Tattoo Nightmares

InnerConflict Posts: 1,592 Member
This thread is inspired by the show on Spike TV. Awesome show about tattoo cover ups. The stories are funny and the cover up tats are incredible. The show came on as I was viewing a tat thread on here, which also has some amazing tats. The show made me wonder if any of the MFP members have nightmare tattoos? Anyone willing to share their pics/story? If you have one, are you considering a cover up?


  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    Most of my exs and guy friends are tatted up I’ve seen some biggg mess ups.
    One of my friends had an uncle who did home tattoos and I guess they all got drunk and he had hime give him a slipknot (The Band Logo) tattoo and he had the stencil backward so yea pretty biggg mess up a backward tattoo…
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Sorry IC.. I've never had one, despite being in the military for 10 years.

    But I'm IN I think this is an interesting topic!
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member

    18 years ago I had boyfriends name tatted on me, can u say stupid, or idiot or well u get the point. I do want to eventually cover it up, but have a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to tats. I am scared I won't like what I pick, but I guess anything is better, what do u or others think could cover that up. I was over weight so long I figured no one really sees that part of my body but not I am thinking I want to wear a bikini. I also fear a bad tattoo artist since I am not very knowledgeable about tattoos. I am about to look up that show

    Wait what's the show called?
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    It's playing on Spike right now! Tattoo Nightmares!!!

    I got a tattoo at 16 but I still love it and do not regret! My BF however started a back piece with a well know artist in our area but it lays unfinished cuz the artist sorta lost's not bad but it's hard to find someone willing to finish someone elses work.

    About the show I'm just amazed at some of the out of this world cover ups they can do!
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    oh my gosh, I'm so watching that show right now! Love it! I love my ink, but a very close friend of mine had a tramp stamp that reminded her of an ex so she went in to go it "covered up", Me personally, I think it looks strange now, but to each her own!
  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    122ish- I can’t see the pic because I'm at work and they pretty much block everything.. What area are you looking to get it in? I would go with something you like, that would mean something to you. You can always Google ideas and images. And if you’re looking for a tattoo artist its best to ask around and again the internet is helpful most tattoo places have online portfolios so you can get a feel of the artist work.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have one tattoo that was done by an ex in his friend's house with a tattoo gun he bought. He used disposable needles and cleaned them as he went along so I at least was safe about it. It's a ram head(my zodiac sign) in between my shoulderblades with the word "Aries" underneath it. It's terrible. I want it covered, but it's going to be a pain in the *kitten* to cover. I was tempted to go on Tattoo Nightmares, but don't want to be seen crying on camera. lol
  • InnerConflict
    InnerConflict Posts: 1,592 Member
    Yeah, I am amazed with what they come up with. All 3 are extremely talented. Of course my favorite is the hot female artist. :bigsmile:
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I had a tattoo of a blue crescent moon on my wrist. It was horrible, solid, and dark, scarred up from healing horribly. When I had it done originally (the moon), the girl doing it was pissy, talking about how she was PMS'ing, yelling at people and just basically angry at the world. I think she took it out on my wrist. There wasn't much they could do with it being that my wrist isn't a really big area, so they changed it into a flower. I'm soo much happier with it now! I was much smarter having the cover up done, and did my research instead of just walking in some place off the street. Here is the coverup... You can see the kind of awkward leaf on the left with the star under it:

  • GreenEyedDork
    GreenEyedDork Posts: 42 Member
    I hope I did this pic right..

    Ok when I was 15 I took my brothers tattoo gun.. I knew how to use it from watching him.
    I was homeschooled so this was my rebel act lol.
    and I gave myself a tattoo.. on my left hip.. with my right hand.. it was bad.. and dumb.
    but here it is


    and yes I plan to get it covered up.. once I lose some weight
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    122ish- I can’t see the pic because I'm at work and they pretty much block everything.. What area are you looking to get it in? I would go with something you like, that would mean something to you. You can always Google ideas and images. And if you’re looking for a tattoo artist its best to ask around and again the internet is helpful most tattoo places have online portfolios so you can get a feel of the artist work.

    Don't know if u were able to see it, it's above my left hip bone. It's probably no more than 3 inch by 3 inches. Says a name with a rose over it.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I have a tattoo on my ankle that I never got finished. I don't think it's terrible but I don't want it anymore so I am going to get it removed. It was more of a whim thing instead of meaning something. I have 4 other tattoos that all mean something and am very happy with. I also plan on getting a few more, with lots of thinking on it beforehand!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I'd love to get a tat but I am soo scared of needles. Glad I read this thread as now when I do get up the courage I'll make sure I do my homework and try to find a good artist. Don't suppose theres much that could go wrong with 3 letters but I would be upset if it wasn't perfect.

    Generally I think getting partners names tattooed on your body is pretty daft but my bf has my name on his chest and I think its pretty cute. Don't suppose I'd care less about it if we broke up though lol. Sometimes it bothers me that he hasn't had the two other names on his body covered as they are only thin and would be easy to cover but my names bigger and better and in a style that says something about us haha
  • liv2bfree
    liv2bfree Posts: 7 Member
    I have a tribal butterfly on my lower back. I know "tribal" ((eye roll)). It was my first tat, means nothing to me so was thinking
    of getting a cover up done, however, my bf loves it, who knew. So decided to keep it for him.

    Currently designing a sleeve I want done on my left arm, this time something with HUGE meaning to me. I have a rule of never getting a guy's name on my body, however, I love my boyfriend a lot, and am designing something to represent "us" but with no names :o) It's such a long way's off project so taking my time!
  • liznsmith
    liznsmith Posts: 240 Member
    I love all of mine.
    Paris Hilton has a new, incredibly hideous, one of a pink crown. My boyfriend saw only the tat and not who it was on and said, "I don't get it, is this on some white trash King's fan?" LMAO oh man.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    I don't regret having one or the size or placement of it, but i'd get something different subject-wise. But cool enough and good work.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I would have to dig around for the pictures, but I got a really bad tattoo back in 1998 ish.

    It is flowers around my ankle area but the stems missed the petals and it just looks like I drew it myself.

    in 2007 I started having it removed but got busy with school. The green stems are all that remains and I may get a coverup, but of course I am now gun shy!

    I will see if I can find pics of my removal journey!
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I don't regret my ankle tattoo but I do want something more feminine also my husband hates it because an ex drew it out for me lol Silly men :)
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    We have a show in the UK called The Valleys, it is basically like Jersey Shore and 3 girls on there had a sheep tattooed on their lady bits...