Looking for calorie free meals!!!!



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited January 2015
    AmyJM76 wrote: »
    AmyJM76 wrote: »
    Serah87 wrote: »
    AmyJM76 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who thinks she may have meant "low calorie" or "zero point"? Some of the comments on these last 3 pages have been downright rude. Isn't this site designed to support and uplift each other? SMH

    Support someone who wants to eat 0 calorie foods, seriously!!?? Really??

    ETA: Did you miss what the tittle of the thread read: "Looking for calorie free meals."

    OP: Seek help, it sounds like you have issues with food.

    I didn't miss the title. I was merely saying maybe she meant to say low calorie or zero point. Maybe she didn't. Maybe she is clueless as many of us are starting out. I thought it could have been handled differently instead of 3pages of comments designed to make her feel stupid. Now, I feel attacked. thanks for making my first post in MFP my last.

    OK, you've said yourself that this was your first post here. Hang around and you would see that the reasons this post went the way it did is because this is NOT an isolated incident. This place in innundated with people with whacky questions like how to survive on a piece of toast every second day, or make dust tasty. People with ridiculous questions about unrealistic things who don't even think to type a search into google before asking a forum to solve their problem.

    Remember the old addage - ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    I get that. I've been lurking and seen a lot. Guess I'm a softy. The OP was only 19 years old. She may have needed some real direction. That's all.

    I'm afraid I don't understand when "she's only 19" became the new "she's only 10". 19 is old enough to be in uni, to have a full time job, to live alone, to have an unrestricted licence, to get a home loan, to gamble, to drink (at least where I live)... and certainly to google and to have some basic idea of nutrition.
  • leeloo54
    leeloo54 Posts: 112
    cream of steam.
  • jenniemariehebert
    If you want to go down that road, shirataki noodles are made of insolvable fibre so they cannot be digested, and you can also check out the awful quackery that is Walden Farms.

    I will say, the only reason I learned about this things is because I have been reading about the impact of non-food 'food' (essentially zero energy and offering no nutrients or sustenance) on society. Personally, I'm still learning and growing, but I think the best mentality is that food is fuel. If we're searching for calorie free, we're obviously not eating for a healthy reason. Low calorie, nutrient dense foods like kale, berries and lean protein etc. might be more worth your time.
  • jenniemariehebert
    Sorry - that should say insoluble fibre
  • armatbrio
    armatbrio Posts: 5 Member
    http://www.healthbeckon.com/zero-calorie-foods/ these are more "really low calorie" foods than "zero calorie", but I hope it's helpful!
