you think bothers me more? Losing chocolate or garlic, onions, and tomatoes?

    I would so cry if I lost my garlic!!!! Tomatoes are a staple in my diet!
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Mine is a bona fide allergy to citrus oil found in the peels of oranges (all varieties), grapefruits, and tangerines. Full-on anaphylaxis if ingested and hives with facial swelling if I even share airspace with them. Grocery shopping? Yeah, right. I cannot even go into a grocery store and can shop open air markets only after sending in a scout and checking wind direction! And even then I cannot actually touch the fruits and veggies because they may have been touched by someone who touched the oranges.

    Needless to say, I do not leave my house without having taken two different antihistamines with more doses in my pocket and at least one Epipen on me.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    The only intolerance I have is shellfish..

    I have numerous food allergies
    melons of any kinds
    macadamia nuts

    I'm allergic to avocados too...I thought I was the only one. It kinda sucks though, because they look delicious and they're good for I always have to disect my sushi to make sure they didn't sneak any in there.

    Food I don't have any of those.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Didn't really put two and two together about food sensitivities until an ENT/allergist diagnosed their resulting GERD as a major contributor to frequent sinus infections and asthma-like symptoms. Cured the GERD; got rid of the sinus infections. Go figure.

    Sadly, included in my list (as diagnosed through a tine test) are
    onion family, including garlic
    tree nuts

    also more recently, lactose in fresh milk.

    Now, cooking is my hobby, Italian is my favorite cuisine. What do you think bothers me more? Losing chocolate or garlic, onions, and tomatoes?

    I would so cry if I lost my garlic!!!! Tomatoes are a staple in my diet!

    Chocolate. By. Far. The. Worst. I cry for you.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am allergic to grapes, raisens and wines to the point of needing benedryal immediately if I ingest any.

    I can only take wheat in small quantaties so I just avoid it. Horrible intestinal distress after ingesting a normal size serving of bread or pasta.