

  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    Well, I did ok eating today,,but didn't get to walk ,,I'm a teacher and there is 8th grade graduation tonight,,came home, fed the fam, changed and now back I go,,,I really miss it when I don't get to get my walk in,,,hope everyone is having a good day,,
    Joyce,,I'm with you, I started at 216 and was thrilled when I saw 199,,my first goal is to just be overweight,,get out of the obese category,,that is 185 for me,,,we can do it

    Alice in illinois
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Life has been so busy (in the best possible way) that I haven’t had any time to read the posts on this thread or post myself. I’m about to go back and read where I left off in May and what has already been posted for June and respond as much as time permits. Oh my gosh, I just got to June and there are already 8 pages!!!

    Barbie – as always thanks for keeping this thread going!!!!!

    May Goals:
    Focus on mixing up my exercise (can't wait to the trails dry up so I can bike ride along the river again) YES – I think riding my bike has really helped get the weight off and I’m trying lots of new activities including Piloxing
    Exercise hard (e.g. 375-400+ calories) 5 days/week plus a day of yoga and one rest day Mostly Yes – don’t always burn quite so many calories especially on strength training days but have been very consistent with exercise
    Keep adding in new veggies
    check out Renny's veggie challenge Yes – did Renny’s challenge
    Clean up my house of all the clutter (DS girlfriend coming to stay with us the 1st weekend in June so that will be an incentive) Mostly yes – house is mostly de-cluttered but still have more to do
    Get back to jewelry making Nope – need to put back on for June
    Drink more water or iced green tea (hoping the weather stays warm) Yes – drinking lots more water – again I think a major factor in hitting my goal

    June Goals:
    Maintain even on vacation by logging and exercising so stick to my overall calories
    Continue to try new healthy foods and do the next challenge Renny throws out there
    Finish de-cluttering the house
    Get back to jewelry making
    Practice piano
    Drink lots of water

    I had a wonderful b-day celebration. So enjoyed the weekend visit with my DS and his GF. They are so happy in love, it just makes my heart sing. DD is enjoying her internship and seeing old friends. DH is almost done with the school year and has summer fever. Life is so good.

    Heather – a friend just got back from Scotland and brought me a Hairy bikers baking cookbook. Nothing “dieter” in there but the recipes do look good. I’m going to have to get my hands on that book at some point…everything you describe from it sounds wonderful. Your vacation sounded wonderful. I did up my calories based on my BMR and it worked. How is it working out for you?

    Grandmallie – thanks for posting your picture. I always like putting a face on my VitF pals

    Michele – I tried the Jari Love Ripped to the Core DVD as you always talk about her DVD’s and I loved it! I was sore the day after. I borrowed it from the library but I think I’m going to have to buy it for myself.

    New Luna – I like Rodney Yee and Kathryn Buddig for beginning yoga DVD’s. If you go to yogajournal.com they have lots of video’s at different levels you can try out (all of them are free). Youtube has a ton as well its just not all are very good.

    Joy – glad you are finally feeling better and congrats on the weight loss. Kayaking is a blast. You will get a workout in your upper body too

    Liz – hope you had a wonderful birthday lunch with your sister. So glad that your dGS’s won

    Lucy – sorry about the bad weather for your mini vaca but it sounds like you still had fun. I’ve also moved to a more relaxed way of thinking about my weight now that I’m in maintenance. I may go up a bit but worth it to enjoy myself and then I just buckle down and take it back off (working so far)

    Katia – congrats on the smaller pants! I agree with the other posts on your arms – need to do strength training with dumb bells. Plies are great for inner thighs ( you can so plies while you bicept curl, tricept dip and shoulder press)

    Barbie – I put in a peony last year and it was beautiful. Now my DD is bugging me to put in more of them

    Kathy – congrats on the smaller clothes. I just got Aasics and love them…first time in a long time I don’t have pain in my right foot

    Brooke – good to see you back and I’m happy that it seems you are in a more positive place…as always love the quotes

    Mary C. – praying as requested…I’m with jb on taking care of you and letting go of stress and fear. I would add trust the love you share with your DH

    Jo – glad the cows didn’t catch you

    Tammy – good to see you back

    Joyce – doing the happy dance for you

    Oh no – out of time and still not caught up - only got to page 5!

    Welcome to all the newbies – you found a great thread.

    Have a great day, Jodios in N. IL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Finally got a chance to sit down with a cup of tea. The doctor was pleased with my blood sugar numbers, so I no longer have to fast for my A1C test.:happy: I do have an infection, so that is why my tooth was hurting, I got some antibiotics and the tooth feels better already. My meals have been all crazy today, I didn't get to eat breakfast until noon. I was ready to eat the desk. But all in all an ok day.

    Tigress in GA
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to everyone. It’s been a nice day here; I did about 2 hours of gardening this morning and also got in my mile walk. I even have over 7000 steps already and it’s only 7:30. Got another chapter done on the test bank. It was beautiful weather here today in the mid 70s but awfully windy. Everything is starting to really bloom; my peonies look like they are going to burst any time. DD#2 made a fabulous seafood lasagna but I saw in the database there is a version from cooking lite magazine that I may have to look up. This one has tons of cheese. It’s only 370 cals but 18 grams of fat, I think all from the cheese!

    Renny: sending good wishes for your back to recover!!

    Runningcats: that is so cool when you connect with people like that, isn’t it?

    Alice: welcome to our group. You have some great goals.

    Lpop: welcome to you too!

    Rcb: welcome to you too! You are kind to keep in touch with your family like that. I love real letters!

    All the other newbies: holy cow there are a lot of you. Keep coming back often!

    Barbie : seems everyone missed you LOL

    Kathy: these pages add up fast, don’t they?

    Michele: I sure hope Vince is feeling better today. Naked yoga????? The mental image is too much for me. I would definitely want to be in the back row for the downward facing dog pose!!!!! Oh, wait, maybe that's the front row???? OMG I can't go to that class!

    Liz: hope your allergies are better! We have to deep clean a room about a month here. We have a weekly housekeeper, but it still gets dirty and she only surface cleans. We did a small closet about 2 weeks ago and I swear there was enough cat hair in there to make an entire cat!

    Joy : good for you to keep up the walking even though your pedometer (?) was turned off

    Grandmallie: good for you to keep on getting to the gym!

    Tigress: if they have naked yoga, they should have naked cat chasing! Ok I’ll tell you this story. In my last house I had a three-pane bay window where the panes of glass went down to about a foot off the ground. I had a park across the street. I’d come home from the ER and would always feel germy so I’d strip on the landing and go upstairs and always open the blinds on those windows so I could see the park. Then my cat would want to play and I’d end up chasing him around. After a while I noticed there were more and more people in the park. After a while it dawned on me that with the windows a foot off the ground, people could see me running around naked, but no one could see the cat!!!!!!!!!!

    DeeDee: hope life slows down for you soon~

    Wessecg: no worries about the weight. When life normalizes, those pounds will be gone! Beautiful pics!!!

    Kathy great news on the weight loss!

    Tammy: you Have convinced me to try that cauliflower!

    Laura: nice to see you again!

    Vickie: I’m so sorry about your doggie. They are just like kids, aren’t they ? Did you have storms last week? I’m not sure I remember hearing about them, but we had lots of non-severe thunderstorms here in Papillion

    Jb; I couldn’t see the stakes in your pictures. My big ones are staked too, I also have some of the littler ones in the back and they don’t need staking. Thanks for the recipe. I’m adding it to the menu!

    Katla; your upcoming adventure sounds fun and it will be great to spend time with the DGD

    Brooke: great quotations!

    Heather: I so agree about exercise and depression!

    Lucy: we have always been lucky with our sales. We financed our entire wedding with one! I love doing them, but now I have the auction bug again!

    Joyce: even though you are tired, you had some victories today!

    Well ladies I think I’m out for the night. It has taken a couple of hours to read all the posts and reply to most (I hope). I’m doing the heating pad to my back and watching the Indians/Yankees game for the rest of the evening.
    Take care, Meg from windy Omaha
    June goals:
    90 ounces of water
    6000 steps
    <1800 calories/day
    Exercise 5x/week
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well here I am ready to commit to a renewed energy and determination to get back in my routine. I’m excited because water aerobics is starting tomorrow but I can’t go as that is my golf day. However, I can’t play golf because I have to do fasting blood work first thing in the morning for a Thursday doctor appointment.
    I want to say welcome to each and every newbie that has decided to join us on this journey. It really makes it interesting when we have a variety of opinions and people who have been there and done that!
    Michele – you ask about ground cover. I love my purple verbena. It lives year round here and blooms all winter. Also another good choice is Asian Jasmine. You can cut it with a weed eater! You cracked me up talking about the naked yoga. Do they really have it? Are you going to try it?
    Rory – love your quote re goals. It is so true. I’ve heard that if you don’t have a goal how will you know when you get there!
    Have you thought of getting a Nike Fuel bracelet? I love mine and wear it all the time. It got really dirty today as I worked in the yard for 6 hours but I washed it off and it’s good as new.
    Ginny – Ft Worth! Wow, we are close, I’m in Granbury. I do the same thing with the 30day shred. Some of these girls put me to shame with doing 1,2 and 3!
    Kathy – I’m glad you enjoy water aerobics. I love it and am anxious to get going again.
    Joy – we cruise a lot and I usually don’t gain (except for the long flights). We try to make good choices at lunch and breakfast and walk everyday. Sometimes we’ll go to the gym and do weights. The biggest problem for me is the bread sticks. I love them and can’t eat just one. Where are you cruising to. We tried to book on the new Royal Princess but it’s sold out for the one we were interest in.
    Brooke – I’ve missed you! You’ll be a blessing to someone everyday with your RAKs. Was it you who said they were getting their house ready to sell?
    Marline – you have some awesome goals – good luck.
    Amanda – sending prayers and good wishes for your Dad.
    Lizzie – I was born in NO but grew up on the Gulf Coast. Welcome.
    Liz – sorry you aren’t feeling well. Take care of you.
    Joyce – I’m so happy for you. You’re doing it right. Keep on keeping on.
    Jb – the picture of your delphiniums is beautiful. I love blue and purple flowers.
    Cheryl – thanks for posting the pictures of your girls. That is a beautiful horse.
    Well, I was caught up but I bet a lot have posted since I started this. Has anyone heard from Lin C?

    Sue in TX

    “If it is to be, it’s up to me”.
    June resolutions
    -get at least 5000 steps EVERY day
    -do weight routine 2 x a week (Have the book, the dumbbells and the ankle weights.) Now I’m ready
    Focus on water. It’s hot and humid so I need more water.
    Log and Post everyday.

  • dianemduvall
    dianemduvall Posts: 10 Member
    I am getting back on the healthy eating wagon again. Due to a lot of reasons, I have gained 40 lbs in 3 years. I will be 51 in June. This is my first post.

    Goals for June:
    Log my food.
    Get to the gym at least twice per week.

    Any one have quick, high protein breaksfast ideas?
  • Martinsmuze
    Martinsmuze Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Barbie...
    Joining for June..

    Jodi, ON Canada
  • NewLuna
    NewLuna Posts: 23 Member
    Jodios, thanks for the Yoga info. Barnes and Nobles had a clearance of exercise DVD's, along with Yoga mats etc.
    DVD's were picked through pretty good, but did pick up a Tai Chi DVD.

    Had a slump Sunday. Felt poorly, lower GI not happy. So eating was minimal but had less cramping today. Work was a bit aggravating. New boss with micro-management issues.
    I'm sharing all this as this lead to a bowl of ice cream this afternoon. This is the typical reaction to stress and feeling poorly.
    Comfort food.
    And I was so happy to had passed up the chocolate covered donut that was calling out my name at the store today. Or the candies that were calling me at the check out.
    Got home and I knew where hubby had his ice cream tucked away. UGH!

    Okay, not off track, just a bump. I'll do better tomorrow.
    But it does beg the question . . . of how to replace my comfort food.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Granny, Leigh-Ann, Debbie (you've come to a wonderful place), maryespin, katb, Rita, Jean, Laurie, Bev in CO (god luck to you),MoJoPoe, martinsmuze, and anyone else that I may have missed - welcome

    LizMil - regarding Bryan and this Spain thing, one thing that I can't help but I do think of is what if Dianna were to get pg and then they get a divorce? I'm SURE she'd want to be by her family and if Bryan wants to see his child he will have to live there. Well...it's his choice, that's all I can say

    grandmalle - evidentally there is some sort of gland in the cheek and that is inflamed. Right now Vince has antibiotics and antiinflammatories. Good for you getting to the gym! Poor Oklahoma, my heart goes out to them.

    Heather - a kg is 2.2lbs? That means when I'm doing the extremepump class, I have 5.5lbs on each end (total of 11lbs) plus 2.2lbs, so on each end I have 7.7 pounds so in total I'm lifting 15.9 pounds, I didn't realize that. I probably won't go any higher

    Cheryl - your daughter is beautiful. Congrats to her

    Lizzie - I like it hot, but definitely NOT humid!

    Kathy - dancing with ya!

    Tammy in VA Beach - there is a product, I got it at CVS, called Ivy Block. You put it on before you go outside, then if you touch poison ivy you don't get the bad itches/scabs/etc. You just have to wash it off as soon as you come into the house. But it really does work.

    Vickil - so sorry to hear about your dog. That hurts us so much. They are part of our family, tomorrow will be a hard day for you, I'm so sorry. So sorry to hear about your roof, too (((hugs)))

    annabubba - welcome. Your hubby loss is your gain (and ours). brooke - love the quote you gave her.

    Kathy - congrats!

    Brooke - Next time I'll try roasting those beets in foil. At what temp do you roast them, about 425? My guess is for about 1/2 hour, is that correct?

    Joyce - can you maybe drop down the weight for a few of the reps the second and third times around?. You do just great with your exercise, I really admire you, you keep going despite the MS. Awesome weight loss

    jodios - glad you liked the JL Ripped to the Core DVD. Yes, she does work you, but not a "oh I can't wait until this is over" type of way, more of a "it's over ALREADY" way. I do like the way she shows modifications, too.

    meg - yup, naked yoga. It makes some sense in that it forces you to be more comfortable with your body and see that others aren't perfect, either. But it still made me smile. Oh, Vince is feeling better. They recommended this one MD and the first appt. he could get with that doc was June 21! So he's going to see someone else in the practice Wed. morning. Thanks for the smile about your running.

    Sue in TX - Purple Verbenia, I'll have to check it out. I don't even think I could get a weed eater in there. It's a strip about 3' wide behind one retaining wall in front of the fence that goes around the pool area. I'm seriously thinking that maybe we should just river rock it. I know, I know, all the area inside the pool will be rocked, but this isn't that much of an area and it would help with the continuity. I don't think Vince wants it, but we need to do something, can't keep putting down weed killer year after year after year. LinC wrote me saying that she's been doing a lot of catering lately and is back on dieticians orders

    dianemduvall - kashi Go Light cereal has 13g of protein, eggs, cottage cheese, poultry, there are lots of good breakfast protein-full foods, you'll get there. Welcome. You can always make muffins and add protein powder to them, then freeze the muffins and take one out, microwave it for a quick grab-and-go meal.

    Went to play mahjongg tonight

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Goals for June
    drink more water
    get more sleep in other words when I fall asleep in front of the TV I know it is past tiem to go to bed.LOL
    enjoy my garden
    continue to maintain my twenty-five pound weight loss
    make more friend dates
    Thanks for the thread
  • seventeendayer
    seventeendayer Posts: 40 Member
    My favorite thread!!
    Thanks Barbie for posting!!
    Debbie from SW Washington

    Goals for June:
    Get back on track on fitness and eating healthy. It was a LONG gloomy winter here.

    Walk with or without my dog each day for at least 60 minutes, 5X a week.

    Eat cleaner and better portion control.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Exermom, it is set for 5 pounds and I don't think there is a less pounds than that. I'll just keep trudging on

    Joyce, determined in Indiana
  • c0c0nn0r
    c0c0nn0r Posts: 70
    I haven't been on this thread for awhile..alot going on in my life.

    My goals for June:

    1. Be consistent with posting
    2. Do some exercise everyday
    3. Try not to eat after 7 p.m.
    4. Slow down and enjoy my friends and family more

    Thanks Barbie for keeping this thread going

    Colleen (IL)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katla, I get my great graphics from


    you can explore the website and find a graphic that you like, then click on the graphic, then under the graphic are two codes……copy and paste the bottom code (the one for forums and BB) on your reply and it should show up when you click on “Post Reply”…the animated GIF’s are my favorites…….I was just saying to myself today that no one has asked me how to get the graphics I post.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, maintenance is easy if you see it as a continuation of the weight losing process…….I see my relationship with food as a life-long disability that has to be addressed on a daily basis…like a person with diabetes who takes insulin and never gets to a place where insulin isn’t necessary. About exercise, maybe you haven’t found the right way to be active that you like…exercise doesn’t have to be sweating at the gym…there are so many other possibilities.

    :brokenheart: :sad: Vickie, I am so sorry about your dog…our four legged family members are so important.

    :bigsmile: I am so glad you are all posting
    long time friends and friends I’ve just met
    together we can achieve our goals……the great thing about starting this thread anew each month is that we gather new members to walk the trail to health and fitness with us.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington

    June Resolutions
    *dig out the rest of the back yard flower bed that’s full of rocks and terrible dirt
    *be agreeable---say “OK”
    *strength training once a week
    *act the way I want to feel

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    First, WELCOME to all the newbies; so glad to see you all making yourselves known!

    Barbie....thanks as always for continuing this wonderful thread!!!

    I had almost 1 1/2hrs. of reading (8 PAGES!!!) to get caught up....probably won't remember much of it.....LOL. I left with DD Sat. am to take her out to her summer job; added the extra day in the middle to get her somewhat familiar with the town and surrounding area. Left my car with her and came home in a rental today.........LONG day, certainly didn't get my steps in. But ate fairly well while away.

    Need sleep; so just a very few shout-outs:

    Joyce and Kathy: kudos on your losses!!!

    Brooke: very sorry to hear that June was not a good month for you; I always look forward to your posts and quotes. Better days ahead

    Joy: about the plane fire that detained your Dh...........I was on a flight once between Pittsburgh and Detroit and there was a fire in the kitchen
    I have never been so scared in my life!!! Certainly not what one needs on a plane.

    Hellos, hugs, and best wishes to everyone else.

    Off to the arms of Morpheus!!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today was a really good day at work enjoyed it a lot. The weather has been beautiful bit breezy but that what keeping the heat away. But at the end of the week it is suppose to be high 90's yuk. My allergies were ok. I think my pills were working Yay!

    @Linda -- Isn't it wonderful how sunshine can make us feel better.
    @Meg yes I need to get a rotation going on deep cleaning every couple of months. When I started working I kept one but as I hot busier I push it aside and got lazy. So. I paid the price for my laziness.

    So I am on my way to bed so few shot outs tonight will try to be more personal tomorrow.

    Liz from Idaho
  • runningcats
    runningcats Posts: 26 Member
    Runningcats – I took a look at your link. I have lots of friends that run every week and keep thinking I would like to join them. But when I looked at the 5 k training schedule the second day it says run 10-15 minutes. UGH! I'm not sure I can even do that much to start. I’ve been walking over 4 miles a day and today I tried running between light posts and the most I could do was 5 before I was hurting.

    Joy: the way I got back into running/training was through walking. When I decided to run, I just did it for a minute at a time. I've read stories on people working up to it by just adding 30 seconds of running for every 10 minutes of walking, and making a goal to increase every week (not even every day!).

    Jeff Galloway (Olympian, long-time runner and the guy who believes in injury free running) did his recovery from hip surgery running 5 seconds and walking 55. I think he did his first post-surgery marathon using a 30:30 interval (30 *seconds* of running followed by 30 seconds of walking).

    The real key to getting into it is to make a goal you know you can achieve, and work up from there. When you have a good interval you like - stay there till you're ready to move on. Going from walking to 10-15 minutes of running is (IMHO) a sure way to make you hate it and not want to come back. And I think anyone can love running! (Ok, I'm a little over the top with it, I'll admit) :laugh: :happy:

    Take your time with it. You can do it!


    Update for June: 1 pound down of the 6 to lose. It took 2 weeks to lose the 1 pound, but it is in the right direction.

    I could use some advice for getting through the mood-part of menopause. I can deal with the hot flashes and night sweats, but ...some days I just want to crawl out of my skin. Any advice? Remedies? I can't do hormone replacement, so that's out - but natural remedies are ok.

    Love reading the updates from everyone - so inspiring and touching. I walk away from this thread always smiling at what a wonderful world we live in to have some many incredible women around!

    Sue from Sunny (and right now incredibly hot) California
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    I am new, so my goals for June:

    1- to still be part of the group and MFP at the end of June
    2- to exercise 5 of 7 days in each week.
    3- to stay at or under my alloted calorie count 98% of the month.
    4- to be honest on my food diary and my exercise diary
    Thanks for giving me a place to publically make these goals..... it makes them more 'real'.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I like what Sue RunningCats said about how to start running.
    I started with
    Jog 3 steps (shuffle, really) and then walk the remainder of 1 minute.
    And it wasn't easy!
    I had no muscle-tone anywhere, not even legs
    I still just do some "wogging" walk-shuffle-jog-shuffle-walk.

    I'm a big fan of www.RunInjuryFree.com and www.GymBoss.com

    I'll try to read some and write some more.

    My June Goal is to hang out with you fabulous women here on Topic.
