Partners who get jealous over weightloss...?



  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    My husband is an extremely fit guy (he has to be for his job), and I have always been a bit sluggish- I take inspiration from him when I can, and don't feel jealous or grumpy when he is getting fit. He has always been an encouragement to me- when I workout more and get stronger, he tells me how proud he is. The times in our marriage that I have gained weight and "fallen off the wagon", so to speak, he has still called me "beautiful" every day, and, when I express dissatisfaction with my body, he gives me helpful advice to get more fit- for example, lifting a couple weights, going for a run.

    I have had toxic relationships before in my life, so I truly appreciate having a partner that is there for me- I feel that I would have a hard time being with a partner, now, that doesn't celebrate my successes with me, and still love me through my downfalls.